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TSA Agent Mocks Deaf Man, Steals His bags Of Candy

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

The two I know are a thief and a liar. Real upstanding people trying to support their families all right.

One of them belongs to a gang. Is that really the calibre of person you want putting their hands on you and your pockets?

Go ahead and defend the TSA. The fact is we know the truth about them. For all we know YOU are a TSA goon.

Boo hoo. Feel bad for the people who work for the TSA.

That'll be a cold day in hell, perverts.
edit on 7/13/2012 by aaaiii because: Added post reference

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 05:37 PM
There are good people and bad people in every walk of life. However at some point you are not just an employee of XYZ doing what your told so you can collect a pay check and feed your family. at some level we are all responsible for the choices we make. Do you know right from wrong? Are you contributing to something that is oppressive? Yes we all have bills to pay we all want to be able to put food on the table but what EXACTLY are you willing to do to do that. Are you willing to whore yourself out, shed your humanity, add to misery and oppression of others? Choice!

I believe that at some point everyone is held accountable for their actions. There is a higher law than the law of man. There is good and what is right and what is just. Yes there may be very nice people working for the TSA and in many other fields that are oppressive The truth is these types of jobs attract some real lowlifes who get off on pushing people around. I suspect most decent people would be turned off by this job. People usually don't line up to get a job where everyone dislikes them or one they will be ashamed to tell people about. They are filled by people who like that sort of thing or couldn't get hired elsewhere.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Ladysophiaofsandoz
There are good people and bad people in every walk of life. However at some point you are not just an employee of XYZ doing what your told so you can collect a pay check and feed your family. at some level we are all responsible for the choices we make. Do you know right from wrong? Are you contributing to something that is oppressive? Yes we all have bills to pay we all want to be able to put food on the table but what EXACTLY are you willing to do to do that. Are you willing to whore yourself out, shed your humanity, add to misery and oppression of others? Choice!

I believe that at some point everyone is held accountable for their actions. There is a higher law than the law of man. There is good and what is right and what is just. Yes there may be very nice people working for the TSA and in many other fields that are oppressive The truth is these types of jobs attract some real lowlifes who get off on pushing people around. I suspect most decent people would be turned off by this job. People usually don't line up to get a job where everyone dislikes them or one they will be ashamed to tell people about. They are filled by people who like that sort of thing or couldn't get hired elsewhere.

The excuse, "I was just doing my job" is never a good excuse, and sadly it has been the salve that soothes the conscience of weak minded thugs throughout history.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

You work closely with the TSA, ok, I can go with that for a minute. However, I would say that most of the day to day workings are outside of your pay grade and only know what they want you to know, and the info is only half truths and has been filtered before reaching you.

That said.

If the TSA employs 60,000 people and using your example of 1000 bad people. I can recall 15 negative incidences that is fact. Of these incidences, there appears to be on average 3 agents involved in each said negative incident. Counting just the incidences that I can recall, that is 45 agents, I do not think that is looking very good as a whole. Wonder what the math would reveal if all the incidences were accounted for.

Then, of these incidences that cannot be denied, what has the TSA done to discipline these individuals. Yes, some have been disciplined, but simply because there was no choice and had to sacrifice one of their own, many get away with their actions. How come the TSA does not take action against these people? Many, if not all of the offences would have warranted an immediate dismissal if it was anywhere else.

The fact is DHS/TSA does not care, everyone is a terrorist in their eyes. The reason they do nothing is because they know if they keep it up, it will become "normal" and people will eventually just acquiesce the demands. After all, nobody ever does anything and it would be a waste of time to pursue the issue.

However, I have to knock society also. What does this say for society. Of all the incidences, the people behind the offended individual just stood there and watched it happen never uttering a word. Has it reached the point that our society has become self-defeated? If so, we are screwed because things have not yet got as bad as it could be, and eventually will be. Proof positive of a divided nation. Personally, I am just waiting to put one of these people on their ass when they cross the line.

The fix for humanity would be a common enemy.

edit on 13-7-2012 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by spoonbender
somebody told me
the other day

that the TSA
hires all the people
Walmart won't

not sure it there is
any truth to it

In Connecticut they hired people that failed to make the cut working for DMV and could not fill propane tanks!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by GoldenRuled

As a profoundly deaf man, skilled in lip reading with a strong voice and fluency in ASL, I'm very, very #ing annoyed with the TSA right now.

This has "lawsuit" written all over it and the TSA agent will wish he was deaf too because he'll hear a lot of outrage!

