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Originally posted by Sk8ergrl
Could the earth's core be slowing down which produces our electromagnetic field to dissipate and let in more suns uv rays. OP its possible that our inner core is cooling so its slowing down. The field is weakening that's why the ice sheets are melting quicker but that's my own view.edit on 7/18/1212 by Sk8ergrl because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Qumulys
Not sure if it's already been mentioned, but if you look at the sun from space, it is actually white. The earth's atmosphere is what gives it its yellow colour.
So, if this was some 'vision' thingy, perhaps there was a sudden drastic change in the quantity/quality of atmosphere (sudden loss perhaps), not the sun itself acting up.
Originally posted by Suspiria
reply to post by yorkshirelad
Reminded me a little of J.S Fletchers The New Sun too. But that started with queer fog before the blinding light.
Originally posted by OrionHunterX
How and why the heck do such things happen only in the US of A?
It's probably a strange country that's why!
Originally posted by yorkshirelad
Why are we debating the plot of a TV sci fi episode as if its really happening ?
The Outer Limits - Music of the Spheres
Originally posted by eriktheawful
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
The problem is, you can't have the sun's light increase, without other parts of the EM band increasing too. So yes, if the sun were to brighten like that, it would increase the amount of UV rays....but it would also increase the amount of IR (heat). I don't want to think about how much IR if the visible light brightened that much.
Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by yorkshirelad
Okay, this is boring.
I'm watching it and it's just about music.
Originally posted by roaland
you mentioned it being brighter but the temperature was the same. So i would start with something being in the upper atmosphere that was reflecting the light stronger then it normally would. I say upper atmosphere because u mentioned dusk being blueish, water vapor perhaps? but then again water vapor is a greenhouse gas and would raise the temperature, unless it was trapped somehow in the upper atmosphere, thus causing the light to be reflected kinda like driving in the fog with your brights on perhaps?
Originally posted by XeroOne
Originally posted by grubblesnert
I found this part of your story interesting. The only way for this to happen, as you describe, is if there was forward knowledge of this "surprise" event. Enough time to manufacture and set up distribution logistics for enough panels to be fitted to every building and tied into the existing power grid.
Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
Trucks are coming in with silver looking panels and placing them on all buildings everywhere.
People are being told that once all silver panels are on every building, the electrical grid will be shut off. All electrical things will still work, but power will come from the panels.
Please, I would apprieciate eloboration in this regard.
I should add that solar panels aren't a viable alternative yet, because with them there's a trade-off between the voltage and current they supply, and that's defined by the surface area of the panels and the number of cells in each. You could draw a high current from them at a very low voltage, or a high voltage with low current. One or the other.
When NLCs first appeared in the 19th century, the mysterious clouds were confined to the Arctic, most often seen in the same places as Northern Lights. In recent years, however, their "habitat" has been expanding, rippling as far south as Colorado, Virginia, Kansas, and Utah. There is growing evidence that the expansion is a sign of climate change, although this remains controversial. Whatever the reason for the expansion, it means the "stormy sea" could be coming to a sky near you. Observing tips: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the sun has dipped 6o to 16o below the horizon. If you see electric-blue waves spreading across the sky, you've probably spotted a noctilucent cloud.
ELECTRIC AURORAS: Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from the CME strike of July 14th. This morning, July 17th, at 1:00 am CDT, Shawn Malone witnessed one of the aftershocks over Lake Superior: "My dog hates lightning and awoke me at 1am," says Malone. "I caught a double light show: an isolated thunderstorm moving across Lake Superior plus the bright glow of the Northern Lights above the clouds, awesome!"