reply to post by followtheevidence
Hi Follow the Evidence;
You would certainly benefit from following the very same dietary recommendations. I did forget to mention that all carbonated beverages are also off
the table, for at least half-a-dozen reasons founded in science. For you, it is particularly important that you actively avoid dairy products because
you are having, among other things, a magnesium/calcium problem, which can be addressed.
Here is your summary:
(1) Follow the previously-mentioned diet. NO sugar. NO dairy. You also want to use a handful of chinese parsley/cilantro, 3 times a week in your
dishes. Put it in raw salsa, salads, green drinks, etc. It removes mercury from your system. If you like spicy foods, great, because cayenne pepper
and tumeric are your friends right now. Try to find ways to get at least 1/2 tsp cayenne and up to 1 tbsp tumeric into your diet each day, 7 days a
week. If the very thought makes you gag, go online and order empty vitamin capsules and stuff the spices in them. Just swallow the caps with a
beverage of your choice. These can be taken with food.
(2) Get some 100% vegetable-based glycerin from Walmart for about $3 a bottle. Get the one with no additives. You are going to need it, because
treatment may make your psoriasis flare up at first. (Like all living things, microbes and viruses have evolved ways to fight back. They will not go
down easily.) At the very first sign of a flare-up, slather yourself in the glycerin. It will stop the flare up or, at worst, keep it to its absolute
minimum. Don't worry, it soaks in after a few minutes and you won't feel slimy or look shiny.If you have a breakthrough, get Bragg's apple cider
vinegar and spritz the affected areas 2-3x/day. It will sting like crazy for a few minutes, but it will do the trick.
(3) Pick up some baking soda and citric acid. If you simply can't get the citric acid, pick up a bunch of lemons and/or limes, your choice. You will
need enough for 2/day if they are small and 1/day if they are large. Take 1 (or 1/2) lemon or lime and squeeze the juice into a glass and add 1/4 -
1/2 tsp baking soda. Let fizz and, once fizzing stops, add about 4oz of water and drink. Do this 3 times/day, before meals. Start off with the 1/4 tsp
of baking soda the first few days, to make sure your body does not retain too much water. If this happens, then you need to add a bit of potassium to
your regimen, Then the water retention should stop. Take this mixture before meals, 3x/day.
(4) Like above, order yourself some magnesium chloride crystals/flakes. Spray on, rub in and let it dry on for 15 minutes. Rinse. Do this 2x/day,
morning and night. (The magnesium also helps you to sleep.)
(5) Also go to the supermarket and pick yourself up some 20-Mule Team Borax laundry soap. It is 99.9% boron and, if you look at the MSDS sheet, it has
the exact same toxicity as table salt. HOWEVER, you do have to be careful about taking it because it can form into boric acid when combined with your
stomach acids if you do not take it properly...not good! This is how you take it:
If you are female, add 1/8 tsp borax, NO MORE, into one liter of purified water. If you are male, use 1/4 tsp borax. Then add 1/2 tsp baking soda to
the mix. You can also add 10 - 15 drops of food-grade hydrogen peroxide, 3% concentration, to the mix to speed up recovery. Shake this all up. Do NOT
drink this all at once! Your goal is to sip it all day long until it is gone. Make a new one each day. Take it for 5 days on and then you must take 2
days off.
Along with the transdermal mag therapy, this will do wonders to address your calcium imbalance and should help out with the symptoms associated with
ankylosing spondylitis. It will also remove heavy metals from your body, which will speed your recovery. As these metals are removed, however, get
ready for some brain fog and other symptoms. If the kick-back is too much, take the borax mixture 4 days on and 3 days off, until the detox symptoms
drop off a bit, then go back up to 5 days on/2 days off. Do this for one month and then stop.
Other notes about boron: I have read about two side effects from taking this remedy: Increased female fertility (think babies, babies, babies!), as it
restores female hormone balances and it can have a viagra-like effect on men. Well, not so much the erection thing, which can happen, but an apparent
increase in sperm production, which leads to a feeling of pressure in the testicular area. The pressure is relieved exactly how you might imagine. Go
it solo or call in your girlfriend!
(6) Pick up some pau d'arco and milk thistle. Take these every day. They are the only things that are going to protect your liver from the above
heavy-metal detox and what is coming below:
Now do, in this order, Hulda Clark's parasite cleanse and her liver cleanse. Dermatographism should be dead and gone for good