posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:23 PM
Possibly these airframes are due for the Afghanistan region or possibly to be passed on to the afghan gov
The problem is this ........most NATO helis cannot operate or operate safely in the mountainous altitudes of that region.
What is used for these areas of operations are the 'old skool' soviet airframes like the hip the halo and the ........damn forgotten its NATO
designation but I think it's hook ??
As these helis can operate at much higher altitudes
Very VERY simple yet robust designs
I remember flying to .......Bagram I think it was, in a hip and I was impressed by the altitude it could maintain, but was a little ......concerned
at the age and durability of the aircraft
A few days later that very same air frame was picking up special forces from a strike op - clipped a cliff face in the valley with its tail boom and
dropped out the sky into a hostile village
I was on the recovery team
edit on 19-7-2012 by Neocrusader because: Auto
edit on 19-7-2012 by Neocrusader because: Auto