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Arpaio Obama probe finds 'national security threat'

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by jam321
According to fox. it has cost taxpayers money.

The investigation, which has been going on for months, has cost taxpayers $10,000 and sent a Maricopa County Sheriff's deputy to Hawaii for nine days.
edit on 17-7-2012 by jam321 because: (no reason given)

your gone complain about $10,000?? My own estimate was "well within a million dollars" !

Please read my post above
edit on 17-7-2012 by seenavv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by seenavv

You forgot a part of the drama...

Obamas Birth issue was not raised by Republicans... It came up during the Democrati c Primary in 2008 and came from Hillary Clintons campaign.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by seenavv

You forgot a part of the drama...

Obamas Birth issue was not raised by Republicans... It came up during the Democrati c Primary in 2008 and came from Hillary Clintons campaign.
interesting, I did not know that it originated from their campaign.

Just to clarify my post was just my story on how I came to the conclusion that he's not a legitimate president. I must have left out many incidents along the way

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

And....for many citizens of Arizona, Sheriff Joe is the President.

He's all about doing things the Wild West way!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Sulie
This is just a stunt to deflect away from his own poo, and he has #e on the citizens of Arizona many times.

Funny... I was thinking the exact same thing.. When he started down the road of Obama and eligibility we all of a sudden saw a massive effort by the DOJ to bury him. Its one thing for the DOJ to investigate a law enforcement agency.. Its something else entirely when they notify your department they are inevstigating yet wont reveal specifics in terms of charges / accusations / evidence to support the claim.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by seenavv

your gone complain about $10,000??

Reading Comprehension 101...

I'm not complaining. Merely pointing out a fact.

Don't really care how much he spends. It's not my state.

Spend, baby Spend and find nothing in the end.

edit on 17-7-2012 by jam321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by seenavv

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by seenavv

You forgot a part of the drama...

Obamas Birth issue was not raised by Republicans... It came up during the Democrati c Primary in 2008 and came from Hillary Clintons campaign.
interesting, I did not know that it originated from their campaign.

Just to clarify my post was just my story on how I came to the conclusion that he's not a legitimate president. I must have left out many incidents along the way

Sorry I didnt mean for it to sound accusatory.. Actually from the last interview thing Arpaio had they touched on the Hillary Clinton staffer portion. They were interviewed and agreed to go on the record with the cold case posse about what they knew, the documents etc etc.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Sulie
reply to post by Xcathdra

And....for many citizens of Arizona, Sheriff Joe is the President.

He's all about doing things the Wild West way!

Say what you want about the man he at the very least understands that no one is above the law and those accused of violations should get their day in court.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Say what you want about the man he at the very least understands that no one is above the law and those accused of violations should get their day in court.

Yes, and the same laws should apply to the man who applies them.

How much research have you done? The guy cost the state of Arizona millions of dollars in his prostitution stiings because his own officers engaged in lewd conduct while performing the sting.

He's and idiot spider who has woven a web around himself that is not going to be untangled.

Research what the goofus did with Steven Segal.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
those accused of violations should get their day in court.

And also remember the courts have thrown out the birther nonsense many times before - in fact, every time the birthers bring their nonsense to court it has been thrown out

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Joe is going to refer his evidence to higher Federal authorities !!!!

At least they will get a good chuckle out of it.

Seriously, this horse had been beaten, kicked and ran over a few times. Someone needs to tell the sheriff that the horse is dead.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Kaploink

Originally posted by xuenchen

Joe is going to refer his evidence to higher Federal authorities !!!!

At least they will get a good chuckle out of it.

Seriously, this horse had been beaten, kicked and ran over a few times. Someone needs to tell the sheriff that the horse is dead. mean the helicopter he rides to work every day at tax payer expense.

Yup, it's time for that nonsense TO END!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:02 PM
He will still be on the ballet. However, the most important thing to realize it what he truly is. What does his actions show?

He goes around the Constitution of the United States and tramples on the Bill of Rights with Executive Orders.

He has been killing the economy with more taxes/regulations on business.

He supports devaluing the dollar with quantitative easing, he divides the country by supporting blacks that have been victims of a crime committed by other races but doesn't support white people that are victims of the same or equal crimes committed by blacks.

He is a fiscal hypocrite by the fact that his own investments are in companies that have been moving jobs overseas, but slams Mitt for having investments in the same companies.

He bypassing all laws that govern committees and the congress by selecting Czars to oversee certain industries.

Unkept 2008 Campaign Promises:
1. Close Guantanamo.

2. End "Anything Goes in Wall Street" with real regulation that protects your investments and pensions.

3. Crack down on lobbyist and stop backroom deals once and for all that stifles the Americans collective voice.

4. Lobbyist will not work in "My White House". (40 former lobbyist were on his staff in 2010!).

5. Stop the war in Iraq and stop spending our money rebuilding their country and start rebuilding ours within 6 months of becoming President.

6. I will create a health care bill with a public option that will increase competition and keep insurance companies honest.

7. No more wiretapping of American citizens, National Security Letters for citizens or Protest Monitoring. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient.

8. He reauthorized the Patriot Act.

9. I will not suspend Habeas Corpus.

10. Will ensure that any tax breaks for corporate recipients — or tax earmarks — are also publicly available on the Internet in an easily searchable format." Update July 16th, 2012: Obama never fought for a tax earmark database as president

11. "Establish transparency standards for military contractors. … Create the reporting requirements, accounting, and accountability needed for good governance and actual money savings with contracting." Contracting reforms are in place, but not transparency standards.

