Some of them are able to get information out, some information, often horribly slanted, sometimes only a little. I can think of a few different ones.
Why are they still alive is a completely different issue.
If you're on assignment, and wearing clean underwear, working to retain kindness and integrity, they can only do what is allowed and permitted by the
true Higher Ups. And though they maintain that dark side is the ceiling and annanuki the rulers, they are very distorted. They also have a strong
religion, that is distorted, its occult/gnostic by our standards, but they're not getting the whole picture and who the Real Higher Ups Are.
When you're doing the work you came to do, and you're not falling into the traps or low frequency anger, but seeing through the world,not bought off
by jobs, promotions, trinkets, sex, personal gratification, really striving to be true to Love and Goodness, then you will gain protection for as long
as its needed.
example, if TPTB plan on taking out a passenger jet, on a certain date, for whatever reason they have, and yet Spirit directs you to board that plane
to go somewhere and assist, there is no weapon the lower frequency universe can fire at that jet that will take it down.
ARK= Acts of Random Kindness. Violence is a lower frequency attack and it takes permissions. They do get away with killing some good people, but
again, it depends on a persons call of duty. Life is an assignment, or its like going to school, going home is far better.
Im NOT joking. This is for real. You're in a highly interactive, organic, very real seeming, holographic universe and this is testing ground.
They also have to put truth out in plane site, or they're breaking the rules of the school. They distort most of it, and put in the hands of fools,
agents, people who can be ridiculed alot, in other words, THEY CHEAT.
And what they are not getting is, the Higher Ups don't abide by cheaters, but until the end of our lives and theirs, when pencils are down, or until
something happens where things hit the fan so to speak, we continue, to do our best.
Have faith, only what can happen does and everything is learning for the soul in the end.
And its all about souls.
There is alot of truth out there, mixed in with a bit of agenda and even alot of agenda.
I personally really like Lou Baldin's information, Ie Sleepers, knew right away he had some real info. And ET_MAN's, which is so closely fitting its
surprising really, though they have some differences.
edit to add: I normally have to edit posts, I write them fast and am right hemisphered, so spelling and some words will be dropped that should be
there. But this post had words that said the opposite. I hope its edited fully. I find that really odd.
edit on 20-7-2012 by Unity_99
because: (no reason given)