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Once Again The Mainstream News Oulets,More Propaganda On Syria, Syria is a Proxy War on Iran And Rus

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Once Again The Mainstream News Oulets,EAWorldView Proclaiming The End For Assad,While FSA Web Users attack Russia

The mainstream certainly knows how to play the game of propaganda and warfare. And the guardian and enduring America both prove it.

Syria crisis: Four members of Assad inner circle killed in Damascus - live updates

If you go onto the Live updates guardian. you would usual see, tweets from twitter and mostly most of if not all of them are unconfirmed. And has in this article it points to its Obvious analysts the same analysts who have been calling for an intervention on Sryia.

4.13pm: Syria: Analysts are wondering aloud about whether this represents the end of the Assad regime:

Noticed that Salman Shaikh was tweeted and used in the guardian article?

Boarding my flight. Wonder what will be of #Syrian regime as I open my phone in a few hours.
His boarding a flight to where?

With my Syrian friend who was born 3 months before Baath party took power in 1963.He has never seen a free ‪#Syria‬.Imagine how he feels today

You see what he did there? its called reverse propaganda, and yes before the Baath took power in 1963 there weren't any Russian bases were they?
After all why you think otherwise John McCain would call Assad Russia's Assad?

Emile Hokayem, senior fellow for regional security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, is as long-winded as possible in 140 characters:

Chris Doyle, director of Council for Arab-British Understanding, tweets the reaction of his Syrian friends:

Earlier Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said a "decisive battle" was under way in Syria.

That doesn't meant that the rebels could win, after today's terrorist attack that killed an Christan orthodox.

Yet at the same time in the same article.

BBC's Lina Sinjab in Damascus, who has been to the scene of the reported bombing. She says she saw no broken windows in the area, and the roads were open. She says there was "no sign of any explosion".

Thats rather isn't it?

Here are the anti Russian Commentators in the article.
"Bit late for that now Bashar! I don't think even sugar daddy Putin can save you now."

This much is probably true. I'm surprised that Putin, who's usually a lot smarter than Killary and the Gang, failed to handle this matter effectively months ago.

Another comment.

Assad will soon be finished and Russia will lose it's only Mediterranean naval base for its rusting, ancient Black Sea Fleet that'ss located in the Syrian port of Tartus..... HAHAHA!

Comments made by a paid Agent called BrownMoses

Ever since last week and last month the Propaganda on Sryia has never stopped nor ended while on twitter ever since the bombing blast of today there were rumors and more rumors of defections that couldn't be confirmed, and i have seen twitter users who were and are diffidently paid to post there opinions and thoughts.

For example on twitter there is a user calling himself the riad al asaad and he has proclaimed this.

riad al asaad ‏@fsa_hq_syria ‪#Syria‬ the Briefcase Bomb never worked on hilter but the Water Cooler Bomb on Assads inner circle of Thugs Comming soon

Of course everyone here should know by now who James Miller is.
James Millier owner of Radical War monger Site EA WorldView

it's weird that Syrian State TV has been so helpful today. Sure sign of end times ;-)

Funny for a person with deep connections to the united states government.

Live: It's not just ‪#Damascus‬, Assad regime losing tanks & territory in many areas http://(link tracking not allowed)/M94BYs

Does even James Realize that Assad forces have more than 400,000 tanks and ground forces?
on his site.

EA Worldview

Its pretty clear this is becoming a proxy war against Iran and Russia, from the way James writes, and from the few of the commentators.

That is up to the Iranian people the same way Assad rule is collapsing under the weight of the Syrian people. It's a shame some people are in such a state of denial when the reality could not be more clear. Good luck supporting Assad. Let us know how that works out for you.

ll of Russian's tanks and Iran's rev forces couldn't put Basher Al-Assad back together again. I wonder if he has fled already but to where? My guess is Asma would not want Tehran as she would be forced to wear the Hejab. Russia is cold with a communist mentality. Venezzueelllaa, nice and warm.

I am not sure whatever or they are paid agents on that site, but sure sounds like they as they are on twitter, already on twitter there rumors been spreading that Assad elite units are been given gas masks, two defections claims by the rebels have been false.

#Syria‬ Urgent Retweet getting intl that Assad Regime haning out 1000s of Gas masks to Elite units and Security forces in ‪#Damascus‬ ‪

Again Free Sryian Army Supporters and there users are spreading rumors yet again. Just so they could as what i call fit in with the narrative.

This is the user who also had created a Libyan blog supporting the libyan rebels.
An Agent?
That user kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:43 PM
Claims made by EA Worldview.

