posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:04 AM
Weird weather, quakes, solar flares, CME's, volcanoes, loud noises, are all apart of the Earth and it's atmosphere being heated and charged for a
coming dis-integration of the elements. Like putting a dish in the microwave to prepare it for cooking so is the sun sending charged particles and
energy, intended to prepare the earth and the elements for dis-integration. For a time the Earth's atmosphere was so charged that the scientists
said that it could run New York for a long time.
The 24th Solar cycle is a finalizing cycle intended to prepare the Earth and it's inhabitants to take notice and prepare for the coming transition
which must take place.
My understanding is that that Sun is the tool through which man's karma is returned upon him. The more the earth is charged with the energy the more
suseptable it becomes to drought , fire and natural disaster. Everything you see is in a state of meltdown and dis-integration just as is our
freedoms and our way of life with the intentional dis-integration of our constitution and our integration with the laws of our God which we
increasingly deny.
Prediction: Latest solar flare will trigger large quake within the time frame of the travel of the CME to the Earth and 24-48 hours after it
The Earth and ourselves are merely experiencing the mirror of our consciousness, released through the transmitter of energy, our sun.