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One For Those Who Follow The Nibiru Conspiracy :)

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 02:48 PM
9 minutes of documented information rounded up quite well by this guy.

Interesting video taken from scotland at about 1 minute in.

He covers some interesting information released by NASA, some of which I wasnt aware of. Anyways, if yiu have 10 minutes spare and nothing else interesting going on it maybe be enlightening.



posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:07 PM
One embeded vid

reply to post by TheMindWar

Don't really buy the nibiru thing but always thought it was intresting anyway.

edit on 22/7/2012 by skuly because: little edit

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:11 PM
It's not a conspiracy as much as it's a modern theory and an ancient story.
As soon as the word conspiracy is thrown in there, it prejudices the entire idea.
But hey, it's your thread

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Here comes the "if it were there amateur astronomers all around the world would have seen it" people. I don't think there is anything coming but the responses by all the week end scientists on ATS runs like clockwork.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by CallYourBluff

Here comes the "if it were there amateur astronomers all around the world would have seen it" people. I don't think there is anything coming but the responses by all the week end scientists on ATS runs like clockwork.

And when these arm-chair scientists sound off, they either conveniently forget or purposely skip over the fact that they're still finding moons in our own solar system! I think one was just discovered last week. Doesn't matter that it was small. It matters that we haven't seen everything that needs to be discovered.

So their position becomes relevant only when it serves one argument.

Scientists aren't the way-seers of truth and facts like many would have us believe. They are only doing a job with the tools (and direction) they have. And like anyone doing a job, they're bound to make mistakes (or told what to say or do).

If Nibiru is near by (or real) this is not something they would want known. First because of panic of the unknown and second because it would radically change our history.

edit on 22-7-2012 by Human_Alien because: galaxy to solar system

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Here is a good Nibiru video.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:05 PM
It's real planet that I know. But the whole thing of it having life on it and that there coming to rule us, that i find hard to believe. If its coming so be it not like we can stop the course of nature, now can we.?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:39 PM
Why is this thread not in 2012?

First of all the only viable 'Nibiru' I see is Sedna, that is going to reach its closest point to the Sun in 2070s - wuthout causing anything - lot's of objects and comeths traveling to the sun do it. Then it has to travel all the way back for around 10,000 years to reach its furthest point around (three) times away from Pluto's distance to the Sun.

It is a planetoid, a dwarf like Pluto. If there is really a planet as large as Jupiter somewhere in the Oort cloud, ok let there be, but saying that such planet will come out of nowhere in 2012... are you serious?

Edit: Also a lot of tje 'Nibiru's I've seen so far are: Camera set on Antarctica pointing at the Sun, reflection of the sun in the Camera's view makes a light object next to the Sun.

Conclusion: it's Nibiru

Excuse why others don't see it: Nibiru can be seen only from the poles :/
edit on 22-7-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:39 PM
when I first read about nibiru years ago they talked about it getting here in 2030's, then 2014, now with 2012 her the date got bumped down again. smells like bs but in an infinite universe anything can happen

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

And when these arm-chair scientists sound off, they either conveniently forget or purposely skip over the fact that they're still finding moons in our own solar system! I think one was just discovered last week. Doesn't matter that it was small.

Yes it does matter. That moon is estimated to be about 6 - 15 miles in diameter if I remember correctly. Do you even realize how amazing it is that someone DID find it? That is a remarkable catch at that distance from the Earth and Sun.

One problem with the nibiru theories is that it varies in size, location and composition depending on who's talking about it. Often people use star and planet interchangeably depending on the moment. Even if nibiru were only four times the size of Jupiter there is nowhere in the Solar System for it to hide. If it were to exist but not yet in our Solar System I'd be curious to see why you think it could arrive near Earth by Dec. 21.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

If Nibiru is near by (or real) this is not something they would want known. First because of panic of the unknown and second because it would radically change our history.

edit on 22-7-2012 by Human_Alien because: galaxy to solar system

So you are out to let the Niburu cat out of the bag and create panic and become a history maker?

What a sweet, caring guy you are.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by Human_Alien

And when these arm-chair scientists sound off, they either conveniently forget or purposely skip over the fact that they're still finding moons in our own solar system! I think one was just discovered last week. Doesn't matter that it was small.

Yes it does matter. That moon is estimated to be about 6 - 15 miles in diameter if I remember correctly. Do you even realize how amazing it is that someone DID find it? That is a remarkable catch at that distance from the Earth and Sun.

One problem with the nibiru theories is that it varies in size, location and composition depending on who's talking about it. Often people use star and planet interchangeably depending on the moment. Even if nibiru were only four times the size of Jupiter there is nowhere in the Solar System for it to hide. If it were to exist but not yet in our Solar System I'd be curious to see why you think it could arrive near Earth by Dec. 21.

I knew the 'size' thing would come up. Let's face it, we don't know what's out there so we're in no position to say what's NOT out there either. Our history and religion is what's preventing science to take this a bit further.

There is every reason to believe this 'thing' is out there then there's not.
Yes, Nibiru is very confusing. Is it a planet? Star? Mini solar system?

Who cares actually?

