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Exclusive: New York police link nine 2012 plots to Iran, proxies

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by neo96

So those people who died in Bulgaria is a joke?

Way to mock those people who were murdered.

Neo, you should know by now that it's okay to mock the death of jews.

Now if a terrorist dies, THEN you'll see them weep.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:46 AM
A US/Israeli official said this, a US/Israeli official said that.... repeat and rewrind!

Most of the time these officials quoted are not named nor do they produce anything in the way of evidence to back up their claims. I could easily produce an op-ed piece claiming that the entire British cabinet are pedophiles and not of this earth. I don't have to produce any evidence, but trust me, it's true and I know what I am talking about, being a self proclaimed expert.

If tested in a court of law, and by that I mean a true impartial court, not one set up by the government and staffed by cronies, none of this would get anywhere and it would be thrown out for lack of evidence.

Of course, they can't provide us mere little people with the evidence, as it's all hush hush secret national security stuff so we just have to take their words for it. That, despite it being fact that the governments lie to us in almost everything they say, on any subject, as has been proven over and over again.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by neo96

So those people who died in Bulgaria is a joke?

Way to mock those people who were murdered.

Neo, you should know by now that it's okay to mock the death of jews.

Now if a terrorist dies, THEN you'll see them weep.

First of all it's not a joke.

Second how do you know they were Jews?

It was a bus full of Israelis, which means it could have been Muslim, Christian, or Jew.

Your whole perception of the situation is flawed and shows your bias and agenda why can't you accept simple factual observations without pulling out the "jew card"?

You use it quite a lot, what's your motive?

Why must you compare our criticism of the OP's propaganda thread to weeping when terrorists die?

You're all over the place lately Beez.

I hope all is well.
edit on 21-7-2012 by Corruption Exposed because: drunken dyslexia

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed
Mock me because I don't applaud the death of "israelies"?

T'is a sad day indeed when anyone is given time and space to vomit hatred of a race.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Corruption Exposed
Mock me because I don't applaud the death of "israelies"?

T'is a sad day indeed when anyone is given time and space to vomit hatred of a race.

You are fabricating statements.

No one is applauding the death of Israelis, this is more of your tactic.

You need to stop portraying false imagery.

Your racism is evident, but I won't stoop to your level and refer to post history.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by seabag

So I have a question. Can all of these plots with ties to Iran be dismissed as US/Israeli false flag propaganda?

Nope. Some might be true. How biased can you get though!? "They suspect", "seems to be", "points to Iran", "alleged Iran linked plots". WOW. That's some strong accusatory language there.
I fail to see the word "proof though. Maybe take a screen shot and circle it for me.

Could it be that Iran is working to kill Jews around the globe as they've said they'd do?

Do you have a working source for that one? I don't see where Iran has said that.

When do some people stop saying everything is a US/Israeli conspiracy and face the reality that Iranian leaders are funding terrorism globally? When will some people finally admit that the leaders of Iran are fighting proxy wars against the US and Israel?

I don't think anyone has said they aren't, just like you haven't said US/Israel do the same thing.

Iranian leaders have made their intentions known and they are following through...what's it going to take for everyone to realize the bad intentions and evil deeds of these tyrants?

They have!? And you haven't informed the White House!? What are their intentions again?

Do we continue to placate Iran and justify the needless killing they are doing? Is that going to bring about peace in the ME?

Needless killing? Placate Iran? Exactly how are "we" placating them? By not attacking them with no proof? Do me a favor Teabag, go talk to a Palestinian and ask them about terror. Your 2nd favorite country isn't any better than the one you talk about all the time.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

"Second how do you know they were Jews? “

the five deceased Israelis are: Amir Menashe, 27; Itzik Kolengi, 27; Maor Harush, 26, Elior Priess, 26; and Kochava Shriki, 44.
They all have Jewish names and all received a Jewish burial.

But as usual, it's easier for you to mock and argue instead of making a 2 minutes research.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:15 AM
Man you are truly bigoted.

And you must be over forty years old.

Because over 40 , people are less likely to change.

I bet you don't believe in Satan and his actions.

You are insisting on this like Satan insists on seducing and he wins.

First , his suggestions are some thing you are not really sure.

But after letting him repeat inside your ear , you will become sure.

That is why the great Satan is describing you and your govt as well.

The whole false flags against Iran has been around for years.

That are the pieces of something people are not sure.

It is the dirtiest game Satan plays. The war of many lies with one truth.

And my job here is to get your boat heavier when you are going down , or to let you get out the boat before it is too late.
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by seabag

I can tell you this with certainty...12 months away from Iranian Leadership Implosion. Over 70% of the entire Iranian Population is under the age of 30 Years Old. 92% of all Iranians are PRO-DEMOCRACY! 96% of all Iranians want A NEW LEADERSHIP THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE THE RELIGIOUS OLD GUARD!

