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Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs: Two of the Stars Say the Show was Hijacked

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:02 PM
Greetings Forumerions,

Like the vast majority of viewers who could stomach watching Nat Geo's Chasing UFOs, noted researcher Robert Hastings was appalled by the presentation; this precipitated an article from him entitled, Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs: Investigation as Farce .

Leslie Kean kindly posted a blurb at her FaceBook page, noting it as follows:

"A new article by Robert Hastings on the “Chasing UFOs” disaster" (my emphasis)

Several folks chimed in–including James Fox, and Ben McGee (two of the three stars of the show); with their admissions, Robert wrote a follow up piece:

Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs: Two of the Stars Say the Show was Hijacked

“I know how disappointed all of you are. I am too. It’s not the show that was sold to both myself and scientist Ben…[It] does get a bit better further down the road but not a lot.” —James Fox

“James and I both had expectations and (for our own reasons) hopes of an ultimately serious product. We both saw the project heading in a different direction as time went on and were powerless to influence it.” —Dr. Ben McGee

My last article on this website, Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs: Investigation as Farce, roundly criticized the format and content of the new reality series currently being aired on the National Geographic channel. Having meticulously investigated UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites for 39 years—utilizing declassified U.S. government documents and the testimony of more than 130 military veterans—I was appalled by the ridiculous thrashing around in the dark and superficial-to-non-existent analysis by the trio of “investigators” offered up in the program’s first three episodes.

I was/am concerned that public and scientific perceptions about the UFO phenomenon, and those who actually research it, will be very negatively impacted as a result of Chasing UFO’s pretend-investigation approach to the subject. God knows there already exists a pervasive perception, at least in some quarters, that there is no “there” there. Consequently, this crap was the last thing that I, or anyone who wishes to learn the facts about UFOs, needed to see on our TV screens. . . .

The rest of the story . . .

edit on 13-7-2012 by Frank Warren because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:07 PM
This might be NatGeo's way of holding interest until they can reinvent the load of crap they released.

All in the marketing I believe.


posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:25 PM
UFO Hunters was 10000x better then this, and even that isn't saying too much.

I still respect James Fox, but to me he has lost some credibility.

The problem is when a serious investigation show is produced, it is usually cancelled after only a few episodes. The best UFO TV show I've seen was "UFOs Over Earth" which featured real MUFON investigations.

Here are three of the four episodes:

Episode two:

Episode three:

Episode four:

The investigators and witnesses were 100 percent serious, and the show didn't always arrive at an ET solution for everything.

But of course, the show wasn't entertaining enough so it was apparently cancelled after just four episodes.

Perhaps MUFON could get a youtube channel and upload investigations online that way? Just a random thought
edit on 13-7-2012 by thesearchfortruth because: eta

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:27 PM
Robert Hastings has done more damage to honest UFO research than any of the silly National Geographic or History channel fictions on the subject.

How many times has he been banned from ATS?

edit on 7-16-2012 by Springer because: removed name calling

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

Robert Hastings is a fraud and liar who has done more damage to honest UFO research than any of the silly National Geographic or History channel fictions on the subject.

I have looked through his research and gone to one of his lectures and I have found him to be very credible and scientific in his investigations.

would you mind to elaborate on why you consider him a "fraud and liar"?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

Robert Hastings is a fraud and liar who has done more damage to honest UFO research than any of the silly National Geographic or History channel fictions on the subject.

I have looked through his research and gone to one of his lectures and I have found him to be very credible and scientific in his investigations.

would you mind to elaborate on why you consider him a "fraud and liar"?

How much did it cost you?

The whole echo flight nonsense is conclusively a fiction, in Hastings attempts to keep his cash cow paying he has unscrupulously tarnished quite a few honest reputations.

Here is James Carlson's contribution ( son of Col. Eric Carlson, commading officer of echo flight)
Echo Flights of Fantasy - Anatomy of a UFO Hoax by James Carlson

This article evaluates new information that supports the author's claim that UFOs did not interfere with the nuclear missiles at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967; it accounts for UFO...

It is a bit vitriolic but contains the pertinent facts that prove what honestly happened at Malmstrom AFB in March,1967.


posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

So making money out of the whole thing means, Hastings is doing nothing real, all is made up by him or what are you up to? Everybody know's NGeo's attitude towards UFO cases, I don't see what wrong would be to find smth bad in how a show about ufos was made on NG.,,

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

How much did it cost you?

Zero dollars and zero cents. Nothing. The lecture totally was free.

Regarding the Malmstrom AFB incident, I don't think that because one person says it didn't happen you can ignore all the people who say it did.

