reply to post by SLAYER69
Hi Slayer! It's good to see another thread. Like different issues from Isaac Asimov, Reader's Digest, National Geographic, or SI's Swimsuit
Edition, your threads seem to delight everyone who has a look.
At first thought, I imagined that these spheres would have been used as markers, depicting heavenly bodies as they appeared in the skies in ancient
times. Then I asked myself, 'What else could they be?'
Obviously, as included in your thread as other ATS member comments that followed, there are a variety of ideas proposed as explanation to their
existence. Since there doesn't seem to be any proof and/or solid evidence to confirm their purpose, I thought I'd share my idea about what the
spheres and other odd, unidentified ancient objects could possibly be.
Although I do not know exactly how industrial or technologically advanced these civilizations were, they must have had high levels of intelligence and
societal infrastructure to accomplish and create many things that are still in existence today.
In some instances, there are no absolute facts pointing to the function of those objects. Construction of the pyramids is probably the most commonly
known and debated mysteries, but there are many others, including spheres that are the focus of your thread.
A civilization that no doubt supported commerce and a form of government would probably have some resemblance of industry. Some of the tools and
methods to create the items commonly used in those times are still largely unknown. Maybe they are unknown because we associate industrial creation
with modern tools and processes.
I think, maybe, this idea deserves At least a measure of consideration while searching for the true purpose of the mysterious spheres and other
unidentified artifacts.
There are many different size spheres, maybe they were used as a sort of tool, or di (not sure the speeling
, meant like 'di-cast')
Maybe fires were built around the larger spheres, creating a very hot stone. They could have applied clay to the sphere and used the heat to cure it.
Of course, it would have to be cut off the sphere to avoid breakage - or the clay would not be applied beyond the maximum radius of the sphere.
It could have been a form of 'ancient' mass production, where the stones would cure the clay bowls much quicker, since they would not need to be
spun and molded... like a reverse kiln, if-you-will - and the different sizes could create... different size bowls, pots, etc
I do not mean to impress that I firmly believe this, but I believe it is possible that they were used some sort of tool. They could possibly be used
in some other capacity to aid in industry or commerce of the time.
Entertainment has always captured the attention of you humans (haha, just-kidding, I know I am one of you humans too). It has traditionally been such
a staple in our lives that, still to this day, we enable the brutal beatings and occasional death of willing competitor's
As entertainment is such an important aspect of modern life, we collectively find it socially acceptable to adorn our entertainers with rare and
valuable material objects for free! - at the same time rewarding them with massive amounts of currency, regardless of the general population's
financial peril or terrible health conditions for millions.
From professional athlete's to the current poster child for today's Pop Culture, entertainment careers remain one of the most coveted and sought
after positions in modern society. Could it be possible that these spheres played a role in an entertainment venue of the time? Maybe they were part
of a popular sporting event that spanned hundreds of miles?
I would doubt the entertainment aspect, but I think it deserves consideration as well.
One more crazy idea... maybe the spheres were some sort of fad. They may have even been a sort of hierarchy symbol, used to represent the owner's
social status. As individuals progressed to higher and more respectable community positions, they may have received larger and larger spheres. When
the symbols became obsolete, the spheres maybe have been buried or used for other purposes.
Sorry I don't have the links or descriptive knowledge to back-up those ideas, I just wanted to offer a different angle of view for researching the
origins and purpose of the spheres and other mysterious ancient artifacts.