Looking at these short order...will be the New and Large U.S. Ally as soon as the Old Guard and Leadership as well as the Pampered Secret Police are thrown out! THIS IS WHY THE UNITED STATES HAS FORBIDDEN ISRAEL TO BOMB IRANIAN NUCLEAR SITES!


The current U.S. Plan is to wait and watch IRAN IMPLODE! It WILL HAPPEN....and we do not want the BLOOD of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YOUNG DEMOCRACY LOVING IRANIANS ON OUR HANDS. This is the truth of the matter. The U.S. has FORBIDDEN ISRAEL to BOMB Iranian Nuclear Sites as these will be dismantled within a year to 18 months.

Should the OLD RELIGIOUS GUARD see that it is about to be kicked may attempt a Last Ditch Violent effort to convince the Iranian People that ISRAEL along with the U.S. is attacking with the sole purpose to DESTROY IRAN AND STEAL THEIR OIL AND NATURAL GAS. The U.S. Military has planned for this possibility and should Iran attempt a Closing of the Strait or a Commercial Aircraft Detonation over a U.S. Carrier Group...or an attack on the U.S. Fifth Fleet...the UNITED STATES will for the first time in history....use Super High Tech as well as Very Secret...Super Powerful Non-Nuclear EMP devises dropped like bombs to render innert Iranian Forces but not KILL THEM. EMP stands for ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE and the U.S. has these Weapons which are usually an effect created by a High Level Nuclear Blast. Once used...all IRANIAN WEAPON SYSTEMS WILL NOT WORK AND BE RENDERED USELESS. Anything with electronics or even a solenoid that is needed to run a car, truck or troop carrier and the U.S. EMP's are said to be able to penetrate via specific E.M. Frequency...Iranian/Russian made TANKS as well as all Iranian Aircraft. The same goes for SHIPS OR SUBS AT SEA. After these EMP's are dropped and the first would go after Command and Control dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers as well as B-1's, B-52's Cruise Missiles and Smaller but powerful Target Specific EMP's are able to have 2 fitted inside the internal Bomb Bays of F/A-22 Raptors. After this...Tens of Thousands of U.S. Special Forces and Rangers will be Air Dropped into an atop ALL IRANIAN NUCLEAR SITES...EVEN THE ONES THEY THINK WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT. Direct Military to Military Communication will ans is already occurring as IRANIAN GENERALS AND ADMIRALS have no illusions of what the outcome of a WAR with the United States would be...the U.S. would rather NOT DROP THE EMP'S and convince the Iranian Military to STAND DOWN and become the FUTURE PROTECTOR of a FREE DEMOCRATIC IRAN. The alternative? We did the same thing during the IRAQ INVASION...80% of all Iraqi Divisions had already agreed to STAND DOWN...20% did not so we chose ONE REPUBLICAN GUARD DIVISION...ABOUT 80 to 100 THOUSAND MEN and they were chosen because of the atrocities they committed. We Flew in a Large Wing of B-52's and used Modern Smart Carpet Bombing Tech on this division...NO ONE SURVIVED. The remaining 18% surrendered. This is how it will play out in IRAN should the Youth not be able to take over before the OLD GUARD does something very STUPID! With any luck...NO WAR...FREE IRAN...NEW U.S. ALLY! Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I can tell you this with certainty...12 months away from Iranian Leadership Implosion. Over 70% of the entire Iranian Population is under the age of 30 Years Old. 92% of all Iranians are PRO-DEMOCRACY! 96% of all Iranians want A NEW LEADERSHIP THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE THE RELIGIOUS OLD GUARD

Whatever the problems and what ever the bad aspects , we stand aside our leader and we won't let our country be ruled by the wolves and hyenas.

Choose the one you like

And put the words into your head.
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by seabag

Whenever I see these reports I never believe any of them! Geez, what they think the public are stupid?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by mideast

Very Reactionary...that usually means that such a response is a Defensive Response that has been created by your mind as a way to prevent you from admitting to yourself the TRUTH AND THE REALITY of what I posted.

What I did post was not some Pulled out of my ass opinion...but rather a Very Real Strategy that is preventing Israel to use Conventional Bombs on Iranian Nuclear Sites which would poison most of Iran if not all of it as well as poison the Middle East with Radiation from the Dust alone that would be kicked up into the atmosphere.

I can not get upset with you...nor do I think I have the ABILITY to get upset with a response that would be the equivalent of a Person being upset because a Blind Man cannot tell him when asked...Which way did the RED car go? Left or Right? It is simply not your fault as you only know what you have been lead to believe. This is where you and I greatly differ...You are a Follower...I am not.