1436 GMT: Syria. there have been widespread rumors that Syrian military units are defecting in large numbers, particularly near the capital. Among the most significant report is that the amount of defections in Qaboun

Yes Rumors that are never confirmed yet they happen always after a major event, i wonder why is that?

enduring America Proxy War on Iran

Iran Feature: Protests and Repression --- The Iranian Arabs in Khuzestan (Aleaziz and Mills)

This past March, a rural province in Iran found itself the subject of a sensational documentary on the state-run English-language news outlet Press TV. Khuzestan, which borders Iraq and is more than ten hours by car from Tehran, is home to most of Iran's Arab minority and the bulk of the country's oilfields. The Press TV documentary, Al-Ahvazi Terrorist Groups in Khuzestan, paints a sinister picture in its "dramatic reconstruction" of an angry group of Iranian Arabs wearing red-and-black keffiyehs, a symbol of their Arab ethnicity, as they track down and kill an innocent Iranian.

More Iranian Articles.
Iran Analysis: Larijani and the Revolutionary Guards Warn the Government Over the Economy

Why the intervention? A careful reader might note the growing concern of the clerics over the economic situation. On Sunday, Minister of Industry Mehdi Ghazanfari met a group in Qom to admit the challenges of the economy and sanctions, while putting the Government's case that it would deal with those issues.

On Sryia again.
As I noted in my "History of the Insurgency," an in-depth assessment of the Free Syrian Army that we published only last Wednesday, we talk about how the Syrian regime has been losing ground in northern Aleppo, AND trying to regain it, for many weeks now, with no success. This begs the question - if the capital is under attack, will Assad pull more forces out of Aleppo and into Damascus, giving the FSA nearly unchecked access to the countryside surrounding Syria's largest city?

1526 GMT: Syria. Celebrations are being held in many towns and cities across Syria as news of today's bombing inn Damascus spreads. But the protests don't end in Syria. The Sham News Network posts this video, reportedly taken in a refugee camp in Turkey, where protesters jubilantly celebrate:

First ironcally the guy puts out the video and then writes that, and look what he wrote below.

Obviously, we cannot confirm this video.

Of coruse you cant your making it up for the propaganda volume.

There are also disturbing rumors that shabiha, pro-regime paramilitary, have entered Midan and Al Asali with guns and knives. These rumors also seem alarmist, but sources close to Al Jazeera, and some of our own sources, have also heard the rumors.

So according to the mouthpiece propaganda of the Qatari government which is Al Jazeera, and users on twitter they have claimed and have spread rumors that a shadow death squad the shabiha have entered Midan ? from Assad thugs to Goverment Thugs now the mainstream news outlet favorite term is the shabiha.

For now, mostly for lack of resources, we are concentrating on Damascus, but these numbers are supported by the fact that widespread violence is reported in Daraa province, Homs, and Deir Ez Zor today. While the situation in the capital is escalating, the regime has lost control of many areas of this country, and is fighting to keep control in areas like Aleppo and Deir Ez Zor, where that control is very much challenged by a surging insurgency.

You see what James Miller wrote above?

the regime has lost control of many areas of this country

That what the Rebels and mainstream have been claiming since 17 months ago. I guess James Miller is playing the mainstream news narrative.

Its pretty clear from what his site is showing the readers is again a one sided prescriptive just like the mainstream news outlets.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

The main battle tank in Syria is the T-72/72M. SAF have 1700 of those. Some 200 have been upgraded by Russia but not many more. Most are in a terrible condition. Especially now when Assad lets say, "is experiencing" certain trouble with his unruly subjects represented by FSA whom seems to be running around blowing up banks and even killing people outside the Syrian Central Bank.

No weapon dealer does business with a ruler whom is about to crumble and fall. Panic is never a good guarantee in weapon deals of such scale. Better to wait for the other guy and the new government instead.

Others are T 62:s (around 1000), T-55:s (2200 of which 1000 are in storage)

They do of course have an assortment of IFV:s, APC:s and so on. But only a couple of thousand of which many are in storage.

If you lack credible intel sources you can always check with Jane´s online to have my data verified.

The number 400,000 is way over exaggerated and I believe certain ex military on ATS can confirm your ignorance on this particular subject.
edit on 18-7-2012 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 12:55 PM
"Its pretty clear this is becoming a proxy war against Iran and Russia" - I agree wholeheartedly. And I also agree with what you are saying about WorldView and some of the comments to a certain extent. All this 'Unconfirmed' BS.. I thought the whole point of journalism was to confirm things THEN report them..

ANYTHING I hear to do with Syria I have a hard time swallowing.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by johncarter

No weapon dealer does business with a ruler whom is about to crumble and fall. Panic is never a good guarantee in weapon deals of such scale. Better to wait for the other guy and the new government instead.

