posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Charmeine
I have been thinking about something here for a couple years now. And I think this will be the best place to put my thoughts.
Thunderstorms, I love them too! They have such a GREAT power about them. That in some really good storms, even with my modern mindset, I am still in
AWE at some of the bigger storms we have.
Now lets say, I know nothing about the science to these storms, and all I know is what I see and hear.
More than likely I am going to come to some thought process that there are beings up there fighting, and or have chariots rolling across the skies.
How would someone back then, draw a sound? Well to me that is where they got all those folklore paintings of beings in the sky, shooting laser like
beams, and wars going on in the sky.
That bothered me about the ancient alien show. They claimed those people where painting what they really saw. But I disagree with that. To Draw
or paint sound, you must go from what you know makes sounds like that. So I do not think they saw aliens in the sky back then.. But they where
wittness to some very cool storms, that put them in the same AWE I go into.
Yet we today, have the nuts and bolts aspect. Back then, common folk did not have access to that kind of information.
Those who read this post.. Do you follow what I am saying? Or should I explain myself better?