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Let's Solve These Problems...

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posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

The only way it can work is if people form local groups and educate their communities, with the videos, and more, just giving a voice to everyone, and even those who don't have a voice, speaking for disabled who may not be able to attend, a meeting, or homeless, natives, shut ins, the poor. Blog radio's.

Tackling problem solving. Getting things going like heritage seed banks, shariing tools, for SHTF scenarios, blueprints, middle aged and elderly with garages and tools teaching teens and youth to build things, including solar/wind/generators/earth batteries/mod a car, distilleries, how to make alcohol from debris and weeds, telescopes, infared modded devices, yurt construction, cob construction.

Also very useful is making up lists of needed businesses and goods, and then passing the hat and starting local businesses with pledges to only buy from each other most of the time.

We made those illegal pyramid monopolies and we can unmake them.

Its local, with a regional and national slant as well, export successes and network with other communities doing the same.

And adopt those overseas.

Even in the city, whole neighorhoods can be turned into an eco farm.

While doing this, meditate and practice with prayers, and yearning for good things for others, unselfish positive thoughts, we can also do directed consciousness and see people waking up, see the solutions coming, really focus on helping others and educating people and trying things out.

Because, the more good you put out, the more miracles come in. ARK is acts of random kindness. We can mitigate all the disasters they have planned.
edit on 16-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

The only way it can work is if people form local groups and educate their communities, with the videos, and more, just giving a voice to everyone, and even those who don't have a voice, speaking for disabled who may not be able to attend, a meeting, or homeless, natives, shut ins, the poor. Blog radio's.

Tackling problem solving. Getting things going like heritage seed banks, shariing tools, for SHTF scenarios, blueprints, middle aged and elderly with garages and tools teaching teens and youth to build things, including solar/wind/generators/earth batteries/mod a car, distilleries, how to make alcohol from debris and weeds, telescopes, infared modded devices, yurt construction, cob construction.

This will never happen on the world scale. You will never, ever get that large a group of people ( entire countries) to work together towards these means.

What you should do is provide people with freedom from tyranny of government, set up a libertarian base of laws and then allow us to be left the hell alone.

People will vote with their U-Haul's where they want to live, like minded folks will come together and they can make their own rules for their own little societies/communities they want to create.

The problem with wanting a Utopia is that you won't be happy with the outcome until you have 100% results from your society, which you won't ever.

I apologize, but the entire problem with the Venus Project is that it is far to optimistic for it's own good.

It has not provided the solution for maintaining it's overall structure under the stress of different opinions/beliefs and a truly democratic system of setting up laws & societal norms by means of organic, crowd sourced ideas, not those of the people who "run things".


posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 08:14 PM
crime make prison a punishment take away there TV, computer ...tuf love you kill ,found guilty you die ,you steal you loose a hand rape you loose your privets start a chain gang public service

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I believe we're in a very interesting time here on earth. That there are cycles and things will change for every single human being here. Some things might go down for a while that are less than positive, and if any sides come in, the wrong one may show up first. But I won't focus on those thoughts as possibilities for I believe thought is primary.

But this next year, decade and century is the one where the new age comes into play. So what is needed may work, because it will be all there is, if this crashes for example. Or, it may be the thing we're supposed to yearn for, and solve problems locally with until people can flex their leadership muscles enough to not vote for any of the scum at the top, and/or to stand up against any tryants and not follow bad orders.

Its all a part of the same work.

Whether or not you live in eutopia yet, or whether you work towards it here on earth is not as important as trying and doing the work we came to do, or holding that thought and frequency if we're shut in and unable to.

Because, I still don't know if we're here to lift earth higher, and we get the new earth, OR if like ET_MAN (Lou Baldin/Sleeper for that matter too, they have a lot of similarities) suggested, earth is doing its purpose if you're fed up with it and want a better world, and it will always be like this as long as its populated for its a low level testing ground.

Haven't figured that out yet, but don't intend to live as if the second one is true.

Either way, the more people you educate or work with, if community groups get going, the more people you can help locally. And 1 person is = to all, its not a numbers game, the suffering of 1 million or all is subjective, and is done 1 by 1. Helping others with solutions and educating people (who mostly havent even thought of this or realized there was a different way to live, they think this world is the best there is, and the only life in the universe, often, its really sad!) So opening minds, and helping all you can is a good thing to do, regardless of which one of the 2 scenarios above is true about earth.
edit on 16-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I love the concept of The Venus Project! Jacque Fresco is an amazing visionary and the world sure could use a lot more people who think like him.

With that said, I have to admit that his concept is ahead of its time. We would need a transitional form of government that would evolve into the environment he has envisioned. I think its do-able, but we would have to wake people up to the divisive and destructive forces of currency.

We would have to convince people that abolishing currency would create an economy that thrives on the elimination of jobs rather than the creation of jobs.

How do you explain this concept to people who can't see past what's right in front of them?

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