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RCMP search for "non-human entities" in BC

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
Were going to have to get used to this as time progresses, their coming here or are here for a good reason, they wont harm you if you dont harm them

unless you consider having your anus cut out while you are concious and immobile as "no harm done"...

I think I'd like to keep my anus and shoot first and ask questions later, thanks.
edit on 18-7-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Here's a bit of history..Port Coquitlam is VERY NEAR the border of a
of total wilderness! A perfect place to hide a ten million tonne starship
and their attendant "aliens".

Cut and paste this Google Maps GPS location into google maps at
Approximate area where attack took place in Port Coquitlam: (zoom into Zoom Level 16)


The area where the "attack" took place is near the Lions Park/Coquitlam River walkway which
is a pretty WILD area easily able to hide someone or SOMETHING. AND in 1978, two young
children VERY NEAR THIS AREA of Port Coquitlam saw a small landed "starship"
WITH aliens coming out of it taking soil samples AND a 3rd person of interest having their
hands seemingly BURNED into numbness by a radioactive substance.

See this link:

This area and the wilderness area just 5km to the north is a WELL KNOWN area for spotting
unidentified flying objects...AND IN FACT...I PERSONALLY have seen some very spectacular
MOVING lights that show utterly fantastic flight performance envelopes near the Percy Perry
Stadium park ON MORE THAN ONE clear night. Wish I had my specialty imaging cameras then
but in terms of what I saw who knows? But I haven't been the only one in that area!


Cut and paste this Google Maps GPS location into google maps at
(Zoom in to Zoom Level 17)


over the baseball diamond was SOMETHING that was described and kept quiet
by some local teenagers as DEFINITELY being something out of this world!!!

In 2011, I was shown a VERY UP-CLOSE and rather clear cell phone photo
taken past midnight by some "partying" teens describing their adventures
as I took a bus home after work.

In this photo of the baseball field, it was utterly lit up like daylight (yet past midnight!)
and it was of something beyond what I can barely describe other than as being
non-round in shape and being very nearly the size of the baseball
diamond itself (100 metres long - 300ft by maybe 50 metres - 150 feet)
In this photo, I saw the object seemed to look very much like an extremely large
dull brushed-aluminum-coloured bar of rectangular soap with some plate-glass like
windows on the sides and "front" (hard to tell what is front!)

Only one photo was able to be taken as the youths then described
that ALL their phones and gadgets they were carrying died on them
and some reported dizziness until the craft left after what they reported
as being less than one to two minutes by simply disappearing into
thin air and they also reported subsequent ill health effects over
a few days.

I have TRIED to find these youth again by taking that particular bus route again
and again but to no avail. I did remember that only one photo was able to be taken
and I unfortunately have no other information other than that numerous lights
WERE reported in some UFO blog circles in that area during a period from
2009 until NOW!!!! (2012)

I have no other independent verification of this event and no other newspaper accounts
or even any local "rumour mills" on UFO blogs about this event...NOTHING! All I can say
is that the females in that talkative bus group SEEMED to be genuinely frightened at recounting
the event while the young males SEEMED to have "bluffed" their way through the event with the
typical teenage bravado/non-chalance. I simply overheard their conversation amongst themselves
and could not HELP but barge in on their conversation...and I eventually got a peek at that
Blackberry smartphone photo.
edit on 2012/7/18 by StargateSG7 because: fixed web Links


P.S. I live about 5km north near David Avenue bridge and have definitely noticed strange goings-on
in much of that area for more than a few years. i.e. strange noises, weird lights, people complaining
of unusual animal tracks (i.e. not dogs, cats, cougars, bears, deer) in their yards, unusual break-ins
and other reports:

See these links:

edit on 2012/7/18 by StargateSG7 because: Added more info

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by FlySolo
reply to post by grey580

Someone should retire that picture. Overused and not funny anymore

I think the resemblance to Fisher Stevens remains highly amusing.

"Because when you're cool..."

edit on 19-7-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by CrimsonMoon

Don't want to be a party pooper or a stickler for detail but couldn't a "non human entity" be a bear or something else non human?

Its only the Mounty that called it in as an ET after misunderstanding the reported sighting of a "non human entity"

LOL my thoughts exactly.

