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Was Bush Wired Up During The Debate? I Report, You Decide.

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posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:41 AM
It was a satellite link to the aliens fighting in Antartica, Bush has to keep in contact at all times so they can issues him orders!.

Please you believe he was wired? how many times have you tried to listen on the phone whist someone is talking to you? ANd if you did could you remember what was said holding 2 conversations?

This just keeps getting better and better....

[edit on 8-10-2004 by edsinger]


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 09:18 AM
I overheard the earpiece conversation.........


THEN A LONG PAUSE....and a low voice.....oh cr@p he is a chimp.....!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 09:24 AM
More from Salon suggests Bush may always be wired.

Was President Bush literally channeling Karl Rove in his first debate with John Kerry? That's the latest rumor flooding the Internet, unleashed last week in the wake of an image caught by a television camera during the Miami debate. The image shows a large solid object between Bush's shoulder blades as he leans over the lectern and faces moderator Jim Lehrer. (...)

To watch the debate again, I ventured to the Web site of the most sober network I could think of: C-SPAN. And sure enough, at minute 23 on the video of the debate, you can clearly see the bulge between the president's shoulder blades. (...)

So what was it? Jacob McKenna, a spyware expert and the owner of the Spy Store, a high-tech surveillance shop in Spokane, Wash., looked at the Bush image on his computer monitor. "There's certainly something on his back, and it appears to be electronic," he said. McKenna said that, given its shape, the bulge could be the inductor portion of a two-way push-to-talk system. McKenna noted that such a system makes use of a tiny microchip-based earplug radio that is pushed way down into the ear canal, where it is virtually invisible. He also said a weak signal could be scrambled and be undetected by another broadcaster. (...)

Suggestions that Bush may have using this technique stem from a D-day event in France, when a CNN broadcast appeared to pick up -- and broadcast to surprised viewers -- the sound of another voice seemingly reading Bush his lines, after which Bush repeated them. Danny Schechter, who operates the news site, and who has been doing some investigating into the wired-Bush rumors himself, said the Bush campaign has been worried of late about others picking up their radio frequencies -- notably during the Republican Convention on the day of Bush's appearance. "They had a frequency specialist stop me and ask about the frequency of my camera," Schechter said. "The Democrats weren't doing that at their convention."

Bush's halting speaking manner (applause) would tend to support the (applause, grin) delays for someone reading in his ear. It works on the stump, but not in a debate. I imagine he won't be wired tonight, even if he has been the past 4 years. He's been practicing in public alot this week.

But speculation remains.

As some try to speculate on Kerry.

Need FReepers Help!!! Some Say Kerry Removed Earpiece at End of Debate.

No comment from the peanut gallery though about Bush's electronic hump back.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 09:27 AM

Simply AMAZING what Democrats and those anti-Bush peeps will swallow!

I guess being is hoping that their "investigative" journalist work, paticularly this contribution, will somehow raise the price of their .11 cent per share stock?

Maybe they will come out with another such article claiming that Cheney had his 'mic' implanted in his brain?

Talk about a damn Tin-foil hat alert.....I'm surprised this thread even got started.....or am I?


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Karl Rove should buy Seek a new Arabian....that man IS their cavalry!

Now I'm not in the Bush clan earnings strata, but I wear damn fine suits. I am usually the best dressed man in the room at the meetings I attend. I spent the bucks for a portable steamer from the Brookstone Catalouge, so that I'm always daper when I have to live out of a suitcase.
Contrast that to the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD: Can you honestly believe that bulge is a freaking "wardrobe malfunction"!?!?" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

REMEBER: THis is already on file and recorded as a factual event,

On June 5th, 2004, President Bush spoke in Paris, France. Bush's speech was recorded live by virtually the entire media worldwide. On this recording, you can hear an off-camera voice loudly telling President Bush what to say. You can clearly hear the voice speaking first, then President Bush attempts to mimic the very words spoken by the off-camera voice. You can even hear the off-camera voice telling President Bush which reporters to take questions from, whereupon Bush picks those named reporters. The off-camera voice continues to tell Bush what to say in response to the reporters' questions.

All anyone has to do is ask European news agencies for the tape......palms getting sweaty, Republicans?

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:07 PM
Great picture- this tells me all I want to know.

It'll be interesting to see if tonight Bush has a protruding square box on his back

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 04:32 PM
If BT thinks Seek is spinning...he'll believe anything in his desparation to get Kerry elected!

