First off, let me say I’m not one who typically believes in large conspiracies, and yes I just joined this site, because I’ve been obsessively
reading these threads – to the point I’m concerned l am too obsessed and have to stop doing so, but I wanted a chance to say my thoughts. Thanks
for indulging me. I hope I followed proper procedure with my comments.
I live in Denver, so footage is nonstop. And I’ve seen a lot of shooting victims in hospital doing interviews, so definitely not phony victims.
My concerns/questions:
1) There was an almost identical “drill” at Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine that same day.
other drill same day
Who was the fake “shooter” in that drill? How was he recruited? How do they set these drills up? If it’s a common enough practice, maybe its
not that far fetched for Holmes to think he was recruited for a similar drill (do they pay? I assume he needed the cash… hmm… gun money?).
There was also a mention about a FBI warning concerning a theater shooting, released in May… timing is perfect to then take a couple months
preparing for a “drill.”
FBI warning
But I dont know why anyone or any organization would want it to be real and kill people, change the terms and frame him.
If I’m going to continue thinking he got framed (but why?), the dating profiles make more sense… that tagline about visiting in prison… someone
else set them up. If someone could route that “bogus” threatening text or phone call to release Holmes as coming from his colleague (the whole
subject of which was oddly dismissed, why?), then certainly they could make the dating profiles look like Holmes himself posted them.
2. They found him in the gear, but I dont think he ever admitted shooting anyone. He warned them about his apartment and apparently told them he
took Vicodin- -perhaps implying he was passed out in car? And I agree with the strangeness that no one saw him in theater? Only person who saw
“someone” leave is the guy in 2nd row? Where are the front row people next to him? Rest of second row? Was he passed out in the car the whole
time? Easy enough for someone else to put ticket to show in his pocket.
Otherwise he was shooting people in a dark, smoky, room with limited vision due to the mask (no mention of nightvision glasses), with precision
accuracy. All by someone who, at best, had a month or so to learn how to use the guns.
(of course my other questions.... why all the body amour just to give up peacefully? the gas mask placement, missing camera footage, broken car
window, etc.)
3. Tuesday night prior to the shootings someone in a local bar saw and talked to him. Said he seemed like normal geeky kid… he said not until he
saw his picture did he recognize the guy as being Holmes. Presumably that picture was him with brown hair. So was his hair still brown on Tuesday? I
would think if it was already orange, he wouldn’t have recognized him immediately from that first picture. If his hair was still brown, how do
those dating profiles show him with orange hair and were supposingly posted weeks earlier?
4. Our local news footage last night had a criminal lawyer who confirmed Holmes was probably sedated, that it is not an uncommon practice.
news confirms medicated in court
My final big question… the sealed records. I’m not sure, but does that mean we’ve already seen all we will see? All further court proceedings
closed and sealed? We will just be told he was found either: not guilty by reason of insanity; guilty; or whatever… told he is in jail for the rest
of his life, or in a mental ward… never to be seen again?
Maybe he will just walk out the back door with a new identity, the plan he could have been promised all along.
I dont know....