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CNN: "Is Gun Control The Answer?" Here We Go Again.

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:03 AM

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:28 AM
if everybody in the theatre had a gun, as soon as that nut walked in and threw the tear gas, he would have been target practice.

so cnn should be saying is "arming every american to the teeth and then some the answer."

saying that its americans fault, the founders of the constitution made sure that each and every one of you are armed.

they knew exactly full well what kind of society the were creating. a free society means that it is free, for good and evil alike.

but the difference is evil will use the constitution against you, a good person will respect it.

that is apparently the price the founders of the constitution paid.

arm yourself, protect yourself and defend yourselves. the 2nd amendment is there for a reason.

and use it only to prevent the loss of life.
edit on 21-7-2012 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

That's a stupid idea because criminals would still have guns...

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by AzureSky
Allow intelligent, safe gun users to open carry or conceal carry and you'll have far less crime.

And HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE that only "intelligent, safe gun users" can own guns?

Guess what: GUN CONTROL.

The problem is that idiots, stupid rednecks and psychopaths can buy guns in Walmart or online - THIS is the problem, not the intelligent, responsible people who are safe to have a gun.

In other countries, people need to have a license, proper training, and proven that they can handle and use a gun to get a permit. I am therefore FOR gun control, means gun ownership needs to be controlled and not anyone who "wants" can just get one. Simply because there are too many lunatics and delusional people out there which should NEVER have a gun in the first place.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:00 AM
If you were to get at the root cause of what happened here (If thats possible), i think its more societal than anything else. We are living in a culture that is awash in and embraces violence. We have it on television,in our movies, our music, video games, our foreign policy, our most popular sports. From the time a kid is born to adulthood, they are practically PICKLED in violence. they are repeatedly shown that violence is a primary outlet for solving problems. Also our culture embraces escapism in many forms, most of which are mentioned above. So we have a subset of people who are desensitized to violence and mentally the line between reality and fantasy is blurred from a lifetime of playing video games, watching movies, reading comic books, etc. I think this is the environment that cooks people like the shooter in Colorado. Getting rid of all guns is not really addressing the problem, addressing the problem is looking at the elements of our society that fosters the mindset that compelled that kid to go do what he did. Guns are like drugs, there are a lot of drugs out there, but not everyone abuses them, only a subset of the population. You can put a gun on a table, and walk thousands of people past it, the vast majority of people will just walk past, it a very small percentage might pick it up and start shooting, What we need to focus on is WHY. What external influences if any cause this behavior?
edit on 21-7-2012 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:33 AM
If nobody else has guns;

a) How are you going to protect your family against the criminals and nutters who do have them? Harsh words and begging aren't really effective.

b) How are you going to protect your family against criminals who squirm into power and gradually change democracy into tyranny, and take over the country? (original reason for the right to legally own guns in the USA)

c) Hunt to feed your family, when the world goes to crap?

Criminals will ALWAYS carry guns. The fact they don't obey the law and are criminals gives us a clue they won't obey laws about illegal guns...and they obviously don't obey gun laws.

If a nutter didn't have a gun, he or she or they would find a way to kill people with fertiliser and diesel nail bombs, with arson, with toxic chemicals, with swords and knives, with any number of other potentially deadly items.

Are we to ban fertilisers?
How about fuel?
Matches or lighters maybe?

The truth is, it's the nutters and psychos you need to work on, not the gun laws.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by jude11

We've already lost our tool to fight for liberty. When the second amendment was created, the musket was the best military technology, and anyone could own one. Nowadays the kinds of things the military has makes even the best semi-automatic rifle null.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:17 AM
Lets say they START some sort of GUN CONTROL........... explain me how it will work??????

I own guns that I bought LEGALLY from other people on the internet meeting face to face, no paper trace just money see my CWP permit and give me the gun..............There is no paper trail I own that gun....How the government will know how many guns I own?

Criminals will not give their guns away and I'm not a criminal but I WILL NOT GIVE MY GUNS AWAY.

Taking guns from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS will make the real CRIMINALS more powerful because they will be the only ones with guns.

Its sad of what happened in Colorado but with or without guns, that guy could kill those people using other methods, if he wanted to kill people he will kill people.

If he enters the theater with gasoline tank and a torch and just starts spraying gasoline all over and burning people are they going to do GASOLINE CONTROL???

People die everyday with guns "usually bad guys killing each other" , but more people die in car accidents and other ways.

Gun Control WILL NOT WORK it will make it worse

edit on 21-7-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-7-2012 by cdesigns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by flexy123

Originally posted by AzureSky
Allow intelligent, safe gun users to open carry or conceal carry and you'll have far less crime.

And HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE that only "intelligent, safe gun users" can own guns?

Guess what: GUN CONTROL.

The problem is that idiots, stupid rednecks and psychopaths can buy guns in Walmart or online - THIS is the problem, not the intelligent, responsible people who are safe to have a gun.

In other countries, people need to have a license, proper training, and proven that they can handle and use a gun to get a permit. I am therefore FOR gun control, means gun ownership needs to be controlled and not anyone who "wants" can just get one. Simply because there are too many lunatics and delusional people out there which should NEVER have a gun in the first place.

This post is rife with bad information.

Yes, you can buy a gun from Walmart or online.

That gun must be transferred to you by a federally licensed firearms dealer. Said transfer includes a NICS background check and a completed form 4473 that must be kept on file for 5 years after the date of sale.

All of the "control" measures people are calling for already exist.

If you're going to rail against US gun ownership or call for gun control make sure you're properly versed on current US gun laws. Otherwise you just sound silly.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:24 AM
Gun control is the only solution America.

The main reason why criminals have guns in your country is because there are guns everywhere.

In the UK gun crime is rare, and we have ways of containing it, and dealing with it should a situation arise.

There are families mourning their dead, and you insist on holding on to your all to easily offensive weapons in the name of defense?

Grow up, grow a pair, and deal with this problem. This is the 21st Century, not the wild west.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:27 AM
Here's a thinker.....

Let's says Morgan and Bloomberg get their wish and tonight a total gun ban is put in place. Only for us plebes of course. Bloomberg and his buddies will still need their armed escorts 24/7.

What then?

There are hundreds of millions of guns in the US.

Hundreds of millions spread across 3794083 square miles of space.

How are you going to collect them all?

This doesnt even take into account the massive west coast, the gaping wide southern border loaded with militants and smugglers, the mostly wilderness northern border.

So not only how are you going to collect them all but how are you going to keep them from being smuggled in?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:38 AM
The thing about the media that really makes me sick is their exploiting the blood of the innocent people that were killed just for the sake of creating news and propagating their political agendas..

Plus all the leader type politicians using it to promote themselves..

Some can very well be sincere, but a lot of things they are saying today just reek of total exploitation to try and improve their positions.. especially CNN

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:41 AM
I can honestly tell you gun control never works and never will, every time a person gets killed in the UK by a clown with a gun women shout get rid of guns, now the only people who have guns are the crims, not the law abiding person who if he had a gun could at least fire back at the people who are rubbing and killing us all.
In Post Offices and banks people with guns go in and demand money by pointing guns at staff, happens ever hour of every day now, why? because they know they are the only one's who have a gun, the workers in Banks wont, it's no good calling cops for help either because they are not allowed under health & Safety laws to enter a bank to help you unless you have been killed first by the robbers.
Keep your guns, shut the do gooders up who want them removed, that way you will be safe, get rid of guns and you will see crime go up 12000 % over night as we did in UK.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
I can't help but think that if someone else in the theater had a CWP and was carring, then this would have ended much faster and with much less violence.

I think the answer is for more people to carry legally.

I thought of that too, but when you consider the amount of armor this idiot had on, the chances of someone getting off a kill shot before he turned his automatic on them, is next to zero. He was protected with armor from head to foot, not to mention the smoke and the eye irritation caused by the tear gas made him a difficult target.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by jude11

I personally don't care if you carry guns or no.t I just want to add a response to some thing you stated

I stand my ground on this. If the people in power are the only ones that have guns, the citizens will have lost their last tool to fight for liberty. Those in power are slowly taking away every right and freedom from the citizens. Without the ability to protect yourself, family, might as well just put your hands up now.

I would like to remind you that many country's have a law that bans guns. An they do better at forcing change with out ever holding a gun. Take the UK an recently Iceland demonstrated this. Now if you take country's were its citizens are armed then you get prolonged violence take middle east an African country's. I care not if the ban is or not implamented i am just stating these facts an the obssion the US has with its guns is baffaling for some reason a lot are under the imprission that US forces will fire on there own family's

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by jude11

I stand my ground on this. If the people in power are the only ones that have guns, the citizens will have lost their last tool to fight for liberty. Those in power are slowly taking away every right and freedom from the citizens. Without the ability to protect yourself, family, might as well just put your hands up now.

edit on 20-7-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

I totally agreed with your statement here, jude11, even up until last night. But, I've been thinking about it, and now I'm vacillating on the issue for two reasons:
First, the second amendment may have been placed there because of slavery. There were perhaps millions of slaves in this country when the constitution was written, and gun ownership may have been written into the constitution for the purpose of slave owners to keep control of their "property". Also, Indians were an ongoing "problem" for the expansionist frame of mind of the "settlers".
Second, gun ownership has not stopped the government from taking away people's rights in this country, at all. In fact, the licensing for gun ownership has made it easier for the State to locate peoples across the country who they would deem a danger to their power.