Let me guess BT, not buying the bulletproof vest factoid?

Yeah, thats right, I'm sorry BT, if its circulating the Internet, it MUST be true, huh?



[edit on 8-10-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by TrickmastertricK
Why would it be on his right ear, in view of Kerry? I would think you would want it away from him, if this is the case.

No I don't think so. I think, if it's true, it's on his right ear so the cameras wouldn't spot it easily. I don't think it mattered if it was on Kerry's side or not. I seem to recall Bush facing to the viewer's left a little bit on the tv screen.


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 06:04 PM
what if it was something just to keep him in contact with the secret service, in case of an emergency or such?

if it was "misused" and bush was told info, it surely didnt help him.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 12:26 AM
I thought I'd let everyone know, this story...

They're talking about it on CNN Headline News, and they quote Bush HQ as saying that it's a bunch of lies and those sites are operated by "left-wing conspiracy groups"

Looks like CNN, is looking at ATS again.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
If BT thinks Seek is spinning...he'll believe anything in his desparation to get Kerry elected!

Let me guess BT, not buying the bulletproof vest factoid?

Yeah, thats right, I'm sorry BT, if its circulating the Internet, it MUST be true, huh?



[edit on 8-10-2004 by Seekerof]

Yo actually think he's wearing Kevlar under that suit!?!

Neither postulate is beyond reason, but which one is more pragmatic & believable? That Bush would wear body armor inside a hall that had been security sanitized & every individual in attendance two fingers short of a full cavity check OR that he would employ a wireless device that he's already on record as using? I wear no foil hats but do believe he was wired.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Seekrof and other Bushies, there is a freaking puicture of the stupid thing! And of the wire...

Anyways, Bush is wired, he was in Europe, he is in America. But what they mean by audience is someone who is a civiliian in the actual audience, not Karl Rove in the bac area telling Bush the answers. And what I don't get is Bushie thinking, Kerry used notes, that is wrong, we should send him to hell. Oh, Bush used something a hell of a lot worse? Well, Kerry did it first so it is ok. So, is it ok, or is it bad? Not good when Bush does it and bad when Kerry dos it, but either good no matter what or bad no matter what?

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Weller
But if he was, it certainly didn't help him any!

After the debate, my friend turned to me and said, "Well, as bad as he did, I guess we know he wasn't wired!"

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:02 PM
His being wired seems like the only thing that can sensibly explain why Dubya blurted out "Let me finish!" - when neither Leherer nor Kerry had said anything. And he still had plenty of time on the clock.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:08 PM
They don't need to wire him up. Just dope him up and let him talk about anything and lie a lot like he did the last debate.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 04:08 AM
From the NY-Times:..."Nor was the bulge from a bulletproof vest, according to campaign and White House officials; they said Mr. Bush was not wearing one."

There was a poll in 35 countries allover the world, who should become president of the USA, and only in Nigeria and Poland Bush would be reelected!!! in Germany only 4% would choose him for President! America has lost a lot of Sympathy here in Europe since Bush became President.

greetings from Germany

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 07:30 AM
I though he was wired up most of the time he is let out in public. Oh sorry i meant a hand up his @$$

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by semperfi
There was a poll in 35 countries allover the world, who should become president of the USA, and only in Nigeria and Poland Bush would be reelected!!! in Germany only 4% would choose him for President! America has lost a lot of Sympathy here in Europe since Bush became President.

Thankfully, it only really matters what Americans think. (Sigh of relief) Still, I suppose that everyone has the right to their opinion. You might be interested in the following thread: (Throws Corinthas a bone)
How Non-Americans can influence the vote...

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem
I thought I'd let everyone know, this story...

They're talking about it on CNN Headline News, and they quote Bush HQ as saying that it's a bunch of lies and those sites are operated by "left-wing conspiracy groups"

Looks like CNN, is looking at ATS again.

Oh, You KNOW Keith Olberman and Jon Stewart come on here!!

Sometimes I hear quotes almost word for word!!

(Yes, I watch both)

Sometimes the "Countdown" is a day or 2 behind ATS though!

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 08:58 AM
Bush needs the help from his aids in order to stop the pausing and hestitation. It makes him look stupid........sorry he is stupid.

How anyone can vote for him must be as thick as two planks!

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