posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 05:35 AM
its the new 4d experience you get to be a part of the action, but not like this. Ok so if it was 3d things are meant to come flying at you, but from
the screen, not from a assault rifle.
media comps ar ealways trying new tactics to excite / shock audiences, like making it more interactive, thats why they thought it was part of the
show. Its the age of illusion where it becomes difficult to differentiate between real and non real.
Also who is to blame for these killings???
The killer??
Really? Are you sure tht killer was born into the world with one mission - to kill 12 or so people at the pictures?
No? Society creates the monsters! (in the old days of small communities and lack of education) the elders would scare the kids and youngsters by
telling them stories of ghosts and bad men lurking around the village, or maybe beat up the "naughty" boy as an example. But that doesnt cut it
these days. So yes it can be a conspiracy, but you need facts to prove things like this, otherwise its just speculations.
So what are cause of this incident?
Well lets see first we have weapons - killing machines - And no they arent used for self defense! Do you think the guys who design and make these
things make them for self defense? no they are killing machines! So if "men" did not make these guns the kiler would have had no weapons to kill
them! (or maybe he would killed less using maybe a plank of wood or summat)
"I am the joker" he apparantly said. The guys in the cinema went to watch Batman. Now if Batman didnt exists those 12 people would still be alive
along with all their descendents. Thats what you have to remember, he may have actually killed 12 people but in reality he has butchered entire
future possible generations from those 12, yes thats scary.
Where did he get the idea for this and also booby trapping??