posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:09 AM
Hi! I'm just wondering if you play chess while online, and where you like to play? I've been playing chess for close to 12 years. I don't have a
USCF, nor an FIDE rating, since the only tournaments I've played have been online, or in the basement of a bookstore where I was never asked about a
membership to those organizations.
I think the game of chess has always been a way for me to determine my clarity of mind--to keep my mind somewhat sharp. I recommend, to all the
ATSers to give that game a good try, since it is a lot of fun! I'm not good at it, mind you, because I have read about and watched people who are
good at the game. Where I've lived, and who I've known, chess has been a novelty act for me in a way, since I'm a woman who plays, studies, and am
interested in the game. Of course, it's probably due to being a woman living in America which makes it a novelty to so many people I meet. In Europe
or Asia, for example, people may not be as surprised. Or, everyone I meet could think I'm too dumb to play chess! lol That possibility may exist
I've played at Chesscube, FICS, and is my favorite).
Just wondering...