12. Will use the power of the presidency to fight for an independent watchdog agency to oversee the investigation of congressional ethics violations so that the public can be assured that ethics complaints will be investigated." Update July 10th, 2012: Ethics commission never got a presidential push.

13. Will require his appointees who lead the executive branch departments and rulemaking agencies to conduct the significant business of the agency in public, so that any citizen can see in person or watch on the Internet these debates." Update July 10th, 2012: President called for transparency, but agencies haven't always followed through.

14. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government."
Update July 9th, 2012: Appointees better at protecting, but no new law.

15. Will amend executive orders to ensure that communications about regulatory policymaking between persons outside government and all White House staff are disclosed to the public." Update July 9th, 2012: Visitor logs are public, emails and phone calls are not.

16. Will reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by "ending their government takeover, shrinking their portfolios, and establishing minimum capital standards," saving taxpayers as much as $30 billion. Update June 27th, 2012: Reform bills introduced, but nothing has passed .

17. Will require governors and local leaders in our metropolitan areas to make energy conservation a required part of their planning for the expenditure of federal transportation funds." Update June 26th, 2012: Obama has encouraged energy conservation, but not required it.

18. Strengthen the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board with subpoena powers and reporting responsibilities." Update June 22nd, 2012: Nonexistent board with no new powers or responsibilities.

I could go on, but I have a serious question. How can anyone that is truly objective think this fellow is competent enough to be put into office another 4 years? Seriously?

I could care less where facts come from as long as they are facts. Everyone has some bad things in their past, but that is irrelevant concerning the SS card of Birth Certificate. Facts are facts.
edit on 7/17/2012 by NoSoup4U because: added links

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Sulie

and yet he still was re-elected....

Thats an issue for the citizens of his county to judge, not me.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U
He will still be on the ballet. However, the most important thing to realize it what he truly is. What does his actions show?

Well, I certainly hope Sheriff Joe's actions are taken into consideration.

I have to wonder with your cut and paste bs, how many forums you post your diatribe to? Uhhh hem, what political party are you trolling for, because Mitt Romney scares more dookey out of me than Sheriff Joe, or Obama ever will!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Sulie

and yet he still was re-elected....

Thats an issue for the citizens of his county to judge, not me.

Like I said, people either love him or hate him. Pretty even split from the polling I did.

Edit to add, then if only the people of his county are to judge, then what's the point of your thread?

edit on 17-7-2012 by Sulie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Xcathdra
those accused of violations should get their day in court.

And also remember the courts have thrown out the birther nonsense many times before - in fact, every time the birthers bring their nonsense to court it has been thrown out

Because its a percect catch 22. In a case like that the burden of proof falls on the people filing to meet the burden. Since they are civilians they are restricted in terms of statutory authority to gain access to certain restricted information. Law Enforcement on the other hand has the authority to investigate any crimes reported as occuring in their jurisdiction.

The difference with Arpiaos investigation is its criminal, not civil. Different standards apply, usually more restrictive than civil, which makes the investigation thus far interesting.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by xuenchen

They uncovered other things as well.

No they didn't...same old false information repeated over and over and over and over.

I watched the entire press conference...Arpaio is more of an idiot than I thought and he was basically threatening reporters that asked questions he didn't like.

He found nothing...he has no authority to look into Hawaii's laws as an ARIZONA COUNTY SHERIFF.

He is wasting tax payers dollars...and he is a disgrace to America.

Outkast, I'm starting to consider you to be a disgrace for spouting lies!

Let's take a look at the evidence, shall we?

Addressing the coding issue, Zullo explained that the Hawaii Department of Health, which categorized vital information issued at the time of the president’s birth, used specific number codes that were written in pencil to transfer information from a paper birth certificate to a database file.

The codes seen on the document issued by the White House are not consistent with the information entered into the various fields, indicating the document has been altered or amended.

In the coding system, the number 9 indicates the information is not stated, meaning there should not be any information in the box in which the number is written. However, the number 9 can be seen written in pencil next to the fields for “Usual Occupation,” “Kind of Business or Industry” and “Race of Father” on Obama’s document. Each of those fields are filled with information. “This proves the document has been tampered with and information has been placed on it,” Zullo said.

and who confirmed the coding anomalies?

An interview with the Hawaii official who allegedly signed the Obama document in 1961, Verna K.L. Lee, provided further confirmation of the coding anomalies.

What else didn't add up on the "Verification Letter" that was sent to Arizona from the Hawaii DOH?

The investigators also analyzed the Hawaii Department of Health’s response to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett’s request that Obama’s birth information be verified.

They interviewed in person the Hawaii assistant attorney general to verify that the document presented by the White House was the same document on file with the Department of Health.

Investigators said they were troubled to find key information missing on the verification document, including the president’s date of birth.

They said they were equally troubled that the deputy attorney general would not confirm on record that the White House document matched what was on file with the health department.

The document that Obama had produced from the very beginning (2008) had been altered at the very least!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke

Joe the criminal sheriff. Steals tax payer money and runs unconstitutional jail conditions.

Go away
Every jail and prison in this country should have the same conditions as the tent cities in Nevada. There is a reason why a person is in jail or prison, and that is because they knowingly did something to break the law. You made your bed, now sleep in it. I do agree with everything else you have to say about the sheriff. He’s a numb-nut!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:24 PM
He is not using taxpayer dollars to undertake this investigation. Yet quite silly sounding "Cold-case POSSE" has a meaning in your local Sheriffs Office. Volunteers. Your local Sheriff is your only protection against a Tyrannical government.

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