To date, I have interviewed over 50 individuals who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at Strategic Air Command bases or remote sites. I have selected the statements of 20 of those persons for presentation here.

UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas

Robert Hastings has also posted a rebuttle to the Eric Carlson argument on ATS in this post.
edit on 13-7-2012 by thesearchfortruth because: eta, grammer, eta again, spelling

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

How much did it cost you?

Zero dollars and zero cents. Nothing. The lecture totally was free.

Regarding the Malmstrom AFB incident, I don't think that because one person says it didn't happen you can ignore all the people who say it did.

To date, I have interviewed over 50 individuals who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at Strategic Air Command bases or remote sites. I have selected the statements of 20 of those persons for presentation here.

UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas

Robert Hastings has also posted a rebuttle to the Eric Carlson argument on ATS in this post.
edit on 13-7-2012 by thesearchfortruth because: eta, grammer, eta again, spelling

I sent you a link to the via PM, make of it what you will.

I have read a myriad of Hastings rebuttals which is why I hold him in contempt, he is a liar.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:53 PM
Didn't the same thing happen to the guys from Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet? Seems like from some of their posts on their forum.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:44 PM
Well, as soon as I seen the trailer for this new show, the words "cheesey as f*ck" sprang into my mind, lo and behold it's been a disaster of a series from the first episode (which I couldn't even make it the whole way through).

I would have to say that this car crash of a venture is doing no favours to anybody involved with UFO research, furthermore, It actually verges on bringing even more ridicule to those who are researchers.
edit on 13-7-2012 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:01 AM
Glad its going down as it should.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

You are full crap, mister. I am tired of these self-proclaimed critics who think they know all, Hasting has an authentic contribution to the field and has exposed disinfo agents such as Moore and Doty. No one is perfect, that he's done is enough to not be criticized by some nobodies. At least he doesn't make stories like Icke and the ones that blong to the 'not so sane' group, and he has brought a lot of info about UFOs and nuclear sites.

Whether he got money out of something, what's the damn deal? So if I went to tell something I really have evidence of or witnessed first hand if I got money from it, it would be instantly considered a lie or what?

Some people don't know when to shut up and start calling names others that at least have some real contribution. While the self-proclaimed critics are like barking angry dogs and do nothing else. I not going to accept the crap being told to the few more credible people in ufology out there.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:19 PM
Greetings All,

My two cents (as posted in another thread):

I forced myself to watch the first episode (last week) only to be able to write a review and thought, "in for penny in for a pound" and watched the other two (the premiere episodes from the previous week, and the new one which you are referring to). I recall the segment you cite; however, I don't recall the details as I was busy puking on my shoes! Sad and pitiful come to mind, but that certainly doesn't describe the latest offering of crapola from the small screen, or my feelings about it!

Sober Ufologists now anticipate this type of flapdoodle from various independent television producers along with Nat Geo et al, as they have a proven track record for producing sub-standard product (to be polite) when it comes to Ufology; what most didn't foresee, certainly I didn't was someone like James, (whose previous body of [re Ufology] work was/is topnotch and I know I speak for many when I say we're all proud of "that work" and him) becoming involved.

In that vein–I was dumbfounded when I finally realized that James was indeed participating in this kind of hokum . . . that he has gone over to the "Dark Side." The "perception of Ufology" is a direct reflection of this medium, (television) for the most part, and in short is controlled/manipulated by it (whether there is nefarious intent behind it is arguable; however, the end results are the same). The battle for decades was/is for Ufology to be taken seriously by mainstream scientists and journalists in that order; James Fox's "previous work" went a long way in support of this ongoing battle, and now we have "Chasing UFOs" . The first thing that came to my mind is Jay Leno's comment to Hugh Grant after being arrested with the Hollywood hooker, i.e., "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"

These cockamamie, caricaturistic type reality TV shows continue to deconstruct and harm Ufology in general; they dumb it down to "entertainment" which for the most part (sadly) is how Ufology is viewed these days. Moreover, when someone like James participates in this tripe it's akin to losing one of our best Lieutenants to the enemy!

I only pray that James hasn't damaged himself beyond repair.


posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:32 PM
is there another UFO show that started recently??? i watched something one afternoon but i don't know what it was other than a new series. i don't know if it was the show you guys are discussing. i didn't see the entire episode and only saw one guy who went to several locations to ask about UFO sightings. he went to some guys house and that guy showed him some weird evidence and some videos of what appeared to be a grey looking in his window.

in the last part he went to a mountain where people gather nightly and they did see what appeared to be a UFO.

did i see chasing UFO's or some other show? i would like to see another episode of whatever it was.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:44 PM
anytime i see cameras and lights on poles attached to a person walking around simply to show his facial reactions, i know it's junk TV. the last show was rediculous, the lady, with all that gear climbed over a fence to film ...wait for airport!!!!...ooohhh, scary and mysterious...NOT!...i felt my brain matter oozing out of my skull with how stupid i felt even watching that crap....maybe next week, they'll film an actual single-engine piper cub flying in the dark with its strobe lights on.....oooohhhhh...that'll be scary and mysterious also!!!

