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A vampire related topic...

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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 07:40 PM
I find the whole the vampire/vampire war thing nonsensical. It�s especially suspect considering the author is a Goth who has a website with a forum specifically designated for vampire role-playing.

Nonsensical, yet interesting. Post links to the other forums where this is being discussed.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Was it established that this person is a goth? I may have missed that point, but what diff does that make? I am to assume that if you listen to heavy metal or country music that yer a beer guzzling bone-head? That wouldn't be fair now would it? There are and I will say majority of those in the goth/industrial scene who don't pretend that they are vampires, werewolves, or the loch ness monster. I'll bet if you check you would see that known cases of pathelogical blood drinkers were not goths or even listened to that genre of music.

[edit on 15-10-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:01 PM

Gazrok- Are you a gaming geek, too??? Cool.

How else would I know this crap?
That was all from memory, hehe...

D&D (all versions), RIFTS, Palladium, Beyond the Supernatural, GURPS, Vampire/Werewolf/Mage, etc., Shadowrun, Marvel, Earthdawn, Warhammer and 40K, you name it, I've likely done it at one point or another...

Yes, I've got tons of polyhedron dice, and over a ton of unpainted lead, as well as enough books laying around to open up my own shop,

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Good Lord! Yer me long lost brother! I swear i could open a branch of your shop up here!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:17 PM
sorry I'm late to the party, but scions story sounds like someone trying to remember the plot of a book they read 10 years ago...

lord of the rings ? yeah its this short guy who goes on an adventure with a wizard, and they have wars, and he fights gollum over the ring.......

how can you forget to feed if you get migraines ? even a 15 year old ?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Anybody got some real proof then.

Guess not

Any chance of some digital photos the one thing that bugs me about the threads people start on this and other sites is nobody got photo`s.Since the technology is available and every body with a pc has a camera you would have thought there would be alot more photographic evidance

be great if people making claims would stop being camera shy

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:11 PM
Can a vampire be photographed? Would you just get a pic of an empty shirt? See! See! This empty shirt is a vampire!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Can a vampire be photographed? Would you just get a pic of an empty shirt? See! See! This empty shirt is a vampire!

A floating empty shirt drinking a Bud whilst writing a letter on a digital video camera would look pretty impressive especially after everybody on hear analysed it and found to be real would be pretty cool

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 03:32 PM
I apologize if while I was talking to them I didn't happen to have a digital camera ready and waiting and going "Hey, by the way, do you mind if I take your picture, so that I can go around showing your picture to everyone, saying that I know stuff about vampires, even though most people would say that the picture was a hoax anyway?" Really, think about it. You can't prove something like that online. I don't care how many pictures someone takes, I want you to ask yourselves a question. How many pictures of vampires or other things do you actually take seriously? I can tell you names and ages and places and histories of them, if I really wanted to, but that wouldn't matter either, and it would just cause myself trouble.
That's why I say that I really don't care if any of you believe me or not. I can understand doubt and all, but I still don't understand why some of you have to take it to the extent of making fun of that poster, why you would be that childish.

~Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala)

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Nehmahati
I apologize if while I was talking to them I didn't happen to have a digital camera ready and waiting and going "Hey, by the way, do you mind if I take your picture, so that I can go around showing your picture to everyone, saying that I know stuff about vampires, even though most people would say that the picture was a hoax anyway?" Really, think about it. You can't prove something like that online. I don't care how many pictures someone takes, I want you to ask yourselves a question. How many pictures of vampires or other things do you actually take seriously? I can tell you names and ages and places and histories of them, if I really wanted to, but that wouldn't matter either, and it would just cause myself trouble.
That's why I say that I really don't care if any of you believe me or not. I can understand doubt and all, but I still don't understand why some of you have to take it to the extent of making fun of that poster, why you would be that childish.

~Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala)

I am not poking fun or stating that photographs are completly 100% accurate but it can allow people to decide if there is some credance to the info being discussed.Photographic evidance is still allowed in a court of law.
I have seen plenty photographs that have left me thinking maybe thats real or not, most people can spot a fake depends on the photo.If you could get some photographic evidance of this war and the people involved showing the death and destruction would be great or some other form of evidance maybe scan some historical documents and stuff nearly everybody who has a pc and a digi cam usually have a scanner that would help.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 05:23 PM
I'm sorry, I just couldn't picture myself in the middle of a few of them fighting and me with my camera trying to get a good shot. I men, if I wanted to expliot them, then sure, but that's not the case.

~Nehmahati Kerosna (kala)

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Nehmahati
I'm sorry, I just couldn't picture myself in the middle of a few of them fighting and me with my camera trying to get a good shot. I men, if I wanted to expliot them, then sure, but that's not the case.

~Nehmahati Kerosna (kala)

No but if you could do it from a safe distance.
Nobody is talking exploytation just evidance to back up your post.Sorry but l`m kinda digging at the whole ATS thing that since it is now easier than every before to release pictures or documentation around the world within milli seconds nobody on hear has anything other than fairy tales with no evidence than there words which frankly could be a load of trash.Sure everybody has reasearch the net but nobody seems capable of entering evidance on this site it all seems to be links to other sites.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:30 AM
OKay, hypothetical mode......

Given that vampires as we know them, exist, IF you were aware of them and they were cool with you knowing about them and their secret society-and it would be cloistered- wouldn't you think that you would be destroyed? Not turned, because I feel turning you would be a reward in their eyes? You would be eliminated for revealing anything of their existence to the mortal world.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:41 AM
theres the vampires of legend then theres people claiming to be vampires... for more info on that subject.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:48 AM
Of course, but it hasn't been made clear in this thread as to which incarnation of vampire is being talked about. Either way I think it would be dangerous for a person to sound off about an association with a dark and secret society. Unless of course the originator of this thread is getting their chain yanked.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 03:23 PM
agreed if you start talking about a society you belong to and they are near to you well.. that could turn ugly if they didn't want to be known.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by yin_yang
been reading or watching too much anne rice? or maybe that old tv show,
kindred: the embrace?

Have you even read the vampire chronicles? Or just watched Queen of the Damned and assumed you knew the story (that movie was way off).

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:16 PM
Well first of all, yes I know a fact, I'm not stating half of what I know. Which is why I'm not in any danger of telling too much. I haven't said anything that hasn't been said before. As you know, what I say doesn't have specific details about the vampires themselves. I do not give names here, or specific places that they reside. Besides, no matter what I would say, it would not be taken seriously. It's not really a "secret society". They just know that humans as a while couldn't handle the truth ot thier existance. So the fact that people would not take my subject seriously, there is no threat in speaking freely about thier existance, as long as I don't give out personal details.
~Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala)

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:37 PM
nah not really a secret society its the people themselfs and thats about it. i wouldnt go into details either but its there if people need it.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Nehmahati
Well first of all, yes I know a fact, I'm not stating half of what I know. Which is why I'm not in any danger of telling too much. I haven't said anything that hasn't been said before. As you know, what I say doesn't have specific details about the vampires themselves. I do not give names here, or specific places that they reside. Besides, no matter what I would say, it would not be taken seriously. It's not really a "secret society". They just know that humans as a while couldn't handle the truth ot thier existance. So the fact that people would not take my subject seriously, there is no threat in speaking freely about thier existance, as long as I don't give out personal details.
~Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala)

You are speaking freely about them and you gave us personal details. Your name ~Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala) So i guess you're SOL.

Besides, no matter what I would say, it would not be taken seriously.

Cool. ATS embraces this.

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