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Obama Supporters Need Not Read This - Romney Supporters Better - Paul Supporters Carry This Message

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posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by bluewave36
reply to post by bacci0909

paul preaches to ignorant masses. This baby doctor from texas becomes a joke once he opens up his mouth and spews out absurdities like slamming fiat currency and promotion of a return to a gold standard. Their is a reason that the Austrian school has been dismissed by all major economist across the world and a reason why the Austrian school has failed despite its presence for over 100 years and hundreds of books written, their is a reason why most Austrian economist are struggling to make ends meet. Of course they all attribute this to that of a conspiracy of them being "enlightened" and "above" the rest.

Paul's foreign policy is almost as laughable man is a straight isolationist and his policies would only destroy the US from within.

Doesn't matter. I'm not even going to argue any point you've attempted to make. The fact is, without the Paul vote, Republicans lose. Do you understand that? Obama wins. I don't care how you choose to derail this thread or insert your absurd accusations. Republicans lose unless they vote Paul. Period.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by GenerationGap
Obama Supporters Need Not Read This - Romney Supporters Better - Paul Supporters Carry This Message

Good News!!!!
Most of Obama's supporters can't read...
Problem solved.


posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by AwakeinNM

Mags, clips, food, water and other supplies! This whole country is so far off the rails, there ain't no putting this train back on the track.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Personally, I prefer it be the blood of tyrants!

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 11:29 AM
Paul actually has 6 states....

The script has the actor Romney loosing to the actor Obama, face it. It is either Paul or the current establishment.

Remember the millions of 99% protesters? Then they force a 1%er into the lead republican side. With Obama calling for higher taxes on the rich (which is just a campaign gimmick like the hope and change we never got).

It is obvious Romney is the controlled opposition scripted to loose to Obama.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:22 PM
I guess the choice is simple now. Do you want death by a thousand cuts, or a bullet to the head? I think a vote for Romney will just continue this country on its downward spiral, only to die in 20-30 years. A vote for Obama will instill the man as a permanent dictator, and will kill the country by 2014.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:56 PM
Us RP people are biding our time. When November comes we will vote RP. I imagine the counting will be like Bush Gore however. Scre* obama and romney....
I think one thing is certain, with either obama or romney, we have about 4 years or so before the Great Collapse of the US.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 03:56 PM
What always kills me is why oh why didnt the Occupy movement/campaign/protest (whatever you want to call it) either 1. Support Ron Paul (because every "demand" they protested for was a Ron Paul ideal) or 2. Come up with their own candidate?

Protesting is all fine and dandy but unless you organize yourself politically, you will never change anything.

If they really wanted change or reform or even revolution, they would have organized or backed a political figure. This is why the Tea Party is taken more seriously in the eyes of the public because they have lobbying power. The Occupy protesters because of their lack of a Vision Statement or political organization was laughed at by mainstream society as a bunch of hipsters with signs.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:57 PM
From what I've observed it seems that there's a lot of liberals that are actually libertarians but aren't educated in politics and economics enough to make that connection. I don't think voting matters since there's no way to tell if your vote was counted so whoever wants control has control at this point.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I hate to do it. I REALLY hate to do it. But I agree with you completely. I wish there was another choice. The only other guy is Gary Johnson (libertarian). But nobody has even heard his name. My son told me about him. But he was the only one. If you ask someone what they think of him the reply is. "Gary who?" Romney was my Governor once, so to be honest, I don't think too much of him actually. But the dork we have now is much worse. In any event an reelection of Obumbler would mean he is "unchained" and can then do his worst without an election to think about. He has already said publicly, win or lose he is done with politics. Which will be true in either case anyway. If he wins, he becomes a dictator, so politics won't matter. If he loses, he is done anyway. So I think we can see the "endgame" coming to be soon. So for now, I will agree with some others here, and just start loading mags. Stocking provisions and waiting for the storm to come...

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 09:43 PM
Is it not obvious to everyone that voting is completely rigged? Why are we debating this? It does not matter who you vote for. Obama, Romney, Paul, or Johnson. The whole thing is rigged and the winner is already decided. Romney was chosen to be the fall guy this time and he is going to throw the election to Obama and lose on purpose. Just like McCain, Kerry, etc. I thought we were more adult here on ATS. Voting is a waste of time. Paul never had a chance and any thinking person knew that at the beginning. We are going to have 4 more years of Obama and nothing can change that. So quit wasting your time in endless debates about something you truly have no control over.

It is long past time for the revolution. The only solution is a bloody violent revolution. We can never win as long as the elite draw breath. Until we kill them all things will go on as before. To think otherwise it just plain naive and stupid.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by GenerationGap

Mitt Romney 2012. Believe it.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by GenerationGap

So very well put! I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would be against the ideas that this country was founded upon, or against Ron Paul. I think it has a lot to do with knowledge. It is at the core of all things, and it is very important where you get your knowledge from. The media has an agenda in this election too. And its really sad that they threw honest journalism out the window... (actually I cant remember when they WERE honest), just for their own selfish means. People have become brainwashed as a result. I felt a pull into normalcy when I used to watch TV, but I saw the danger in becoming complacent. I questioned everything, and it made me sick the things people in the media get away with. Things that our government gets away with. It is also really sad that most people are OK with the way this country is today. They know that jobs are bad, but they fail to understand why, and the trust whoever is on the TV set will figure it out for him or her, because this is AMERICA. Heck most people probably still believe we are invading other countries because of terrorism. Most of us have grown intellectually lazy, and I fear we will come to our senses when we have stretched our monetary system and our military too thin, and when it is far too late to do anything.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by bluewave36
reply to post by bacci0909

paul preaches to ignorant masses. This baby doctor from texas becomes a joke once he opens up his mouth and spews out absurdities like slamming fiat currency and promotion of a return to a gold standard. Their is a reason that the Austrian school has been dismissed by all major economist across the world and a reason why the Austrian school has failed despite its presence for over 100 years and hundreds of books written, their is a reason why most Austrian economist are struggling to make ends meet. Of course they all attribute this to that of a conspiracy of them being "enlightened" and "above" the rest.

