posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by twitchy
You certainly can try many different types of substrates! My main tank consists of normal gravel, but under it I use a layer of laterite (a iron rich
clay/soil) which I drive an hour to dig up from a nearby mountain! Onto that I put a layer of zeolite, then a layer of peat moss. I'd love to
collect river mud, but due to being in a wheelchair it is too hard for me to access. I tried once to collect river rocks from there, but ended up
with my wheels sunk in mud and stuck for hours
With CO2, I started out using coke bottles which you add water, sugar, and then a packet of yeast. Then I had a hose glued into the lid, and bubbled
it through a diffuser into the tank. It did work, but it was tricky to keep at a constant rate. But its certainly a great budget way to start!
Wine would end up in me more than for the tank!
To all the others who commented, thankyou! And yes, a 5 or 10 gallon tank is fine to start with! There's some wonderful smaller sized tanks.
Search for 'nano planted tank' on google for some ideas. Mosses, Glossostigma, HC, are great for nano tanks. Good luck to all thinking of giving
it a go, just read plenty first, there is a lot to take in if you want to have success