posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 07:53 PM
First of all, keep in mind they are all working for the same person... EVERY DETAIL has been planned... EVERY.
First of all, the attacks on 9/11 were used for MANY reasons, I'll get to some.
After the attack it allowed for "swift" action on the war on terrorism and the clamp down on its own citizens.
But things must be done in steps to insure its success, because if one plan works, the next is sure to fall inplace (if planned correctly / Yet we are
dealing with the "elite")
Now that this has been done, next is to take out the person who is least likely to co-operate with the said plans. (Saddam) and of course it gets them
one step closer to the oil without a bartering fee or Saddam governing it.
Phase 1 has been completed, now we are all questioning the first incident TOOOO much... something else must happen now to knock us on the ground now
that we've been stunned.
Now of course the way Bush went about things was waaayyy wrong
***(you will always please some and disappoint others)***
But that just leaves room for the next person to shine (and give his authority to the next / read your texts(bible readers)
Now Kerry gets his turn to make Bush look like a dolt (good disguise)
and once Kerry gets inplace he will enact homeland security to the full extent, also will take away many more rights.. not sure what is going to
happen but I know something is.. and its not going to be good.. they know how to manipulate us.. so its going to be something that will definately
confuse us at first... but we're getting faster and better at catching their lies .. soon it will be too late.. We shall blind the owl and burn the
[edit on 8/10/04 by dnero6911]