Paul's foreign policy is almost as laughable man is a straight isolationist and his policies would only destroy the US from within.

did my comment have anything to do with his policies or stated viewpoints on any given issue whatsoever? Let alone endorsing them? No, it didn't. I was simply bringing to the attention of the OP the fact that a poll conducted as recently as May shows that a Ron Paul independent run wouldn't hurt Romney.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 02:31 AM
I voted for what I thought was "the lesser of two evils" last election cycle.

It did me no good.

Since then, I have fine tuned my political philosophy down to one point..

Vote- how you WANT to vote- and dont let anyone try to take that away from you.

I wish I could curse here on ATS cause I would honestly say..

" Eff Obama and EFF Romney"- they do nothing for me but piss me off.

I WILL be doing a write in.

You republicans should have gotten on board a long time ago- cause now it will be your fault when Obama gets re-elected- not ours.

We vote Paul because we believe in him- You vote Romney because you think you have to.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:58 AM
24 hour time-out no toy's

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:46 PM
FYI: a vote for Paul is not a vote for Obama, in my case it's a vote taken from him. And to be clear, Romney and Obama ARE NO DIFFERENT. Two peas in a pod. Two puppets sharing strings.

For the record, I am a crazy liberal, socially, environmentally, fiscally (liberalism is weakest here given the insanity that having liberal fiscal policy ties you to)...etc.... But I think we should make these reforms in common sense ways, on our own terms, in ways that reward us for our hard work. Not on Obama's terms nor anyone else's, and not such that the end result is more money in the pockets of wall street and lockheed and halliburton and the list goes on......

Ron Paul, even if all he does is get a big enough chunk of votes so that it has to be recognized, has the ability to shed enough light on the Federal Reserve, on corruption, etc... to start to awaken some of the great majority that are still asleep. This is what we must be focused on. Obamacare is @K#$HH@#K$H meaningless! It is what THEY want you to be arguing about! It makes me sick.

The revolution must begin somewhere. It won't be fought and won with guns, it will be won with money and wit. STOP GIVING YOUR MONEY BACK TO THE THIEFS! Do everything in your power to keep as much of your money as possible as local as possible and out of the hands of those who are stealing from you everyday. If everyone who knew this simply did this, things would change faster than you think.

edit on 17-7-2012 by UdonNiedtuno because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by UdonNiedtuno

If you don't want Obama, vote Paul. With out the Paul supporters, Romney won't win and he's not going to get them because Paul supporters see through Romney just the same as they see through Obama. Don't bother wasting your time trying to convince Paul supporters otherwise. The choice this year is Liberty or Obama.

The Writing Is on the Wall - The Write Ins Are for Paul

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by GenerationGap

If you folks give Obama the win, you will carry the burden of guilt and partial blame for anything wrong Obama does and any harm he does to the country in his second term. You will be directly responsible and that's all anyone and history will remember.

Makes me wonder if Obama is not in on this somehow? Are some of you in the Obama tank and pretending to be for Ron Paul?

Why is Ron Paul still pandering for donations? He lost and he lost badly.

1,144 delegates are needed to win.

-Romney 1,473
-Santorum 267
-Gingrich 145
-Paul 118

Dead last and still asking for money even though it's over?

I have nothing against Ron Paul, but this is just weird. In fact too weird. How many Obama people do you think are among your ranks?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:16 PM
So true. The OP is right on.

I've been a Paul supporter for a long time now, I voted for him in the primaries, went to the Jacksonville debate,and will vote for him in November regardless.

I can't get over the fact that a private bank is allowed to print all of this country's money and are allowed to operate in secrecy.

How could we let a private entity create money from thin air then require us to have to take it as loans.

They earn interest on every dollar created all while being entitled to every bit of it.

They have made us their slaves, people can't see it because it's either hidden from them or they can't accept it.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by GenerationGap

If you folks give Obama the win, you will carry the burden of guilt and partial blame for anything wrong Obama does and any harm he does to the country in his second term. You will be directly responsible and that's all anyone and history will remember.

Makes me wonder if Obama is not in on this somehow? Are some of you in the Obama tank and pretending to be for Ron Paul?

Why is Ron Paul still pandering for donations? He lost and he lost badly.

1,144 delegates are needed to win.

-Romney 1,473
-Santorum 267
-Gingrich 145
-Paul 118

Dead last and still asking for money even though it's over?

I have nothing against Ron Paul, but this is just weird. In fact too weird. How many Obama people do you think are among your ranks?

I will make my opinion more clear this time - OBAMA = ROMNEY & ROMNEY = OBAMA

They are the same. It is irrelevant which one wins. Our only hope at this point is to wake enough people up to the criminality of our government to start an actual revolution. And as I said before, this revolution will only be won by using your wit and your money very, very wisely.

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