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The War has Become a Freakin Video Game for the US

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posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:04 AM
Either you believe in pseudoscience or you don't. There is no proof that explosives brought down wtc7 or that videogames make people do stupid things and want to go to war.
I am not deceived by such minor things but maybe I wish I could go back to a much simpler time.
Now everybody is an expert and it's getting dangerous

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I agree with you there. Star. I should kind of revise my previous post, but I will leave it and just say additional things here.

Yea, it started out innocent enough. Little Mario hopping on the baddies. I remember Duke...and another from around that time (that I didn't own, just saw) called Redneck Rampage.

Some of today's games are just so dark and depressing, like Half-Life. I have tried playing that game, and it is truly frightening. The voices of the people sound scared and helpless against the "gestapo" (basically). It's a big wasteland full of radioactive material. Things have mutated. The evil guy uses propaganda and lives in large spires. I is like immersing yourself in the apocalypse / holocaust. I played the game for quite a while before I quit.

Other games are a bit more cartoony, like Team Fortress. Then there was a war game I played. I can't remember or find the name right now, but it was also very intense. I really would "jump" like you might in a suspense movie. It was scary too.

With the way young people seem more accepting of violence, I guess it is due to being desensitized, and they also see that others are reacting in very "oh ok, that's all it was..." manner ("meh..."). So, they themselves adopt the same attitude.

Either way, the corporations are intent to sell anything that sells, no matter how destructive it is. I guess we will eventually be destroyed, in the name of profit...or subdued further until we have lose any chance of regaining control. I don't know. It's very sad though.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:13 AM
"Either way, the corporations are intent to sell anything that sells, no matter how destructive it is. I guess we will eventually be destroyed, in the name of profit...or subdued further until we have lose any chance of regaining control. I don't know. It's very sad though."

...........and the solution is what? to raise taxes and expand government is what usually follows posts like yours.
You guys seem to think people can't think for themselves and you want to "save them".
Aka control them.

Vote with your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Either you believe in pseudoscience or you don't. There is no proof that explosives brought down wtc7 or that videogames make people do stupid things and want to go to war.
I am not deceived by such minor things but maybe I wish I could go back to a much simpler time.
Now everybody is an expert and it's getting dangerous

There is no proof of many things. We make judgements based on what we DO know. What I do know, is that we were lied to over and over and still are. You believe anything out of a politicians mouth, then you might as well be on their terrorist payroll.

I will not re-hash any arguments made, because you have your mind made up. It is still amazing to see people that believe that fire that spread to a building brought the entire building down.

Were the buildings made of butter or something?

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:14 AM
The comments at that liveleak site are disgusting.

Killing injured and now harmless people is also pretty disgusting.
edit on 19-7-2012 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Either you believe in pseudoscience or you don't. There is no proof that explosives brought down wtc7 or that videogames make people do stupid things and want to go to war.
I am not deceived by such minor things but maybe I wish I could go back to a much simpler time.
Now everybody is an expert and it's getting dangerous

Lol i agree .. now everybody is an expert on conspiracy
you know why im on ATS now ?
because of 9/11 .. from the moment a saw both towers
falling down verticaly exactly the same way TWICE after only a few minutes
my mind started to realise that it was impossible and it had to be a controlled demolition
needed to get answers on the net to see if i was the only one thinking the government
had maybe something to do with 9/11

then if it is a CD .. somebody planted bombs in the WTC
and when the planes comes .. it will look like the planes made the towers falls

even holywood doesnt make such impossible BS scenario

at least in Godzilla when the apache strike Empire state building
the top fall down to the side .. the entire empire state building didnt all fall down verticaly
if they had made Godzilla like that .. people would say it is BS

why it is so difficult to believe the government sacrificed 3000 american
and alqueada did it .. well those same alqueada now are in Syria trying to topple Assad
with the US aid

if i knew better i would say Alqueada and US are ally
look Osama bin Laden founder of alqueada
you do know that he was CIA before ?

edit on 7/19/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by daynight42

Originally posted by HamrHeed
Either you believe in pseudoscience or you don't. There is no proof that explosives brought down wtc7 or that videogames make people do stupid things and want to go to war.
I am not deceived by such minor things but maybe I wish I could go back to a much simpler time.
Now everybody is an expert and it's getting dangerous

There is no proof of many things. We make judgements based on what we DO know. What I do know, is that we were lied to over and over and still are. You believe anything out of a politicians mouth, then you might as well be on their terrorist payroll.

