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Time Travel, US Secret Cover-Up The Pegasus Project

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:40 PM

"Soon, he will publish a tell-all book that will describe his awe-inspiring and terrifying experiences in Project Pegasus...

I found Waldo!
edit on 15-7-2012 by FOXMULDER147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Originally posted by VoidHawk
If he was sent into the future or the past how would he get back?

The same way in which he got there. Perhaps bending photons like with Quantum superspace, and parallel universes. Not sure?

Hi thanks for the reply.
My question - How would he get back?
Lets suppose he was sent back 50 years. Would there be a time machne waiting for him to use so that he could get back?
It seems to me that to be able to time travel you need to be able to take the time machine with you. Was just wondering whether that had been axplained?

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

it talks about a temporary plasma field thing wearing off and then coming back to current time after it wears off

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Another physicist Michio Kaku has another theory.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by a275bcb

I think it's easier going in to the future than back in time, since it's stretching time. I'd prefer to go back in time personally.

edit on 15-7-2012 by wonderworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Time travel is something we should not even be messing with at all. I can not even begin to list the number of ways it could go wrong.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by a275bcb

I think it's easier going in to the future than back in time, since it's stretching time. I'd prefer to go back in time personally.

edit on 15-7-2012 by wonderworld because: (no reason given)

I would LOVE to see the future... say a thousand years from now..might not want to stay there though

Going back in time would be of more usefull though, I could tell myself what those lottery numbers will be
and tell myself to avoid a particularly nasty female

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk
If he was sent into the future or the past how would he get back?

Excellent point there!,possibly his starting time/location was calibrated as the reference point and since ,theoretically anyway,it is possible for a particle(let's assume that the time traveller is the "particle" here) to co exist simultaneously at two different points in the universe it then "decides" which point to return to,now let's assume that the technology available could pull the "particle" back to the original location.

Of course that also assumes that the particle ,as well as being able to exist simultaneously in space,can also exist simultaneously in different time periods..

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:58 PM
Wow, this is so odd and interesting. I once, long ago, started to construct a time travel story, but it was predicated on not actually being able to alter past events, but view them in a cubed room 3d simulation of the past/future. The people who ran the time travel box could wear a special suit and enter the hologram of the past/future event and view it all as if there without being seen by those creating the event. Much like how the device you describe is just recreating the past/future frequencies into a visible/audible thing in our "present" to review.

Interesting, and a little creepy that it is so similar to the idea I have when I was in high school in the late 80's.

Plus, I also think that Marvel comics, in their third floor janitors closet have a machine that has been pick pocketing ideas out of my head since then as well to make into story lines in their comics. I would like to visit this closet and machine and smash it to pieces with a baseball bat.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
This can go hand in hand on whether time exists. Like an object traveling at high speeds ages more slowly than a stationary object. Meaning if you were to travel into outer space and return, moving close to light speed, you could travel thousands of years into the Earth's future.

Time does, absolutely exist.

We can bend and manipulate time (check out Synchrotron radiation ) and have described it mathematically and theoretically.

What this guy from the OP is describing is fictional.

Also, why does Tesla always get mentioned whenever someone wants to introduce some sort of secret, sci-fi sounding tech that they can't seem to actually describe.

What evidence is there that Tesla was even theorising about time travel? Surely he'd have come up with some equation or something.

Actually, what equation did Tesla ever come up with at all (except for his resonant coil equations, which were actually a subset of Maxwells equations from nearly 100 years before Tesla)?

edit on 16/7/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:35 AM
Basiago gets very little play on ATS but considering he's upper class, extremely well educated, a legal professional and everything that most posters to ATS will never be - much less are - he gets roundly spanked by the ATS unwashed masses.

Pure unadulterated jealousy.

The same unwashed masses that accept [insert idiotic storytelling dumbcluck(s)] and a host of other out and out scam artists with far less to lose than Basiago.

This is where I might say "Go figure" but I just did.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:56 AM
Why do all of these fantastical claims of scientific miracles have to always be flanked by a nutcase & a book? For once, JUST for once, I'd love to see someone not out to make a buck make publicity rounds with interview after interview after interview, free of charge, and without some stinking book pitch in the mix. That would go a LONG way in convincing me they were serious about major hidden technological advancements & not yanking chains for $19.99 a copy.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Originally posted by VoidHawk
If he was sent into the future or the past how would he get back?

The same way in which he got there. Perhaps bending photons like with Quantum superspace, and parallel universes. Not sure?

If there were able to create a device capable of such a feat then surely said device would still be there in the future?
All the traveller would need to do is question that time periods populace as to 'their' past events and report back to our current time with the results, akin to sept 9th 2001 traveller tripping to 2012 and finding out the whole world has changed due to 9/11?

As for the past (depending on how far back you needed to go) taking enough parts back with you could facilitate your return and the device would either degrade over time or been seen as useless item or unknown technology to be snatched up by greedy governments under the guise of alien tech?

