posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 03:40 AM
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by eLPresidente
So unless the GOP breaks the rules again, Ron Paul is going to be nominated, will get his 15 minute speech and Romney is not going to be a happy
I would much rather have Ron Paul than Romney or Obama ... but it just isn't going to happen.
What makes you think it's not going to happen?
Because the Republi-Domocrato system doesn't want it to?
Can't you people think for yourselves and ACT for yourselves?
Americans so love the 'Conventional Wisdom' system, don't you! Ya gotta always be right, dontcha!
...That system that BETS on outcomes, rather than trying to ALTER systematically broken systems by enacting your own visions and volitions. You always
have to appear like the one that backed the winner, coz, if not, you look like a loser. Well you ARE losers if you adhere to this loser mentality.
How many times do I have to read people's opinions that..."I really believe in what this man stands for, but he is sure to be defeated by the
mainstream, so I won't back him".
WIMPS, all of you!
Idiots, rather. You fall for that 'popular opinion' every time.
In the end, YOU lose, then you wonder what happened, as in when you voted the popular vote for Bush 1 & 2, then, stupidly wondered why all your rights
were taken away from you, and the whole world was ransacked by his henchmen?
Think from you gut...not your ego! DO IT NOW, before it's too late for all of us.
Think with your inner wisdom!