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Why Would Government Officials Want to Keep Bigfoot/Sasquatch a Secret?

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:02 AM
We hear stories about the Government or "Shadow Government" so to speak covering up UFOs. We hear stories about MIB silencing UFO witnesses.

Which brings me to this question: Why dont we hear similar stories with Cryptids? If Bigfoot, Nessie, Jersey Devil et are real, our Government would be very interested in them.

I found this website:

Below are some excerpts.

Why Would Government Officials Want to Keep Bigfoot/Sasquatch a Secret?

A man claimed to be kidnapped by Bigfoot.

n 1924, a trapper by the name of Albert Ostman, claimed to have been kidnapped by a large male Bigfoot. He was then taken back to their camp and held for a week before he could escape. He believed he was taken as an unwilling bridegroom for the Bigfoot's daughter. This is just one of many stories where people believed people were kidnapped to be bred with Bigfoot. It is claimed that there is an area in British Columbia where 21 people have disappeared. (The Pitt Lake area in South Western BC is one such area.) No one knows for sure if Bigfoot is behind it, but many outdoorsmen avoid the area.

A female Bigfoot was used as a sex slave.

In 1962 a zoologist named Boris Porshnev heard and studied a story of a hominoid named Zana. Zana was a wild woman (Bigfoot) that was captured in Russia. (She died sometime in 1880's or 1890's and was believed to be buried outside the village of Tkhina in Russia.) She was taken to a village where she was held captive, until she became tame enough to do simple chores like a slave. She never learned to talk, only making inarticulate sounds and mutterings. She was described as 6.6 feet tall, having black skin, with her body being covered in reddish-black hair. After being mated with many of the village men, she gave birth to four children—two males, two females-- that lived. The villagers took the infants to raise them when they realized that her previous children died, because she washed them in the ice cold water from the stream. Since her remains couldn't be found, permission was given to exhume the remains of Zana's youngest son, Khwit, which were dug up and studied by Igor Bourtsev. Reports of the study were published in 1987.

The theory of Lloy Pye

Lloyd Pye has been doing research for years to prove that Bigfoot is part of a hominoid family, and that humans are a genetic mutation. (A result of alien DNA being spliced together with Bigfoot DNA. Is it a possibility? Yes, there are some that think so. Do we know that to be fact? Well, we may soon find out once Melba Ketchum finishes her DNA paper she is currently writing on Bigfoot DNA, gathered from 2 bodies and other specimens.) In his book called, “Everything You Know is Wrong”, Lloyd Pye states that he believes there are four types of Bigfoot. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman/Yeti, Alma/Kaptar, and the Agogwe/Sedapa. He gives examples how Bigfoot could be the Neanderthal man, not just by the shape of the skull, but the position of the limbs and its walk. He claims that they are more suited for this planet than humans. Humans on the other hand are a very fragile creatures. Our bones are thin, eye sockets small-which makes it hard for humans to see in the dark, and the humans walk unbalanced in uneven terrain. According to Lloyd Pye, there is not a single human bone in the so-called pre-human fossil record.

What if?

What if the Neanderthal man didn't go extinct as predicted 30,000 years ago, but was simply shoved to live in areas that were unappealing to humans such as jungles, swamps, or deep woods? This would explain the stories of the upright, hairy, walking humanoids...aka Bigfoot. Remember the stories I posted above? One begs to question, how is it possible for a Bigfoot to mate with a human? Take a look at the genetics of a mule. A mule is produced when a female horse mates with a male donkey. All male mules are born sterile, but occasionally a female mule will have estrus cycles and therefore can produce an offspring. But, nothing can be established with certainty, until it is understood how the genes are lined up. The same applies to Bigfoot females mating with male humans or vice versa. More evidence is needed on the hominoid genome to compare them with human genome. Scientists such as Melba Ketchum, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, and the late Dr. Grover Krantz are doing extensive groundbreaking research into this, along with other groups such as the Erickson Project, the Olympian Project, the BFRO, and NABS (North American Bigfoot Search).

Bigfoot deaths

A story that stuck in my mind was about a claim of an elaborate cover up dealing with a Bigfoot that was caught in a fire. It was 1999, at Battle Mountain, Nevada, that one of the largest fires at that time broke out. An anonymous government employee witnessed an injured Bigfoot being captured by the firefighters. Officials were called along with medical personal. The Bigfoot was tranquilized and treated then transported to an unknown location believed to be in Northern Idaho. All parties involved were told not to talk about the incident and the story was covered up. The government employee passed on the information to Bigfoot investigators, while a science teacher and acclaimed author, Thom Powell, came forward to state that he believed the story to be true. Anyone following the Bigfoot news recently, has been watching to see what will become of the two Bigfoot that were killed by a well known big game hunter. Speculations have been made who has control over the bodies and where they are hid. There was even a claim as to how much the Bigfoot steaks would be worth. In one report, I saw a sale price of $10,000.00, although Melba Ketchum was given one for her DNA analysis. (To say that I was a bit floored would be an understatement.) There have been rumors circulating that the parties involved will be coming out with undisputed physical proof that Bigfoot exists, along with a documentary of a habituation site where clear footage of Bigfoot were taken. I will post more information on this in the following month or so.


