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I'm mostly certain that any aliens existing in the universe are not visiting us.
There's a matter of psychology to consider regarding this as it applies to any sort of alien, and, also to us.
Alien psychology? What is it? What would it be like? What would be their motivations for coming here?
Would they even understand such things like government hierarchy such they could limit their interactions with just TPB? Could they understand
government hierarchies to the extent in understanding that different people swap out positions over time? How would they know anything about the
political structures and ideologies around the globe enough to avoid huge mistakes in contact protocols when interacting with different areas of the
Human Psychology - we've a pervasive need to believe in things that don't exist, something greater than us, and the imagination and deceptive
ability to fool ourselves into believing anything and everything that makes us happy in the believing of it.
This is extremely evident in the invention of religion everywhere on the planet.
Pick any religion you don't believe in, any religion you think is goofy and ridiculous and you can be certain that whoever holds stock in that
religion and it's beliefs may very well think the same of your own belief.
What makes your own belief in divine beings any better than anyone else's?
As per the above, with religion, the Alien topic fills a need for the many who aren't getting as much satisfaction from the imagination of gods and
deities, as they can in believing that there are actual people/beings of a more advanced evolution currently interacting with this planet on some
For some, imagining these imaginary beings at play behind the curtain, bent on bad deeds for humanity fills their need to have a bad guy in helping
define their moral compass against all they suspect to be bad in the world. For others, the belief in imaginary beings limits this to benevolent
beings. Further, with still more, it's a mixed bag.
As with religion, many believers will have had their equivalent of a religious experience in seeing something their level of understanding of the
world around them, their education or lack of it, could not explain except by putting the alien label on it whether the experience be just a sighting,
or even an abduction.
The same thing happens in religion.
This isn't to say that every single UFO report and sighting that occurs is NOT aliens. It does say, however, that we're entirely too fanciful in
projecting our personal ideas and imaginings onto whatever this phenomenon is.
UFOs may be some natural phenomenon.
They could also be aliens.
Whatever the case is, we don't really know, and jumping to fully formed conclusions only frames an understanding from our own psychological
understanding of how the universe works and to what extent we can trick ourselves into believing whatever our imaginations might dream up.
Until we've got aliens out of the closet, in front of a camera, either on a dissection table, or for friendly interviews on all the morning and
evening talk shows, it's all just imaginative speculation reflected and projected from our own understanding and experience with other humans or even
the gods of religions.