I am not surprised to see you responding in that manner i never seen such level of activity by the government on the internet forums and twitter and comment section

I see so you basically admitted that you work for the Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis?

Better to wait for the other guy and the new government instead
If you think that Assad would be killed so easily then you don't know Russia's putin is, another thing i wonder how would you feel if the fifth fleet losses Bahrain eh?

Or better eastern Saudi Arabia? don't you worry whatever or not you are working with the Gov or not its pretty clear what you are doing on here.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by johncarter

I believe certain ex military on ATS can confirm your ignorance on this particular subject.

Sadly i am not showing any ignorance on here maybe you could explain your purpose with the pro rebel threads?

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by johncarter

Oh and remember that child soldier you copied and pasted it in your thread?
S ource
Thats where you took the image from and in the thread it seems as if that Assad was using child soldiers but in the reality it was the rebels.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by johncarter

Actually your wrong, weapons dealers are in it for the money, they do not seem to care who wins or looses or who is in the process of crumbling... actually they probably like most the process of crumbling since that is when they make the most money....

I am sure the weapons manufacturers of the world are not in the red this last decade, and neither are the dealers. They, I am sure, are giving every war monger a big thumbs up! (record profit margins lately in all actuality)

You neglected to mention, however, why you are showing so much support for the terrorists...oops... sorry, FSA... care to elaborate why you find them such heros?
edit on 18-7-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

You neglected to mention, however, why you are showing so much support for the terrorists...oops... sorry, FSA... care to elaborate why you find them such heros?

In aproximately 60 days I will tell you why they are such heroes. You just observe the news and see what is coming (grins).

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
"Its pretty clear this is becoming a proxy war against Iran and Russia" - I agree wholeheartedly. And I also agree with what you are saying about WorldView and some of the comments to a certain extent. All this 'Unconfirmed' BS.. I thought the whole point of journalism was to confirm things THEN report them..

ANYTHING I hear to do with Syria I have a hard time swallowing.

Then you are like me and many other truthers
9/11 woke me up
but now since Libya and Syria
i know the news is always 99% lying
they give only 1 % of the truth and its always one sided
talking about peace when they arm al queada
US has been using alqueada in their ranks for a long time
to do their dirty job .. because they know those radical terrorist mercenaries
only wants money and power and someone to kill

OBL was a CIA agent trained to become the founder of alqueada in a way
or just a puppet on TV
US have used these same alqueada for 9/11 now in Lybia and Syria
and many other high tech terrorist attack
alqueada is the front militia foreign terrorist group of the WH
its clear they are covering them in syria arming those murderer to topple assad
and kill whoever support him
edit on 7/18/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Actually your wrong, weapons dealers are in it for the money, they do not seem to care who wins or looses or who is in the process of crumbling... actually they probably like most the process of crumbling since that is when they make the most money.... I am sure the weapons manufacturers of the world are not in the red this last decade, and neither are the dealers.

I assume you speak from experience (grins).

I can assure you that the way "real" weapon deals take place on a government level of Syria's caliber is far beyond your knowledge which I assume is derived from mere movies and wikipedia info.

The praxis of a weapon deal of such magnitude is always extremely complex and involves many factors, like bribes to proper ppl, guarantees of stability or ability to pay, paired with elimination/removal of certain political parties or individuals against said deals.

There is much more to say about this of course but lets stop it here and just say that Mr Assad is not a viable name among weapon dealers right now. He was 10 months ago, but not now. All are waiting on the next "guy" now. Weapon dealers are patient and very shrude ppl. The only god in this business is the "ability to deliver on promise" and how said promise stands against fluctuating events like for example the immediate toppling of a government by a more promising group of future "buyers".
edit on 18-7-2012 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by OpinionatedB

elimination/removal of certain political parties or individuals against said deals

like the Pentagon perhaps

dont worry, I am not stupid, and there are always people willing to deal, regardless of anything, money, and sometimes position, are key elements

Ohhh, I am not big on the movies. No worries there, nor am I a wiki fan either.... btw, you really must enjoy attempting personal attacks, as you appear to employ this as a particular strategy of yours...

all the while you ignore a point blank question, such as the one I asked in my post. ie: Why are you so heavily supporting the FSA (aka terrorists)

You neglected to mention, however, why you are showing so much support for the terrorists...oops... sorry, FSA... care to elaborate why you find them such heros?

edit on 18-7-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:08 PM
In order to have a true Proxy War one needs to have two outside agitators/supporters of opposing sides. So in this case, you are agreeing to the fact that Iran and the Russians are playing their part in all the fun and games, I mean, death and destruction?

edit on 18-7-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:29 PM
I posted this in another thread, but felt it appropriate here.

In this, there are no sinners, there are no saints.