The jumping spiders I see on my deck are also "non Human entities"...

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat

Originally posted by CrimsonMoon

Don't want to be a party pooper or a stickler for detail but couldn't a "non human entity" be a bear or something else non human?

Its only the Mounty that called it in as an ET after misunderstanding the reported sighting of a "non human entity"

LOL my thoughts exactly.

The jumping spiders I see on my deck are also "non Human entities"...

Groan.........yeah, but they didnt report 'jumping spiders' or bears or dogs or wheel chairs. And as for the RCMP calling it in after a 'misunderstanding', then how come they hadnt cleared that up by the press release?

Look folks, your gonna have to get over this- the two witnesses reported these 'non human entites' in the belief that they were something strange and frightening, and the RCMP investigated them as such. Debunk as much as you like as to what they could actually be, but the fact is, the witnesses described them as 'non human entities' because thats what the perceived them to be- some sort of humanoid alien thing. What they actually were- well who knows.......

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Thunda

Originally posted by Helmkat

Originally posted by CrimsonMoon

Don't want to be a party pooper or a stickler for detail but couldn't a "non human entity" be a bear or something else non human?

Its only the Mounty that called it in as an ET after misunderstanding the reported sighting of a "non human entity"

LOL my thoughts exactly.

The jumping spiders I see on my deck are also "non Human entities"...

Groan.........yeah, but they didnt report 'jumping spiders' or bears or dogs or wheel chairs. And as for the RCMP calling it in after a 'misunderstanding', then how come they hadnt cleared that up by the press release?

Look folks, your gonna have to get over this- the two witnesses reported these 'non human entites' in the belief that they were something strange and frightening, and the RCMP investigated them as such. Debunk as much as you like as to what they could actually be, but the fact is, the witnesses described them as 'non human entities' because thats what the perceived them to be- some sort of humanoid alien thing. What they actually were- well who knows.......

I was only joking that the term "non Human entity" applies to all life that is not Human. Like you I have no idea what they actually saw, I was not "debunking" though.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Two things seem to have been ignored by everyone in all of this. The following is from the story posted in The Now News at

"Coquitlam Mounties responded to a call of a man and a woman screaming from their apartment on Wilson Avenue." This would indicate that Neighbors called due to the screams coming from the apartment.

' “Anything is possible, I guess,” he told The NOW. “People see ghosts all the time — who am I to say ghosts don’t exist?” ' FIRST it mentions "ghosts" THEN it mentions ETs. Which the witnesses actually reported is not really said.

I DO believe they saw something, and it apparently terrified them. I too would love to hear their descriptions.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:25 AM
Get some balls people and reach out, get rid of your xenophobia.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by stupid girl

LOL, why are they so obsessed with probing us? Are our intestinal tracks that interesting? I know mine isnt. Much like a lot of people I know its full of ****.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

If that were the case, why wouldnt they just use the typical ski mask, and have a second layer of clothing under so they couldnt be identified. The report did not make any mention of anything being ransacked or missing.

People who burglarize homes and businesses go in with the mind set of being as quick and untraceable as possible. I seriously doubt a petty thief would take the time to get dressed up in a believable looking predator costume just for some "laughs"

Unless of course they had just returned from that acursed Comicon

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by AlonzoTyper
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

If that were the case, why wouldnt they just use the typical ski mask, and have a second layer of clothing under so they couldnt be identified. The report did not make any mention of anything being ransacked or missing.

People who burglarize homes and businesses go in with the mind set of being as quick and untraceable as possible. I seriously doubt a petty thief would take the time to get dressed up in a believable looking predator costume just for some "laughs"

Unless of course they had just returned from that acursed Comicon

I'm not saying this is what happened with certainty, but there have been burglaries done with people in full costume, and not just a mask. So if it can happen once, in the criminal world, it can happen again.

I wouldn't put it past some thieves to make a running gag out of something, just for their own entertainment.

Perhaps there was no burglary because the people started screaming, and phoned police ?