You call yourself Mideast but when is the last time you have been there? And if you is it possible for one to keep their eyes so closed. You say they are your Leaders but regardless of the OBVIOUS Ballot Fraud...and the fact that your President is simply a Puppet on a String...I would say STRINGS but the OLD GUARD has cut most of the others and left him with little to act on or even be his own Man. This is very disturbing to me as He does not even have the HONOR or the BALLS to STEP DOWN when they took away his power. A TRUE MAN is his own person...not some sad excuse for what being a MAN stands for. He no longer even has this to fall back upon.

So you have Leader who is IMPOTENT...a Religious Guard that is of extreme age and is Bitter of those of youth to the point they would rather kill them all than loose what little Humanity they have left. AND THEN THERE IS YOU! The greatest tragedy by far because...YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. I think you should take one of those tools and KNOCK SOME SENSE BACK INTO WHAT YOU HAVE LEFT OF A BRAIN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Good Luck! Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Sure..why not just blame anything anybody does anywhere to Israel ,on Iran!.....How convenient is that!....There are more people hating the Zionists and Israelis all over the world, than just Iran and their proxies..Much more ....And if Israeli's government keep up acting like they always do,the numbers grow even higher.... .it's a shame poor ordinary people of any side are always the ones paying the price...Nothing is going to change,unless the habits changes.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Looks like Seabag didn't do his research before posting this propaganda thread.

Epic fail Seabag


For me its a matter of logic Vs. nationalism.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Looks like Seabag didn't do his research before posting this propaganda thread.

Epic fail Seabag


Are you surprised? All the super patriots will blindly follow what they are told instead of employing critical thinking. I'm not saying I'm right either, but, at least I am trying to deny ignorance.

Edit: This is the 2nd thread that has been abandoned by said poster.
edit on 21-7-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

You call yourself Mideast but when is the last time you have been there? And if you is it possible for one to keep their eyes so closed. You say they are your Leaders but regardless of the OBVIOUS Ballot Fraud...and the fact that your President is simply a Puppet on a String

I think I know the reason western govt hate Ahmadinejad.

And I see you repeat what your MSM tells you. nothing new to me.

Your politicians are nothing but parasites to us.

There was once a time when US could make any story to invade and to kill.

But the time has passed.

You better depend on your own land resources.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Your whole perception of the situation is flawed and shows your bias and agenda why can't you accept simple factual observations without pulling out the "jew card"?

Your whole perception of the situation is flawed and shows your bias and agenda why can't you accept simple factual observations without pulling out the "zionist"?

Second how do you know they were Jews


You are fabricating statements.

Your racism is evident, but I won't stoop to your level and refer to post history.

Yeah funny thing that "post history".everybody has one for all to see and somebodies racism is evident.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Edit: This is the 2nd thread that has been abandoned by said poster.

It's what OP does.

He posts some BS and hopes we buy into it, if not he ignores thread.

Sorry we didn't get you 50+flags seabag.

Now please come back and tell us how your OP has anything to do with what you have said

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by neo96

So those people who died in Bulgaria is a joke?

Way to mock those people who were murdered.

From the Guy who wants to Eliminate an entire country.


Your a Peach m8, a real Gem.

Really now?

Care to quote that and if my name was Ahmedinijad you'd be right.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:16 PM
Ill be happy when high school lets in again in the fall......a lot of silly opinions and threads will dissapear from the forum.
truth is Hezbollah is a proxy for Iran......
If they have done any terror act it is at least with Irans approval, and possibly finance as well as logistical support.
But firstly lets be sure that Hezbollah IS the culprit here....
Perhaps there are people too young to remember the Lavon Affair?
Google it sometime and youll see that Irealis have a habit of pulling off acts of terror against just about anyone,if they believe it will advbance their agenda.
The fact is that Mossad IS an organisation which engages in acts of terror .......has a record of it thats documented, and they have not given up the practice either.......
Who bombed the bus is up for grabs in my opinion.....could be either side......
or even another jihadi organisation ......lets get the facts before we hang anyone.
The recent "plots"which are claimed to have been foiled by agencies sure seem to lack any details of what happened....anyone can claim anything...but is it real?

The ones i have heard of are the most unsophisticated even idiotic attempts to do some damage.....they are hardly worthy of such professionals as the Irani intel services.....
And if Hezbollah is the culprit, they sure seem an ignorant bunch of peasants......hardly international espionage and murder quality people....more like they are good at launching saggers at tanks and breastbeating while shooting AKs into the air.....The arabs plots they come up with are not rocket science.....

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