posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:01 AM
"unconditional" love versus "love" is the answer to your question and the paradox.
As you say to love unconditionally means that as you see ALL THINGS as god, or "universe" and see that in yourself to, everything is equalised the
same, "one taste" though in reality what is happening is the your perception is differant, and "labels" "Name&Form" are not the first things
your experience does when seeing an event, situation, item manifest in front of you, or become aware of it....those still running from an Ego
immediately compare, measure, seperate etc to create this duality both in terms of similair things to itself, and certainly as something seperate,
differant and not part of ourselves.......there is no long bamboo, or short bamboo, there is an "Bamboo isness" that is the essence, however that is
as well just part of the whole just energetically a little different, bamboo is clouds, and therfore sea, and ice, and blood et all, and blood will
one day be bamboo to, we dont when we apprehend "out there" or even emotions "in here" take into account everything changes, is transitory and
made up from other things, there is nothing in the universe that will always be and never change from being an Bamboo, there is the bamboo is ness but
it moves, changes never settles is dependant and will cease when the sun explodes or before.
Hence the old zen riddles "Big Stick, Little Stick?"
The differentiation of "this" "that" and "duality" means that "Ignorance" of the real nature of things.
So nothing is really as we make and see it to be "solid" seperate real in how we build our experience of it.
Now when this illusion, veil, ignorance to the true nature of things goes, is overcome, unconditional love arises so that the mental emotional and
perceptual experience of this type of enlightenment, means everything has "one taste" an experience of Love, but not wanting, needing "grasping"
or pushing away, avoiding in the mind to its settled and calm.
"Love" though wonderful is when we for example love our partners, or an type of pet and not another animal, we can love our pets to bits,be prepared
to die for them then eat another animal an hour later...its is love but dependent on the illusion that that person thing is better, nicer than other
things even of the same type, and also we grasp it love turns to hate if the object of our love does not give us the things that made us love them in
the first place. we behave and act and feel that the thing we love "out there" can make us feel good in here, our happiness is dependent on that
thing we have falsely made very seperate from all other things and ourselves, and grasp it.
IT is best exemplified by JC even his experience on the cross the pain the beating first, as he died he was more concerned about those who had done
this to him, as the repercussions, he never said an prayer for his family, for the church, for him, for the disciples but for those who did it to him
"forgive them father for they do not know what they do (ignorance!)" unconditional love in its purest form in action, the mind heart never wavered
even under such external pressures...
So as I know an wonderful teaching from an Rinpoche Buddhist master on this...and to explain it better and in an shorter way than I ever could....
The dilema is like this take your hand and open your palm and have it facing upwards flat, put an marble or ball bearing in the middle....that
represents people, things, events, now with your hand open you can roll the marble, ball bearing around its free you can feel it enjoy it, have the
experience that is the thing event person in your life, now close your palm over it in an fist, this is how most people experience "love" that is
what we do with our minds and emotions we "grasp" it and for it...the secret in life to be happy and how we could really practise unconditional love
is to be found in the above.
Get yourself to an high love vibration and calm mind meditate watch your mind and use your modality that works for you and is good/positive.
Get it to be at least 50% of your daily experience...than start not before or you will be burned, people will use you:-) high love pouring out calm
mind of mindfullness, or waking awareness mediation, watching breath whilst working, saying mantra in mind whatever....
Then as people events and things come into your life treat them like the marble become aware and relax let go when you start to close the fist and will then give them unconditional love and it will get stronger as you practice more, you will respect them more allow them the gift of
"free will" if an person alluded to (its your free will to love properly or not to lol) and become aware when you start to become so dependent on
"it" "Them" whatever to make you happy (the grasping mind/hand) and will take away the main cause of all our sadness suffering, violence, crime
etc in life.
Unconditional love 101