After reviewing the links from the article, the author has requested to have his blog post removed and even (I did not investigate beyond this link at the bottom) closed out his account to avoid being contacted. He didn't want all the publicity that he did get. As he stated, he wanted his privacy back.

Apparently he rated it as a 3 or 4 experience out of 10 and as being a regular day in the world of being a deaf individual.

It was rude and poor behavior; if the information that was stated by the author is accurate there will not be any lawsuit.

The young author of the post alleging mistreatment by the TSA contacted Boing Boing to request that we delete/unpublish this blog post, explaining that he hadn't intended the story to "go viral."

edit on 7/13/2012 by Komod0Dragon because: Linkage

edit on 7/13/2012 by Komod0Dragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

The two I know are a thief and a liar. Real upstanding people trying to support their families all right.

One of them belongs to a gang. Is that really the calibre of person you want putting their hands on you and your pockets?

Go ahead and defend the TSA. The fact is we know the truth about them. For all we know YOU are a TSA goon.

Boo hoo. Feel bad for the people who work for the TSA.

That'll be a cold day in hell, perverts.
edit on 7/13/2012 by aaaiii because: Added post reference

The way you attack someone you don't even know tells me all I need to know about you. And you call the TSA trash, really.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Skewed

Why don't you count the # of illegal items that have been stopped...oh wait we don't hear anything about those do we? For every bad experience there are thousands of good ones. It's no different than any other job when dealing with customers. Unfortunately you can't stop all bad ones.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

Is that all you got for a defence?

They caught illegal things pre 9/11 also. I mistakenly once had a knife in my carry on once and I do admit I would be wary of it also. But when they took it, they were not dicks about it and allowed me to return it to my car. Oh thats right, it was not the TSA then.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:45 PM
So where is the video?

There has to be a video, right?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 09:54 PM
I wouldn't put it past the TSA, but I'm not going to get all outraged over someone's blog post either. I get that the TSA is very unpopular (I'm no fan) but lets simmer down.

It seems a little strange that anyone would actually taunt a deaf person in public, while at their job, and that they would eat the candy right in front of him. Possible? Certainly.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:45 PM
"if you want to test a mans character, give him power"

These people in the TSA fail as human beings.

I also can't believe people are defending the TSA, what good little sheep.
edit on 13-7-2012 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:29 AM
I'm deaf too, and some occasions encountered unpleasant people like them... What is bad is that I'm to go to Hong Kong in a month and just to save $400 I got a flight from Vancouver to San Fransisco to Hong Kong instead of shelling out $1900 for a direct flight. In retrospect it was not a wise thing to do. Is $400 worth it going through TSA in S.F.? Will they know I frequent conspiracy websites? Am I flagged? Even worse, could I be on a no fly list? As far as I know it nobody knows if they're on the list until they are directly turned down at the tarmac.

Not worth it man, not worth it... A month of stress for $400? Oh well, more energy for the Archons.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:29 PM
So the original blog post was removed and the TSA reviewed the footage and found nothing... I have no idea why the original complaint would make something like this up...

*uck him if he did make up a bullshyt story is all I will say...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Komod0Dragon

I don't care about semantics.

The TSA is something that a lot of people here can agree upon as a form of tyranny.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 04:31 AM
I don't even think the inmates in our prisons get felt up and ripped off. Well... not by the people working there, at least. So in essence, convicted criminals in jail get treated better than people at airports. There, you're treated like you're guilty of something, and must be felt up, groped, and robbed. The TSA needs to go to North Korea where things like that are welcome.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:52 AM
Update to this conflict was updated above but thought I would post the actual update here.

Update (June 12): The young author of the post alleging mistreatment by the TSA contacted Boing Boing to request that we delete/unpublish this blog post, explaining that he hadn't intended the story to "go viral." He then took down his account from his Tumblr (which, before this widely re-posted item, appears to have been a small personal blog read by a small number of real-world friends). Today, the TSA also published this post at the official TSA blog. Snip: "A close examination of the video during this timeframe indicates that officers working the checkpoint were professional and appropriate with all passengers."
edit on 17-7-2012 by HawkeyeNation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Give a legitimate site.

Otherwise, no matter who the bad guy is, it is bad form to instantly believe bogus sites.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 10:58 AM
You mean only TSA agents make fun of disabled people?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by benrl

No, I am realist about the facts that the laws the TSA are based on have been here for decades.

You do not have constitutional rights at an airport. It has always been an exception.

No where in teh original constitution does it mention that you have a right to privacy. Only amendments on specifics.

You people are gun firing crazy without even know your basic facts.

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