Freedom fighters or Muslim Brotherhood?
Assad, trying to hold onto power or bloodthirsty maniac?

There are no black hats, no white hats here.
Everyone, from the OP to others, have an agenda. That is to report news that supports their own beliefs.

It's not wrong. It's not bad.

It's human nature. It seems that there are those that have picked a "side". The US has. Russia has. The OP has, and others on ATS have.

I'm not smart enough to see through all the bull dookey. So I refuse to pick a "side" until I have all the facts. But "facts" lately have been opinions dressed up to look like facts.

I honestly don't think anyone will know the truth until the dust has settled and the bleeding has stopped.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:30 PM

How about Iran and Russia waging a proxy war against the most famous villian in the middle east?

Iran is already in Lebannon and their proxy war agianst the evil Isreal that has rained rockets down for decades or the Iranian proxy wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Really getting tired of people playing the "victim card" about Iran on here for all anyone knows Vevak /Iran was behind the entire arab spring to hasten the arrival of the 12th imam.
edit on 18-7-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by neo96

So Iran,Russia, Lebanon are our real true enemies or has War Criminal stated Axis of Evil?, if you believe the mainstream propaganda then you are really never awaken.

To see whose the real enemy.

How about Iran and Russia waging a proxy war against the most famous villian in the middle east?

Oh you mean Israel by any chance?
edit on 18-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by neo96

Yup Iran's the victim here. Recently Iran's Supreme leader couldn't keep his yap shut...

"Wherever Iran interferes, it announces it in a very straightforward manner. For instance, we interfered in confrontations against Israel, which resulted in the (Lebanese) victory in the 33-day war and (Palestinians' victory in) the 22-day (Gaza) war," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing millions of Friday Prayers worshippers on Tehran University Campus today.


How about this little embarrassing tidbit..
Zionist regime well within Iran missile reach: MP

A senior Iranian lawmaker says the Zionist regime is very vulnerable at present and threats to launch a military strike against Iran are merely a bluff.

According to Press TV, member of the Majlis Presiding Board Mohammad-Hossein Farhangi said Saturday that based on international and regional developments, Tel Aviv is bluffing in making war threats against Iran.

He said “The occupied territories are within the range of the Islamic Republic's missiles and therefore the Zionist regime of Israel cannot engage in any military activity against Iran.”

But the territory has innocent civilians living there so I guess those missiles will just kill indiscriminately whomever is living there when those Islamic Republic's missiles land. Sounds to me like a repeating pattern of indiscriminate killing from the playbook that Assad has been following as well.

edit on 18-7-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by neo96

So Iran,Russia, Lebanon are our real true enemies or has War Criminal stated Axis of Evil?, if you believe the mainstream propaganda then you are really never awaken.

To see whose the real enemy.

How about Iran and Russia waging a proxy war against the most famous villian in the middle east?

Oh you mean Israel by any chance?
edit on 18-7-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

Done editing?

The real enemy are those who on the forum boards make constant thread after thread trying to spread hatred through decit.

Think mainstream media is bad?

There are a few threads on this board that puts them to shame Iran the Saint Isreal the devil.

Rather sad.

Once Again The Mainstream News Oulets,More Propaganda On Syria, Syria is a Proxy War on Iran And Rus, page 1

Once Again More propaganda about how "nice Russia,Syria, and Iran are" those poor liittle "victims".
edit on 18-7-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:46 PM
US caught in a lie once again

i suspected all of this even before reading the fisherman testimony

I present to you Muthu Muniraj

Quite a miracle that 3 have survive the US attack
and are alive to tell about it

US navy shooting survivors tell of ordeal

Three injured Indian fishermen, Muthu Muniraj, 28, Muthu Kannan, 35, Pandu Sanadhan, 26, were recovering at the Rashid Hospital this morning, a day after the US navy opened fire on their fishing boat 16 kilometres off the Jebel Ali coast.

Mr Muniraj, who was shot on his right leg, said the US navy started firing at them after their boat crossed the USNS Rappahannock and was heading towards the shore.

"We saw the boat from far," said Mr Muniraj, "When we came close, we slowed down to let them pass to avoid any accidents.

Once we crossed them from behind, they started firing at us," he said.

The truth in this world of lies are not that hard to find
when you investigate with you heart and soul that only wants the truth

the maintstream news outlets are scums
we truthers are the real reporters of today

was this attack an attempt to sink the boat killing everyone on it and accuse iran
attempting to make a suicide attack on a military refuel ship ?

very plausible
edit on 7/18/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Should we also post some images of the civilian women and children being killed in Syria by Syrian forces which is the topic....

Once Again The Mainstream News Oulets,More Propaganda On Syria, Syria is a Proxy War on Iran And Russia

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