reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion
Hugs back @ ya!
Thank you & for your expounding on, the separating of the word, responsible. I do that a lot, seeing words pulled apart. I began even to wonder if I
was perhaps autistic spectrum but when I took some tests (online) I am not. Slightly higher than a normal person in the test but not to the point of
(autistic spectrum).
Ths is an interesting thread & input.
I would like to think of myself too as an empath but I don't like the word, I am sensitive to words & #'s I think, which sounds silly. I guess I
would say I have a, "path," to follow Christ & label myself Jesus freak at times, because I have been down some paths through this Christian journey
that are a bit rough, but it is a larger picture & worth it for HIM (suffering, growing, purifying, with GOD).
There are other good comments on this thread... I agree with the comment about being responsible for, ie actions. That is rather a given in life &
what the Christian bible teaches & I am sure other faiths too is there are consequences & that can be a good thing (for growth & change).
I'll expound on more in your thread (ergo the confusion) as to response able.
Oh I did want to say & in this series of responses to OP, that one of the things with my situation with thyroid medication & really this sort of thing
in general (meds vs. healing &/or).. is that .. OK so I go to the doctor (& he is a wonderful primarcy care doc, I believe) & he says, the thyroid is
low so we will put you on thyroid medication. I had asked over the yrs a few times for armor thyroid, which is alternative (he said no of which is a
typical m.d. response to armor thyroid). It wasn't a big deal at the time because I was not having side effects that I was aware of from the
medication. But last fall I was going downhill rapidly & severe pain in my adrenal glands. I went to chiropractor because I figured he wouldn't flip
& put me on a bunch of meds, he confirmed it was adrenal glands, said my body was not absorbing vitamins. He said he didn't know if it was directly
related to the thyroid meds but he said, there is nothing wrong with your thyroid.
Now this doc (chiropractor doc) was recommended by someone who is very familiar with health foods, & professionals of this type in the area, since, I
have had others tell me that he is a good doctor, can quickly dx & is thorough without much fuss (in other words direct). I liked him, he is
Christian (not saying that I have not had good docs that were not Christian, but he says he prays for patients that he can help).
SO, I just saw him one time & he gave me some vits etc. I knew from the stress I had been under it was in part that, but I also was very aware at
that time that the thyroid meds were indeed an issue. I was able to get off of them & psychologically I had done enough (energy) healing & work that
I was ready to deal with things more head on (life) & freer now because of foregoing this medication. He is right, in my opinion, my thyroid works
fine. They say often docs will dx thyroid when it's adrenal, they don't typically test adrenal glands. So, I've done this work & with GOD, on my
journey. Where I am going with conversation is .. OK so I go to church & hear proclamations that God Heals. God, "heals all wounds." It's in the
bible, on & on. Then I go to doctors & (conventional md's) do tests & use prescription medications. They often say, "you will be on this for the
rest of your life," speaking generically, as to dis ease & treatment. OK so WHAT DO I believe? the doc or the bible/ ministry? So, there is always
this dychotomy, life. Good vs. evil. It's not about the doctor, it's not about the church, or the bible or the versions thereof, but ultimately it's
about GOD & He Is a Healer, I believe this, so as a result I will risk at times what I believe is the opportunity to heal. Therefore, when & if the
time is right, a risk, namely, getting off of this medicine. The time was right & I believe God Allowed an opportunity for the situation to present
itself (I was thrilled / do not like medicine!). So I feel MUCH freer & more ready to walk toward THE LIGHT (of CHRIST). It's a journey, always,
growth. not easy.. but worth it.
edit on 18-7-2012 by J7IST1 because: (no reason given)