In the realm of multidimensionality and merging, animals are adepts.
Animals move through dimensions.
Have you ever seen an insect or a bird one minute, and then the next second it has gone?
Animals are
very concerned with the quality of life - much more so than ourselves.
When the quality of life is in question, the animals automatically migrate toward a more sustaining reality.
They remove themselves into other domains of existence, for they are programmed to survive.
Animals are intelligent and flexible and have many more adventures than we humans do.
Animals don't need to build shopping centres, graveyards, watch television and movies, and distract themselves with superficial forms of
Do you think animals are ever bored? Do you think animals ever wonder what to do next?
They have many, many adventures that we are not quite capable of understanding, though we will one day.
Insects and Frogs, for example, open dimensional avenues with their sounds. Others may travel on sound.
Dreams are journeys into other realities. You can best relate to the concept of dreaming knowing that, when you sleep, you go into another world that
does exist. Everything exists because it is connected, whether memory is open or not.
Beetles, earthworms and frogs know they go from one reality to another. They go into other worlds, yet they are right here in this world.
Insects are represented in greater numbers than any other class of animals on our planet, and they take up less space. They keep a balance, for
without the insects, our planet simply wouldn't be.
Insects are multi dimensional and act as unseen guardians for many worlds. Some of the creator gods are insect like in in appearance and character.
There are people who have taken photographs and had encounters with beings who look partly human and partly like insects.
The creator gods have duplicated themselves into many forms to be here as a silent representative of their own species.
Insects work with us in a way we cannot conceive at this time. You think they just accidentally land or crawl on you, when in actuality they are
checking out your electromagnetic frequency.
We do not look like ourselves to insects. You are a force field, and there are certain parts of you that are very attractive to insects because of the
pheromones you give off. Perhaps when they give you a little nip here and there, you are getting used to their identity.
There are many forms of life that will come to awareness and existence.
You will want to capture these forms of life and put them in a zoo. To them, you are in the zoo, like a prison, locked behind bars. They want to
assist you, and bring you back to interspecies communication. They are waiting to see if you can relate to particular animals or species.
As you demonstrate your acknowledgement of intelligence in all forms of life, you begin to qualify as an ambassador or diplomatic representative of
these various species.
Life will become very strange indeed.
When a frog creates a croaking sound it creates an opening to other dimensions for the animal kingdom - for insects in particular, but for many
members of the animal kingdom.
Frogs and insects keep frequency and have certain abilities. Frogs, when they croak in the stillness of the day or night, create a harmonic and a
spinning momentum. Surrounding energies can move into this sounds and experience what it is life to be other forms of life quite easily.
All animals are much more in tune with multiple realities than humans are, and they can teach you about these realities. Some people are able to merge
with animals and explore the animal kingdom to discover what it is like to be in the living library.
Many very intelligent forms of life can manifest themselves by merging with the animal and plant kingdoms.
In this way, they can come peek into your reality. These intelligent forms of life want to merge with you, the library cards. The way they can access
the library through you as humans is quite different from the way they can access the library by entering this dimension as
You are complex and you have a tremendous amount of knowledge inside you.
And as you prepare yourselves to merge with other forms of sentient existence, you will be able to bring peace to your planet. You will be able to
bring a magnificent new upliftment, a new way of being.
It will seem as if it is coming out of you, and yet you will know that it is more than you.
Understand that there is great intelligence in all life forms, and the experience of all life is waiting for you.
Open your emotional selves and employ the vital force of love as key to your own spiritual development.
Peace, love and unity.
Source: Barbara Marciniak