Again, I am not saying with certainty this is what was happening, its merely a possibility.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by JOTTER

The Space Souls are starting to come to us in a visual now and it's going to continue. It's time for them to become an everyday experience and they're doing this specifically so we won't be so terrified. As I mentioned before, having a heart attack because of FEAR is not really what they want for us. We need to meet them with humbleness and kindness as they are not here to harm. They'll certainly be welcomed in my home anytime, and they know it..

If they don't want us to be frightened they should stop creeping around in the middle of the night.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by dentsinger
Get some balls people and reach out, get rid of your xenophobia.

As a woman I resent the Balls comments all around! We women are quit brave and strong WITHOUT hanging nodals thanks!
edit on 19-7-2012 by Char-Lee because: caps

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by MarrsAttax

Here is the Vancouver Sun story link:

and other local on-line reports have indicated that some typical "youth hangout" activities
in the area near a 7-11 convenience store may have been a precipitating cause of the
"Alien Entity" reports at the condo development due to some local "hoods" being goaded
to trespass on other people's property while dressed in unseemly attire. A recent SPIKE
in local-area break-ins on Wilson St. may also be one aspect of this "Alien Entity" report.

I hate to say this but photos speak louder than even IF you're frightened,
your cell phone photo would HELP us "UFO/Alien Investigators" out in verifying a claim
of "Alien" the very least, be used as EVIDENCE so as put a stop to
some criminal activity by the local "hoods"!

One other thing I should note that quite recently that WOLVERINES (not wolves!) have
been seen in the Port Moody, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam parks and wilderness triangle.

See weblink:

While normally SHY and avoiding humans, it CAN climb
and when standing on it's hind legs it kinda DOES look like
a 4 foot high alien entity! And because of this winter's HARSH
back-country snowfalls, MANY wild animals, both small and large
have been HIT HARD by a severe lack of food and thus are migrating
to built-up areas and thus MAY BE causing much fright to that

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:40 PM
Reading some of these many stories I just don't know what to think.
Such varied reports, so many kinds of humanoids and ships, many it seems reliable witnesses.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

This one is TO Funny!!

Location. San Francisco, California
Date: January 30 2000
Time: 2315
The witness was hauling up a line of crab traps off Farlon Island with his dog onboard his 25-foot boat. While leaning over the side the dog began barking furiously. The witness looked up and saw a huge triangular shaped object hovering above him, totally silent. Then a beam of white light hit the witness and he fell backwards onto the sole of the cabin. The grabbed a Rugger 10-22 rifle loaded with a 100 round magazine and started firing at the bottom part of the object. The witness was apparently able to shoot out the light. While grabbing a second clip, he saw a hatch open up on the bottom side of the object and two persons leaned down and yelled "Stop shooting at us you idiot." He also heard a hissing sound resembling air escaping from a flat tire. The object then moved off to the south. A helicopter then appeared and hovered over the boat. The chopper was flat black in color, and it was silent with no markings on it. As the chopper hovered a flash of light was directed towards the boat. He last saw the triangle gaining altitude and disappear towards the south. The helicopter was last seen heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

HC addition # addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: A government black project aircraft? Or an alien craft piloted by human type creature

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

You're still reading those? lol It was hours ago you posted that. I made my way through a few of them but too many. I think the alien asking for a ride on the the guy's bike was pretty funny and tad ridiculous haha
edit on 20-7-2012 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by FlySolo

As to the ridiculousness of some entities actions...MANY such incidents of strange behaviours
have been reported ALL OVER THE WORLD! Many such reports have been written up even as far
back as the 1850's within respectable publications.

One must be open to the reasoning BEHIND such incidents by being aware of a number of
"facts" held to be true within the UFO/Alien/Paranormal community of investigators.

1) Reasonably sane people have reported such events. A few with IMPECCABLE credentials!

2) A very few still images, audio recordings and a TINY number of video recordings DO EXIST
which support SOME "alien contact" events as having taken place.

3) In MANY of those cases, SUBSEQUENT contact of the single or MULTIPLE witnesses was made by personnel who
were unable to be subsequently identified and of themselves relayed information BACK to the original
witnesses very detailed chronicles of the events in question....i.e. those personnel SHOULD NOT
HAVE HAD any knowledge of the events....WE call these people Men/Women In Black (MIB)!