This brings me back to the haunting question...why the cover up? To admit that Bigfoot was real would be admitting that Science was wrong. There would be a lot of time and money invested in re-writing history books, documentaries, and other historical documents. Documents-- such as newspaper reports, field reports, police reports-- that have been published, then pulled from the public about Bigfoot, will need to be re-submitted as evidence, as a further admittance of Bigfoot's existence. The Battle Mountain fire would be one of many cases that had a noticeable coverup where evidence was hid from the public.


edit on 13-7-2012 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-7-2012 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:06 AM
Bigfoot is the Government's top agent when it comes to keeping an eye on anti government hill billies and liberals who grow stuff in the woods.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:36 AM
I'm unsure about all this. There is a powerful lobby that underpins up anthropology. It seems to be about maintaining the status quot but it hardly makes sense. Then again, not long ago people believed indigenous people were uncivilized savages of a different kind, so given our new adopted views, it's easy to see where some of the pressure comes from.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence in Australia including stories from aboriginals over 100 years ago about different kinds of per-hominids living in the bush.

The neanderthal story rings true to me. There were 100's of non-human species a few 1000 years back. That's not hard to believe at all. Read the bible and see how keen us humans were to kill these abominations. Add some floods floods 12,000 or so years ago and the species that can handle living in the densest populations wins out.

I'm not surprised that the strongest and most fearsome species would be attacked by the more socialized, hierarchical people. We are just the people to keep on attacking them until there are none left - if there are any left, that is.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:17 AM
With a price of $10,000 per steak on their head perhaps it is better they are left in the land of make believe. Humans can be such savages at times wanting to destroy anything they do not understand. I am sure they are better off without our interference.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:27 AM
What's to be gained?

Status quo maintained? What status quo? A scientist who brings forth definitive proof will be launched into the stratosphere of his/her chosen field...

...and science, especially, is as cut throat as any field anywhere. With limited funding, and resources? No, something like definitive proof wouldn't be hidden long. Someone, somewhere would bring it forth.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:40 AM
there's no big foots here in BC. There are bears and wolves though that's for sure. I just got chased out of my camp site by a bear. Never seen any big foot or heard of anyone seeing one and I've lived around here my whole life. But if you ever see a big foot in the wild, don't approach it. It might try and rape your butt.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
With a price of $10,000 per steak on their head perhaps it is better they are left in the land of make believe. Humans can be such savages at times wanting to destroy anything they do not understand. I am sure they are better off without our interference.

I totally agree! If they are out there, please stop looking for them! This is one possibly existing entity I will never support those who try to locate them.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:23 PM
I like Bigfoot, but, at the same time, we keep hearing the same song and dance about irrefutable forthcoming pictures and video from any number of sources, but, time and time and time again, we get nothing but low quality teasers from the equivalent of cell phone cameras, and hoaxes.

There's also utterly ridiculous shows like Finding Bigfoot that do absolutely nothing to give any real serious consideration of the topic beyond television ratings.

Where's the scientists and primatologist willing to go spend months in the bush like Goodall to find and document this species properly in HD Nat-Geo quality video and photo, if it indeed does exist?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:40 AM
What if Mr.Foot resides in a higher dimension than us? If the gov't did know this and admitted to the existence of Mr. Foot then wouldn't that open up all kinds of problems for the gov't to explain extra dimensions to the religious sheeple? Not too mention, many congressmen and senators are part of the religious sect.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by taccj9903
What if Mr.Foot resides in a higher dimension than us?

Like being able to enter our dreams perhaps?

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by taccj9903
What if Mr.Foot resides in a higher dimension than us?

Like being able to enter our dreams perhaps?

It was just a theory I read not too long ago, but it made sense to me. Somehow Bigfoot's dimension and our dimension cross paths at times and sometimes there happens to be someone there to witness it. It's why there are never bodies found. Just a thought...

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 06:27 AM

From the OP's Source...I found this 911 call made by a mountain man. Some people think he sounds drunk but I don't think so and I find it interesting that the 911 dispatcher was unable to tell the gentlemen whether or not it was legal for him to kill the hairy beast.

According to Peeler, who lives on top of a mountain near Casar, N.C., the creature left, but it later returned. He yelled at his unwanted visitor again, he said, and it finally took off. Peeler also noticed the beast had six fingers.

Peeler reported that the "beast" approached his dogs and somehow got wrapped up in their chains. "I rough-talked him and said, 'You get away from here.'" said that Peeler called 911 at 3 a.m. and filed a suspicious person report. "It looked like a giant ape with a man's face, and it made a whistling sound," he told the 911 dispatcher. He was about nine or 10 feet tall with real long arms."

It's not the first time the legendary Bigfoot or Sasquatch has prowled this rural area of Cleveland County. In the 1970s, a creature dubbed "Knobby" was often spotted, eventually spawning its own Facebook page.


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