I will not re-hash any arguments made, because you have your mind made up. It is still amazing to see people that believe that fire that spread to a building brought the entire building down.

Were the buildings made of butter or something?

I believe the politicians? That's why nobody takes the movement serious, because it's a hotbed of shills, authors, "experts" and just common undesirables who don't do any research.
The attacks were once in a lifetime events so saying definately they were demolished is insincere. Yes, 911 is fishy, even just the symbols and such surrounding the event.

Do you believe the pentagon was hit by a party sub too?

Edit: Ben I do believe there is alot of controversy around 911 and bin laden, but the explosive thing, missile theory etc are all crap without solid proof.

obama biden
osama bin laden
saddam hussein

edit on 19-7-2012 by HamrHeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed
"Either way, the corporations are intent to sell anything that sells, no matter how destructive it is. I guess we will eventually be destroyed, in the name of profit...or subdued further until we have lose any chance of regaining control. I don't know. It's very sad though."

...........and the solution is what? to raise taxes and expand government is what usually follows posts like yours.
You guys seem to think people can't think for themselves and you want to "save them".
Aka control them.

Vote with your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure that the elite know most people would rather have things spelled out for them, so they don't have to think too much.

I do vote with my money when I can without going broke. I boycott a big name cell phone company, for instance.

We don't really have to raise taxes. Let's just take back our current corporation-run government and make sure that everyone pays their share, and that nobody cheats or uses loopholes they created for themselves. End the lobbyists, and end the career politicians who are bought and paid for.

There. That ought to fix a lot, if it can be enforced. Right now, it can't, because they are making their own rules. The banks are running the government, along with some other power players. The gov't only cares to profit, and it MUST be at the expense of the small guys because the big ones just keep getting bigger.

I hate to end a decent 'debate,' but this is becoming a waste of time. I have never accused anyone of being a "disinformation agent," but you are baffling me here to the point I'd consider guessing so. Really going to have to leave the thread now, so you don't bait me with more official weak stories.

It's kind of like the mother says in the Wizard of Oz....the propaganda machine might be able to fool most people, but there are those of us who, while we might not know exactly the truth of how things happened, we sure as hell know an obvious lie when we see one.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by randomname

It depends what your definition of "winning" is, and your definition (as with most people's) means that this war is literally impossible to be considered won.

We have totally obliterated those countries. We have complete air superiority, and occupy the entire country. In any other war waged in the history of man that would have been considered a massive victory.

But the idea of "winning" this war is getting the general population to love and embrace us, to have zero people there resisting us or being against us. That is quite literally impossible. You cannot make people like us. You cannot remove the idea of resistance from people's minds.

It's like saying the north didn't win the civil war because some southern folks still think the same way, and hate the north. It's like saying WWII was lost because some Japanese still harbor ill will towards the west and there are still people with German blood still alive.

Once again, by any measure that has ever been applied to any war in the past, we have totally won the war against Iraq and Afghanistan. We destroyed their military, occupy their countries, and have molded their current government to our liking.

The war on terror is NOT won, however. It's not won because it can never be won. It's an impossible goal. An alien race far superior to any earthly technology couldn't even win such a war. Because terror is an ideal and a mindset. As long as you have one single person willing to give their life to attack their enemy, the war isn't won.

It's the same thing as the war on drugs. It's literally impossible to "win" because you aren't attacking a military or trying to capture land. You are attempting to wage war against people's minds, and that's a war that is quite literally impossible or any person or country to win.

edit on 19-7-2012 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

Originally posted by Ben81
you will see at on part in the video
1 missile that cost a hundred thousand dollar for 1 guy walking .. WTH
its easy when each soldier know the tax payers are paying for those missile

First off the Hellfire runs anywhere from $20,000 to $70,000 per missile, depending on your sources. Let's at least get your facts straight here before you keep bashing the US.