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Imtor
Imtor, with all due respect you don't know what you are talking about and are out of line. You have no idea who I am or what ties and experience I may have to this particular case or the participants.

My remarks regarding Hastings are tame for what he really deserves.

I could respond in kind that I am tired of the ignorant doe eyed believers who ignore scientific fact and historical record enabling these charlatans to continue to promote fiction as fact which undermines legitimate study of the UFO enigma.

The following content is supported by independently verifiable fact and the honest eyewitness testimony from the people who were there and explains in detail both the events at Malmstrom AFB and chronicles Robert Hastings public history of lies and deceit.

Who is full of crap now?

You owe me an apology.


Case Closed! A Re-Evaluation of the Echo Flight Incident

But for all it's bells and whistles, Echo Flight proves only to be an illusion...a distant mirage in Ufology's desolate desert.

Researching this case is akin to walking into a thick and dense forest making it difficult to see ahead as you hack your way through it's thick foliage. It lures you into a trance as you bog down into it's minutia. Its loaded with perceived facts that take you down potentially promising paths only to wind up at a dead end. It's a siren song. It's proponents take the view, "If looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then..." Yet I find my self yelling at them, "Don't fall for it, open your eyes, it's a dog!"

Why do I state that the Echo case is closed? Well quite a few factors come into play. I based my main premise on my past knowledge of the Minuteman system and trust me, I had to remember things that were long forgotten vs. what I still knew before starting to research this case. As I discussed this case with others, I experienced memory triggers. But through out this process, I was able to come to a series of logical conclusions based upon the following main areas:

1. Walter Figel's interviews
2. Eric Carlson's interview
3. The 341st SMW Unit History
4. The Minuteman's system design of LF connectivity isolation in a given flight.
5. The Boeing ECP and subsequent corrective actions SAC-wide that resulted from the Echo case.



Eric: There were no reports called in to either me or Lt Figel on the morning of March 16, 1967. The report that we had lost ten missiles is accurate. It was not uncommon to lose one missile or even two to no-go status, it was unheard of to lose all ten.

I recall that both Lt Figel and I were Kept rather busy completing our checklists, which included calls to the wing command post and maintenance control. Shortly after completing the check lists we received a call from the senior controller at SAC headquarters, a general. He wanted to know my status and I informed him that E-2 thru E-11 were in no-go status. He asked me if I was sure and how did I know they would not launch.

I advised him that my tech order indicated they would not launch. I am sure he was concerned because our targets would have to be covered by someone else. He then asked it E-1 would launch and I advised him that that was the launch control center where we were. I recall wanting to tell him that I sure as hell hoped it wouldn’t.

The Alleged UFO Sighting and System Failure
Ryan: The stories claim that when Figel called the security guard on the surface, the guard reported that no maintenance had taken place and that a UFO had been hovering over the silo. Do you recall Figel making this phonecall, and did he tell you that anyone on the other end of the line mentioned anything about a UFO?

Eric: There was no call, at any time, telling us about any UFOs.


A Tale of Two Figels: Robert Hastings' and Robert Salas' "Hard Problem"

Contradictions, Deceptions, or Lies

As can be seen, we now have two versions of the same incident for consideration. Both are filled with contradictions and cannot be reconciled with one another:

1. The number of manned LFs and the actual maintenance that was being performed. Was it two LFs or three to four LFs? Were the maintenance teams working on the Missile Guidance Systems, the "cans", or were they doing normal routine work?

2. Who made the first report of a UFO over one of the sites...the maintenance team or the topside security guard?

3. The manner in which the SAT strike teams were two unmanned LFs or to the manned LFs.

4. Figel states to Salas that he made a TDY trip to Offutt to brief CINSAC, but this information is omitted in Hastings' interview. Eric Carlson, the Echo crew commander, states that he did receive a call from a general officer from SAC HQ, presumably from the SAC Command Post, asking about the launch capabilities of Echo ten missile sorties. He makes no mentioning of having to personally go to Offutt AFB to brief anyone.