Time travel if feasible if you think about it in an open mind but we fail to understand the technical aspect of it which is why we say "Its not possible", sure its not with our current technology that we can have access to but the military has decades on us, even the Japanese handheld citizen tech is at least 3 years infront of the western world, and thats corporations and people with limited resources, the military have practically unlimited government funding.

But saying all that I'd LOVE to be able to take a trip in time, preferably forward to see how the world has changed and if its for the better?.
Because dont forget our actions now have an impact we do not see on future histories. If we knew what needed to be done we could control the future and the destiny of not only a limited few but also the whole of mankind, Time travel could be used for so much good, but I feel it IS being used for some much evil at present ( pun intended).

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:13 AM
We are closer then you think.
Don't take my word on it.
But we are and I will leave it at that.

One dot to connect with.
edit on 16-7-2012 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:53 AM
The real problem I have with time travel is that you cannot just travel time, you must also travel distance.

The earth spins as we all know, it spins at approximately just over 1000 MPH, so right there if you send some one back in time just 2 hours they would need to be 2000 miles away from your current location.

Then add to this that the earth also orbits the sun and is travelling around the sun at approximately 69,500 MPH (its actually a little less than this but will suffice for this argument) so if you send some one back say for example a week into the past, you have to send them over 11 million miles away instantly.

Now add to that the fact that the sun also moves through space, and hence the solar system is also moving through space towards the Hercules consolation at a rate of 43,200 MPH, the solar system is also moving in an upward direction of over 15,500 MPH at a 90 degree angle to the milky way

So when you start adding all of these movements together to send someone back just a year in time, not only do you have to break through time but you have to send someone billions of miles through space to where the earth was then

Sorry but I cannot buy into this time travel, this guy is just a kook trying to make a buck
edit on 16-7-2012 by PrinceDreamer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:27 AM
Can't see the video here - is he saying DARPA themselves did research and development? They don't, you know, ever do that.

They determine project directions and put out solicitations, usually on fedbizopps but sometimes directly. Companies write up proposals to do those projects, then DARPA funds them, at least partially.

If the guy's saying it was designed and developed within DARPA, it doesn't happen.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut

Also, why does Tesla always get mentioned whenever someone wants to introduce some sort of secret, sci-fi sounding tech that they can't seem to actually describe.

It's sort of like Godwin's law for CT theories. If you want to blow smoke, you invoke Tesla. If the name Tesla comes out of someone's pen or mouth related to any dicey sort of project and they're not talking about AC motors, it's a death sentence.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:52 AM
Reading articles on the science of deception, and the detection of deceptions, certain keywords seem to always come up.

In documents or stories conveying a 'personal' experience, the word "Truth", "True", "Real", and other similar emphasis words tend to come up more often in cases of fabrication than in cases where the truth is actually being related.

"This is a true story of real, actual events ..." is typically a tip off that the story is embroidered substantially if it even ever occurred at all.

When you see the word "TRUTH", it's usually a good sign that lots of the opposite hidden behind it or about to happen.

Does this guy go out of his way to tell us he's telling the "truth", or does he just tell his story and leave it?

Then again, he is a lawyer, trained in deception and manipulation methodologies, so, he might very well know to avoid attaching keyword tell tales.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by wonderworld

Andy is an emerging figure in the Truth Movement, who is leading a campaign to lobby the United States government to disclose such controversial truths as the fact that Mars harbors life and that the United States has achieved “quantum access” to past and future events.

The Truth Movement, and leading a campaign to lobby............
And how does a paper [even published] prove that Mars is an inhabited planet. It's still but only a paper, regardless of how well written.

He has been identified as the first of two major planetary whistle blowers predicted by ALTA, the Web Bot project that analyzes the content of the World Wide Web to discern future trends.

His studies analyze future trends.. so is already aware of the way people are thinking, so easy to manipulate our imaginings..when we are already taking our minds there in the hope of ..something, anything but our lives right here and now.
And just for giggles he lets us know of at least one person accompanying him as a child participant in the secret US time-space program, Project Pegasus.. enter Obama.
I wonder who these other folks are that he traveled with.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 06:42 AM
Yeah right the US military has the ability to time travel. Think about it.......

If anyone can time travel they know the future and what events and decisions led to outcomes. This means:

A (single univers single timeline) - they know how to prepare for a future that cannot be changed.
B (multi univers - multi timeline) - they know how to influence things to achive the desired goal.

If A, the miltary does NOTHING and instead packs up its bags and gets their family to safety.
If B, the military does only what is necessary to achieve the desired goal, this mean no wastage, no pointless campaigns etc etc

I see no evidence for either. I still see the military being used in stupid confrontations, aiding conflicts whose outcomes are not what was predicted, I see cock-ups, military failure, politcal mistakes etc etc.

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