Science already admitted that something 4 times the size of Jupiter is tugging on the outskirts in the Oort cloud.
Science can't even track a hurricane precisely so why should we put much stock in what they have to say about something millions of miles away (or closer)?

Now you can argue, it's too far or...........
not dense enough to pick up or..............
not enough heat signature to read or...........
it's simply not a treat.

You can call it Tyche. Or Nemesis. Or Hercobulus. Or Eros. Or Xena. Or Planet X. Or Sedna. Or Wormwood. Or Elenin or even Skeptic Overlord if ya want

Switching names and/or identities (dwarf star. binary sun. rogue planet. planetoid etc) doesn't make Nibiru go away.

I trust the ancients way before I trust modern scientists. The only problem I have is leaving the interpretation/translation (of ancient writings) up to others to translate for me. But I would relinquish the same amount of trust to our scientists anyway.

So....other than that?...I believe in Nibiru.
It makes sense and fills in the gaps of our shady history quite nicely.
You really ought to give 'er a chance

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:17 PM

notice the 9 planets around the sun, 2 snakes attached, then a 10th RED planet attached to the cat on the rights neck
edit on 22-7-2012 by WanderingThe3rd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by BoilingFrog

Originally posted by Human_Alien

If Nibiru is near by (or real) this is not something they would want known. First because of panic of the unknown and second because it would radically change our history.

edit on 22-7-2012 by Human_Alien because: galaxy to solar system

So you are out to let the Niburu cat out of the bag and create panic and become a history maker?

What a sweet, caring guy you are.

Lest I remind you that you ARE on a conspiracy forum? If you don't want independent and alternative news/opinions then let me direct your attention to the red "X" in the upper right hand corner

I believe in Nibiru whether it shows up in my life time or 2000 years from now. Or for that matter, if at all because some think it's in a hyper or alternate dimension than ours.
This planet/star makes absolute sense!
"Annunaki" Look it up!

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

Where'd you get that photo from? Can you share the link? Looks intriguing. Thanks

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

Can you provide a source for this claim? The artistic style is not consistent with any ancient culture. It does however appear to be consistent with the artistic style of a five year old.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

Can you provide a source for this claim? The artistic style is not consistent with any ancient culture. It does however appear to be consistent with the artistic style of a five year old.

yeah and talking about planet x at the wrong place can make you an outcast so calm down and do some recent post research

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

By your entire post that I'm replying to, you have just admitted to a belief system (IE a religion or cult). You have shown that you fully believe in something without any proof of it's existence, but are relying purely on "faith" of it's existence.

There are no ancient texts talking about an extra planet in our solar system. Only one person that badly translated some Sumarian text. So even their you have not placed your "faith" in an ancient peoples, but in a single modern man who was selling a story.

No one here has said that we have seen all there is to see in our solar system. That is something YOU insist on putting in our mouths.
The majority of us "arm-chair" scientist as you insultingly call the educated portion of us, know very well that there are many things out their that await discovery.

What we balk at is the idea that their is something that comes in from the outer reaches of our solar system and rains chaos on the Earth every 3,600 years. The reason we balk at it, is there is NOTHING to support this fantasy.

The physical evidence would be dependent up on this mythical planet's size. It it's a big as some would have us believe, the eccentricity in the orbits of our planets would be very apparent. There would be NO hiding those eccentricities from us "arm-chair" scientist (who by the way actually get up out of our chairs and use equipment to observe the night sky, tracking, and keeping records of. Do you?)

If it was something much smaller, then it would not introduce those eccentricities.....but then it would not affect the Kuiper Belt objects either (you said Oort cloud. Wrong. Trying learning astronomy first, as it was Kuiper Belt objects that are being affected, which is much closer than the Oort cloud). If it was big enough to affect the orbits of the Kuiper Belt objects, then if it comes in and around the sun, it would wreck chaos on the orbits of the inner planets (and they would stay that way, until changed once again every 3,600 years).

You said you trust the ancients over science. Fine.

Take a look at all the monuments built by the ancients used to track the sun, moon, planets and stars. Many of them are older than 3,600 years. And they STILL track each of those things just fine with the allowance for progression of the night sky.

Having an open mind is great. Saying you have an open mind, while saying that things like physics, orbital mechanics, and astrophysics is wrong, isn't having an open mind. It's plugging your ears and screaming "LALALALALALALA!" because it violates your "faith" in what is obviously a religious belief for you.

That isn't an open mind. That's putting yourself in a box made of dogma of your own making, and denying knowledge that is freely available to anyone that cares to educate themselves.

Deny ignorance. Actually learn about the subjects that you are dismissing without a second glance.

You and others took time to learn about Nibiru..........why not actually take time to learn about what is actually out there and how things work?

But then that would go against "Faith", which means to simply trust in something, without bothering to actually to see if it's really there, or learn about it. After all, "Faith" is easy.

Learning is hard.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:32 PM

BBC Confirms Arrival Of Nibiru

What is their trip?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

Can you provide a source for this claim? The artistic style is not consistent with any ancient culture. It does however appear to be consistent with the artistic style of a five year old.

Turns out you're correct: children made it. Here's a link, and you'll see the picture of that artifact too:

Legendary Metal Library

And someone started a thread on it too:

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