The Malmstrom AFB Missile shutdown: An examination of James Carlson’s critique/SUNlite March-April 2010

I think it is important to understand who James Carlson is. He describes his position early on in his manuscript:

At this point, in all fairness to those propagating the March 16, 1967 UFO fables, and in the interests of full transparency, it should be noted that the author of this narrative is the second son of Captain Eric D. Carlson, who on March 16, 1967 was the ranking commander at Echo Flight, the missile station attached to Malmstrom AFB’s 10th Missile Squadron that suffered an equipment malfunction that resulted in the entire flight of ten Minuteman Missiles going offline and reporting a “No-Go” status.

My father has always maintained that the missiles went offline due to an equipment malfunction that was thoroughly investigated by both civilian and military representatives.

Contrary to suggestions by a number of individuals that he has confirmed their insulting and ridiculous assertions that one or more UFOs hijacked from one to three flights of nuclear missiles during his watch, he has repeatedly insisted that UFOs had absolutely nothing to do with the malfunctions that did occur on that date, a claim supported by the undeniable fact that UFOs were never reported by civilian or military observers on March 16, 1967.

That deserves to be repeated : there were no UFOs reported on March 16, 1967 by anybody*.

* Mr. Carlson is stating that nobody made these reports in 1967. He is not including the stories told decades later in this remark.

I also would like to point out the James Carlson has been the target of some rather abusive responses by those defending Robert Salas and his story.

While Carlson comes across as heavy handed, one can understand his point of view on the subject when you see people saying unkind things about him and his father.
He and I have discussed this at length and I can not change his attitude about the matter. I may not completely agree with how he approached his manuscript but I think it is worth reading.

With that being said, let’s examine the major points of his document...


Malmstrom missile shutdown follow-up/SUNlite /May-June 2010

It is clear that Figel did not think there was anything about the Echo Flight shutdown that had to do with UFOs and he must have mentioned that to Hastings and Salas. For some reason, this opinion is omitted or glossed over.

Of course, that brings into question the integrity of these reports being published by various individuals. How many have stated they knew of nothing unusual happening at Malmstrom or UFOs were never involved but are never mentioned by Hastings/Salas?

We only hear about those that support the story they want to tell...
Instead of addressing the Figel problem, Salas and Hastings are planning a presentation at the National Press Club on September 27th.

They have publicly asked for donations to fly various individuals to repeat their stories during the press conference. According to their release, it is “mind boggling” that the government has kept the activities of UFOs around nuclear facilities secret.

I think it is “mind boggling” that they can actually say these things with a clear conscience based on what we now know about the incident at Malmstrom.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Drunkenparrot because: syntax

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 09:49 AM
In my opinion any and all shows on TV about UFOs can be thrown out...

They are all censored to the # house... i mean look at all the new discovery's being made around the world... and yet only a fraction is ever shown on TV or published in a mag/paper. And that being said... a fraction of the stuff actually being published is hardly worth while.

as for Robert Hastings being a fraud... figures he gets more air time ey?

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

I am not arguing your specific case, I am not familiar with it. I know what positive Hastings has done and that matters, he's the only one to document real cases of UFOs shutting down nuclears on such sites and he has always been contributing to disclose.

He has exposed disinformation agents such as Doty and Moore. I don't like seeing how every single person dealing with UFOs is critized... Is there one person you don't think lies about anything or have you caught Hastings in something he made up - or maybe he didn't make that up, he just didn't know?

Believer? I am really sorry I do not believe aliens, I need to quote myself again to not be called a B-e-l-i-e-v-e-r:

I do not BELIEVE, I EVALUATE - I am fine with it not being so, or it doesn't exist at all. Stop calling me a believer, I do not believe anything, I think some things are possible (and I do not believe anything without solid proof then it wouldn't be belief, it would be KNOWING not believing).

Unlike too closed skeptics AKA PSUEDOSKEPITCS I am just open to the possibilities

I am more scientific than a lot of you here, I've studied Astronomy in University and met people from NASA and I know what I am talking, when coming to what is man-made and what not, I have observed the sky for long, been examined on it and never seen UFO - that doesn't mean I say people never saw things I did not, I am absolutely neutral and objective and I have a theory that I think is possible and in no way is a Belief and this theory is based on EVALUATION - and I say possible is the key word. Quit calling me a believer.

That does not mean I know who to trust and who not but I can appreciate some contribution done by someone such as Hastings when I see it and not *Bark Bark* like an angry dog.

Because you mention believers 'blah blah' but such dogs who only know to bark at everyone doing anything, everyone is wrong, everyone is a liar, everyone is making money, gd damn, why don't you 'critics' go and do something real?

It's how people are today - everyone's a critic - it's very easy to be standing behind a computer screen all day and criticize this and that, make something better yourself? Hastings has real contribution, did he make something wrong besides that - I don't know, but contribution must be appreciated.

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