reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion
I began to think perhaps that is what the other thread was getting at, this continuous need of the male to give, work, fix; women want to make things
better, recieve by nurturing, trying to make something better, contemplating. Men seem to take more risks, think about something maybe less than a
woman & yes I think too it's somewhat depending on the person (not black & white).
They say men put a great deal of effort into, "dating," but when married the energy shifts as they attempt to, "conquer," newer things. That's a
positive IF both are able to work still along the orig premise of togetherness (fruitful marriage, peace, harmony). Women need other women to talk
things over with. I've noticed in particular not to repeat things more than once & not twice, it can be irritating to man (as I am repeating what I
just said
Of course there are men that like to talk more than other men, & likely testosterone has to do with this, same with women & nurturing (estrogen). Men
& women both have each but obviously less testosterone in women & less estrogen in men.
When I think of, "Christ," I think of The Trinity, loving, with expectations, yet gentle, kind.
Seems too that men/women also can be more deluded, this probably doesn't make sense, just think of personality types/differences in people & by
deluded I don't mean negative I just mean as to compared to The Perfect CHRIST/GOD/HOLY SPIRIT. Deepending on the person there are those that are ok
with status quo, do not make waves, the ones that don't fit in (not supposed to), the radical ones (rebel without a (good) cause & good cause is
relative I suppose).
So yes, the pure form of men/women, think that's why I like to see words pulled apart also & the #'s fasincate me (dates, 777's, 333's, all that).
Probably I contemplate it a bit much at times cause of the xx, whereas males, xy would think then act more readily, upon information, seeking More
information/ action.
I was getting the feeling in other thread (thought about this yesterday) that this topic of Fixing the world, is probably the way men view things,
even someone who is aware of CHRIST & that in Heaven there is healing, but human nature is what it is.
In Heaven, my vision, is that people will be who they are to be around/with, doing what God Wants them to do, happy, reordered properly & the MESS
will be cleaned up by GOD. Glorified bodies, mind, souls, pure & with leadership redefined.
IF /when the 1000 year reign of Christ is complete, evil is thus brought to close, then I wonder if the core of the earth, iron center, magnetic in
escescence, (fa, someone mentioned this in another thread, & that being ferrous /iron, representing female & reproducing), the sun (moon & stars) go
about in order to provide, however when THE LORD RETURNS, this will shift. Heaven Will Be Lit by CHRIST, His Love & LIGHT, GOD, will give His
SO, the metals of the earth (as Heaven is said to have trees that provide fruit) will be distributed in the earth properly, evil destroyed (the core
of the earth changes? .. not sure how this plays out just thinking)..
666 is then 999 (pole shift), something that is related to carbon also, which is 666 (which I have read a few times lately).
As this relates to, Response Ability, I think it's normal for men to want to fix, think about, then do. The Y in XY chromosone, is to me, I see 3
lines, pointed upward toward Heaven, to recieve from above, then pouring out /action toward. Women thus are the receives, from GOD & men (JESUS &
earthly spouse) in duplication (reproducing.. life, work, family). Family, I also see, fami LIAR, which to me also indicates an eventual shift to
Heavenly family. XX are 2 of the same chromosone, the bible says, we are to worship GOD & women (who are) married & the man is the head of the home.
Of course a good spouse will work with, not against this family unit. Since carbon is big (I think) as to humans' make biologically (I think) & the
earth, NOW, thus perhaps this renewing, glorified bodies has to do with the body not needing minerals in the same way as before, the sustaining would
be appropriate (God Has us in Heaven with who HE wants us with, new order ). Wouldn't need meat (which contains many minerals) but would have fruit &
natural from earth, as Adam & Eve did.
I'll have to research carbon. I wonder HOW the body will work in HEAVEN . just things I contemplate (the xx part).
I'd better go think about something else for awhile.
OH & the energy amping up for this shift, energy shift to LIGHT, LIGHT & LOVE of CHRIST, has to have something to do with it too, the 8 ETERNAL, & 1 &
0 binary #'s. One, DIVINE, we are one with CHRIST.
YES men RESPONSE ABILITY & women are moreso contemplative (recievers). It's much harder for most women to be aggressive/assertive & when we are we
tend to at times talk (& or think ) too much.
or at least more than a man does, just to be real, it's not like good or bad but just is.
(my view)
edit on 19-7-2012 by J7IST1 because: (no reason given)