4) Some of the "ridiculous" events were So Bizarre that psychologists and others in the mental health
community who are INTERESTED in this phenomena, have posited that the events are in fact TESTS
designed to elicit specific emotional and physical responses similar to modern day "Stress Interviews"
It is not the alien contact event that is worth researching but rather the HUMAN'S RESPONSE
to the "stress tests".

5) Certain scientific personnel who have training in classical physics and newer disciplines are beginning
to believe that we humans live in a "Holographic Universe" very much like the system imagined in the
movie "The Matrix" but with the one major difference.....where instead of humans being living batteries for
intelligent machines, that we humans REALLY ARE living in a dream world made up of virtual particles
that represent the Bits and Bytes of a MASSIVE and INVISIBLE-TO-US computer system.
WE are nothing more than attractor/repulsor functions in a multi-state quantum computational device
AND that the aliens we see in the news are the ORIGINAL DESIGNERS running "Test Code" to gauge
the functionality and/or validity of the algorithms that make up the "Self and Soul" of us humans.
Ergo, if this is so....we really don't exist and we can't prove that we're anything MORE than
just bits & bytes until the "aliens" TELL US that our universe and we humans are just their
version of a 3D rendering program.

6) The "ALIENS" have their own agenda...and IF we are nothing more than a 3D render job, we have absolutely
NO POSSIBLE way to either fight back or GET OUT since our own physical world is just an illusion.
If the Aliens are "Real" only then can we begin to get some answers as to WHY haven't they tried
to conquer us yet? WHY DO they need to probe us in our Derrrieres? And IS that STUNNINGLY
BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN BLACK alien interrogator REALLY flesh-n-blood she
a shape-shifter that underneath looks like one of the hideous creatures from a 1950's horror movie.
In my case...I hope she/it STAYS shape-shifted in her HUMAN-like body when she does her "probing"
of my more personal parts! he he he! :-) ;-)

7) We're just NOT that special in the grand scheme of things....we're located in the boonies
of a galaxy within a super-cluster of other galaxies that LIKELY has quadrillions more interesting
creatures for study....ergo...this planet is probably just a forlorn rest-stop with an sorry looking
outhouse as its only amenity and our "alien attackers" are just "The Kids" poking us poor
dimwitted humans with their intergalactic sticks and toys while alien mommy & daddy take
a smoke and bathroom break.

Anyways....keep looking and KEEP YOUR CAMERAS CLOSE and your memory cards EVEN CLOSER!

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by StargateSG7

One other thing I should note that quite recently that WOLVERINES (not wolves!) have
been seen in the Port Moody, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam parks and wilderness triangle.

See weblink:

While normally SHY and avoiding humans, it CAN climb
and when standing on it's hind legs it kinda DOES look like
a 4 foot high alien entity! And because of this winter's HARSH
back-country snowfalls, MANY wild animals, both small and large
have been HIT HARD by a severe lack of food and thus are migrating
to built-up areas and thus MAY BE causing much fright to that

So, what your saying is, two 'wolverines' scaled the building, then both got up on their hind legs and scared the occupants? This, I would love to have seen.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds

Originally posted by AlonzoTyper
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

If that were the case, why wouldnt they just use the typical ski mask, and have a second layer of clothing under so they couldnt be identified. The report did not make any mention of anything being ransacked or missing.

People who burglarize homes and businesses go in with the mind set of being as quick and untraceable as possible. I seriously doubt a petty thief would take the time to get dressed up in a believable looking predator costume just for some "laughs"

Unless of course they had just returned from that acursed Comicon

I'm not saying this is what happened with certainty, but there have been burglaries done with people in full costume, and not just a mask. So if it can happen once, in the criminal world, it can happen again.

I wouldn't put it past some thieves to make a running gag out of something, just for their own entertainment.

Perhaps there was no burglary because the people started screaming, and phoned police ?

Again, I am not saying with certainty this is what was happening, its merely a possibility.

Sorry, but that scenario doesnt make sense- the burglars dress up as these 'entities' in order to frighten the occupants of the house away, but then you say they didnt burglarize the house because the noise and commotion caused by the frightened occupants. Pretty dumb plan if you ask me......

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