The fact that taxpayers are paying for them has nothing to do with "how easy" it is for a soldier to fire them. The fact that every one fired means that that many fewer of his buddies, or even himself aren't going to be killed at that particular time.

I think you miss the point, that much less expensive ammo could be used to kill one person. With your argument you could justify using a nuclear bomb to kill every individual enemy you see, and that doesn't make sense.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:30 AM
What I find particularly disturbing with todays modern ways of killing from afar, is that so many "clips" of these acts of barbarity are showing up on the internet. I seriously think these are deliberately "leaked".
I have seen young kids gathered around one of their mobile phones cooing at the sight of night vision images of people being shot / blown to pieces.
For heavens sake, they are just kids and already we are exposing them to war porn.... military produced snuff movies, blurring the line between games and reality. They never get to see the up close reality of such acts, just the "cool" looking images they then get to re-enact on their xboxes and playstations.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:40 AM
I've been playing this game called Skyrim....can't wait till I'm summoned to slay dragons for a living! SO EXCITED! The logic presented here is just what I needed to confirm how awesome my life is going to be!!!!



posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Omg you anti american nazi!! Just joining the bandwahon hahaha!
Kudos for bringing to light the ugliness that is the military, don't listen to the too proud americans replying it ain't worth it they're already brainwashed.

I do believe it all has subliminal effects on the psyche, basically there is no good reason to go to war period.
Anyone saying the opposite just bought in the bs propaganda they've been spoon feeding all of us.
The trick is to push the spoon away, but most will not see that, they will defend a false cause and decieve the world as I greatly expect them to.

Peace OP and nevermind all the ignorants calling you anti american, as most aren't but are rather anti american government.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:10 AM
Jeeze Ben "My mind is already made up dont worry" ......I am beginning to worry for your sanity......
Every day at east one maybe two anti american goverment threads shrill decrying the Iran situation or the war machine etc......I fear for your grip on reality.
Try to develope a few other interests than the ME war.Something positive and physical would be a great balance to this obsession you seem to be fixating on.......
Half the time you read like you can hardly wait for the thing to kick off, and the other half is adamantly the other way.....
Its hard to believe, but something physical, person to person is far more effective in spreading the same message you bring here da in day out.....If i was troling you id be inferring er just a flag n star whore.....but i know this is far from the case.
I just think that ou need to get outside in the fresh air more.....for the good of your inner being....contacting our center of mass so to speak.....
Belay the frenz and take a deep breath of two......then go help out a neighbour or pet yer cat .
peace brother.....
PS I do agree to some extent with your messages....but think its just getting too strident and one sided to be healthy for your mind/soul.....
One keeps this up and soon enough one is ready to kill for peace too............

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:18 AM
Look at all those comments from the OP link, I would love to just teleport all of them into the middle of that field when the sun comes up just so they can fully understand what is actually being shot at because it is not a bunch of pixels.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:56 AM
The realism of COD takes the fun away from it. When I play it I feel like I'm really on the front lines...and that's not a feeling I want to have when I play a video game.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:59 AM


posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Ben81

A war is when TWO armies are ya see.....not quite a war. More like genocide.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
The comments at that liveleak site are disgusting.

Killing injured and now harmless people is also pretty disgusting.
edit on 19-7-2012 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

I was just about to post that about the comments. Terrible how many people think it's so 'cool' watching humans get gunned down.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 03:22 AM
The Taliban are nomads ... just like the original population of the Americas. They have no idea how to fight, or how to plan to fight this ... and nobody is helping them. Basically because the population has been brainwashed with the idea that the taliban are muslim extremists, that mistreat women.

However, with the amount of "conviction" the Taliban has, if and that is IFF someone would help them plan ... this war of yours would quickly go haywire, and you'd end up with your technology being a primary negative aspect, and you'd find yourself being so lazy and unmotivated, that you'd lose the entire war.

But that is a scenario, that is being "saved" for later. If I were you, I'd really "hope" my government had the intellect to stop their war machine before it gets to that point.

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