posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 07:33 PM
I side with Ron Paul on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election.
Candidates you side with...
Ron Paul
on immigration, healthcare, domestic policy, economic, foreign policy, and social issues.
Gary Johnson
on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, foreign policy, science, and social issues.
Mitt Romney
on immigration, economic, and healthcare issues.
Barack Obama
on science issues.
Virginia Voters
on healthcare, domestic policy, economic, and science issues.
American Voters
on domestic policy, economic, and science issues.
Show all candidates
Who you side with by party...
91% Libertarian
79% Republican
36% Green
23% Democratic
Friends you side with...
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Who you side with by issue...
Most important to me
I side the most with Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on 100% of immigration issues.
More important to me
the Economy
I side the most with Mitt Romney on 95% of economic issues.
More important to me
Domestic policy
I side the most with Gary Johnson on 95% of domestic policy issues.
More important to me
I side the most with Gary Johnson and Ron Paul on 92% of healthcare issues.
More important to me
I side the most with Barack Obama on 100% of science issues.
More important to me
Foreign Policy
I side the most with Gary Johnson on 94% of foreign policy issues.
Somewhat important to me
the Environment
I side the most with Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney on 75% of environmental issues.
Somewhat important to me
I side the most with Gary Johnson and Ron Paul on 100% of social issues.