posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Although ATS is generally considered a conspiracy website, I was always under the impression that it was an intellectual forum for those who ask
insightful and probing questions. Deny Ignorance being the motto.
I am truly astonished by the extreme reactions and conjecture to the shooting.
When I was in college I attended courses in Sociology. One of our assignments was, for me, very shocking. We were broken into groups and each group
was given a particular topic in which our particular groups mission was to create a terrorist faction, create a cause, and carry out an attack.
Explain the consequences and the goals of our attack, and to establish what impact on society our actions would have. It just so happened I was chosen
leader of the group. I am an American with no desire to harm other people but from an intellectual standpoint we completed our assignment, on paper,
not in real life. That is all I will say about it.
It amazes me that so many would underestimate our educational system and that the very brightest intellectual minds emerge from this system. The
shooter and his elaborate plans were constructed by himself and carried out with exact intention. Normally, this type of individual would have been
recruited into the government sector to contribute to fight the very type of threat he imposed. Was he a shill or patsy? Highly unlikely.
He was/is highly intelligent and with the wealth of knowledge on the internet, in print, and the influence of the popular media, he was able to carry
out a crime that was not as elaborate as many want to believe. He was a college student who snapped, we've seen it before. He wanted to go out in a
blaze of glory. He became intrigued by a thought that led to an obsession, which led to experimentation and finally taking the step over the edge.
People underestimate the so called "normal" guy. This website is filled with individuals who seem somewhat experienced and knowledgable, or believe
they are, due to their own imaginings, in these such matters. Should we fear them?
There is no conspiracy here. This is simply a guy who lost it. Couldn't hack grad school, couldn't get a job, was socially inept, a loner, and
probably spent most of his time on the internet. Sound familiar?
The problem we face here, and this is a clear example for this post, is that we continue down a road to madness. Extreme theories on why some guy
walks into a movie theater and starts shooting people. It is the madness that you read in the feverish posting of exotic theories that show just how
much as a society that many are psychologically out of control. If you want to see insanity, continue to peruse these threads and topics filled with
conjecture and paranoia.
The problem is not out there, the problem is right in front of you.