So, I am changing my mind on this issue, yet I'm still thinking about it.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by indisputable
reply to post by jude11

I personally don't care if you carry guns or no.t I just want to add a response to some thing you stated

I stand my ground on this. If the people in power are the only ones that have guns, the citizens will have lost their last tool to fight for liberty. Those in power are slowly taking away every right and freedom from the citizens. Without the ability to protect yourself, family, might as well just put your hands up now.

I would like to remind you that many country's have a law that bans guns. An they do better at forcing change with out ever holding a gun. Take the UK an recently Iceland demonstrated this. Now if you take country's were its citizens are armed then you get prolonged violence take middle east an African country's. I care not if the ban is or not implamented i am just stating these facts an the obssion the US has with its guns is baffaling for some reason a lot are under the imprission that US forces will fire on there own family's

You make a good point here.
I would like to add another example: French people have been quite efficient in getting things from the government, without weapons: strikes.
Another efficient country for this matter is Germany, because most parties (labour unions, government, etc.) are somehow honest (at least much more than in other EU countries), and all parties are working towards the good of the country.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 10:35 AM
You know what? I think we need to get Hollywood under control. Hollywood is the cause of this; if it weren't for that movie this would have never happened. We need a worldwide ban on Hollywood and movies.

Sound pretty stupid doesn't it? Lets look at statistics;

In 2007: 12,632 criminal firearm deaths (killed in a crime by guns) (CDC) and about 40,000 die each year in car crashes. (Doesn't include accidental, suicide, etc).

Why don't we ban cars? They are almost 4 times as deadly! This is nothing but another item on the NWO agenda and that of the socialist/communist/dictatorship left in the U.S. My guns aren't going anywhere and if any of you limp-wristed leftists want to try to take them, you might end up a statistic.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by axslinger

You're being stupid. Why don't we ban alcohol and everything else?

Why? WHY?! BECAUSE AMERICANS ARE F***ING STUPID!!!!! And yes, I'm allowed to say this, as I am American. Midwest America, hello all. So on to the point: we are all effing retarded. We want the things that make us feel most powerful, most happy, and most alive. We love the things that are bad for us, and hate the things that are good for us. So naturally, if there's a chance of being hurt involved, HELL YES, we're on the wagon. But if we have to take precautions, or we have to stop for our own safety, give it half an hour before a group of five to eight idiots decide they;re going to sneak back and take a swing at it. Because we're idiots. That's why other countries don't like America. Remember that whole cheerleaders and jocks stereotype? We're it. We are the grand icon of brainless musclejockeys and busty airheads. And our country likes us that way, so it encourages it and makes it easier and more profitable to go that route. Wonder why our education sucks? Because we'll tear everything down and rebuild if we get too smart. And now, we've come to equate pleasure with heaven. We're addicted to being "Gods", having control over life and death. Do you know what rap songs talk about today? Busting caps in people you don't like. And you still want your guns freely given? To HELL with that! But no, we're just gonna keep bleating about our rights so we can keep feeling like we have control over our own lives. At the cost of others.

Why? Because we've been programmed that way. We're programmed to put ourselves above others. That also means stuffing ourselves with stuff we like. Want a gun? Have 20. And don't forget, you can always use it for self-defense. And now we're so hooked that given a choice between life and death, we say, "Oh, I'll just kill myself with it. Problem solved." Not literally shoot yourself, just...oh, screw it. If you don't get it, I can't help you, nor do I want to.

Now we have a problem with guns, and instead of switching to a more promising mode of defense (which has been proven to work in European countries) we decide we want our rights, even if it does end up killing someone in another state. Selfish, stupid ***holes.

I'm ashamed to be American. If this is what patriotism means, then I'll gladly be a terrorist. At least they don't make pretenses about "self defense" when they want a gun. I spit on this topic.

edit on 21-7-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by jude11

You gotta admit that a lot of these incidents happen in the USA....

I'm from the UK and the reason we dont get mass murders over here like this latest one in Denver is because guns are outlawed.... we do get hardened criminals (Bank robbers) and gangs with guns but we dont have ordinary people with guns (who later turn out to be a bit trigger happy).... even gang members tend to only shoot other gang members and Bank robbers hardly use them when the point them at the cashier....

So yes, i would say that guns should be outlawed in the USA... death from gun would drop dramatically in stats!

Yes, i also agree that there are sensible people who hold guns at their home just for protection but if you allow these then you have to allow everyone else IMO.

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