posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by baddw0lf
Thank you Bad Wolf for that post. It shows that people are looking at this materials potential. That is a very old video, but shows that somebody
out there is searching for possibilities with this allloy.
And this post provides me with an opening to make the following statement......
It is a shame that the best internet searches only provide readers with information this old. This technology has existed for decades now. Nitinol
now needs to be released to the public as a possible potential mechanism to be formulated into future mechanical designs. This mechanical technology
has been withheld from designers for too many years now. It is too simple for designers to not use in their visions today. The alloying process is
too simple, and the cost of production is too cheap. It is time for this world to take advantage of the capabilities of springs that are only springs
when you want them to be springs, and the power of Nitinol in its linear contraction effect. The only reason Nitinol is not designed into mechanical
designs today is simply that it is not available to designers. We must now, after decades of Nitinol knowledge being withheld by corporations,
expand the same knowledge to the very designers that read these posts. I have only lightly scanned the ATS site after joining here. The only reason
I joined is because a very good friend told me of people speaking of Nitinol technology being considered in some designs on this website.. After I
read what was available to a non-member, I joined ATS simply to assist designers, because I am a believer in this technology, and have a great deal of
knowledge in this alloy to provide to futuristic thinkers. Frankly, I have not even searched other forums or conspiracy links on ATS until joining.
Some of them have foundation in my opinion, and many dont. But I am only a member for the expansion of Nitinol thinking. And we need to be thinking
of the possible potentials of this alloy. If there ever was a forum for extra-natural thinking, this place has the brain potential for such vision.
I was a research assistant to one of the two discoverers of Nitinol. It was NOT was discovered. I am not any more than that. But I
saw, and recorded in my memory amazing possibilities.
I can provide thinkers with the capabilities of the material. You must envision the future designs incorporating this material. I have my own
designs I am working on. But I would be a tiny aspect in this universe if I were to think that a million others thinking on the same plane could not
develop incredible technology if they only knew what the parameters of this alloy were.
Please put your thinking caps on Ladies, and Gentlemen. Think. Think. Think.
There are millions to be made by people that degrade themselves by thinking they are too "simple" to envision the next great idea.
If any of you have any ideas of your ideas being possible, I will gladly provide the potential capabilities of this alloy, but please keep as much of
your design discreet as possible. If you wish to file for invention rights, do not post too much of your ideas to the public. And I am not trying to
keep the rest of us out here in the forum from reading of great inventions. I am only trying to encourage the many reading this to realize that when
you understand the parameters of this material, ANY OF YOU CAN FILE INVENTIONS. The possibilities are that vast. As far as the mind can see. If you
cannot think of a usage of this alloy, you have not given yourself the time that you need in life to be by yourself, and simply clear your mind of all
else......and Dream.