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UFO Filmed Over Australia Baffles Experts - **Video**

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:23 PM
UFO Footage Filmed Over Australia Baffles Experts

I just came across this article & video of a supposed UFO filmed over Australia on June 21 2012. It was filmed by Durras surfer Ben Roberts, who is also an Amateur Astronomer. The video is described as a bright light that at first is easily mistaken as Venus, but in the last 10 seconds of the video the object in questions speeds up, pans left and then well... you decide.

Im still ob the fence as to exactly what we're looking at here. I don't think we are looking at a hoax/fake. Im very interested in what you all think on the matter. So, What say you all?

UFO Filmed Over Australia Baffles Experts - Article & Video

Australia astronomer David Reneke is confounded by the footage of a UFO taken by Durras surfer Ben Roberts.

“I don’t know what to make of it,” he said.

“At first I was sure it was Venus, because it was in the area in the sky at the time, but the way it moves in the last five to 10 seconds is strange stuff. Unless the film has been sped up it has me puzzled.”

Mr Reneke said that Venus was responsible for most sightings across the world, and can be “quite brilliant”.

However, he also brought some aspects of the footage into question.

“In the end it pans left and there is a very bright sunrise, whereas before it was pitch black,” he said.

Heres the video...



**Edit Added Important Information**

Heres some info I came across that lends to the credibility of this video / sighting.

Usually the fakes / hoaxes are a few seconds long and always leave us asking "If this was real why didn't you continue video taping until the craft / object disappears? Well this guy video tapes it for ovet 8 minutes and if you read his description of the video he says go to his channel if you want to watch more footage that he filmed of the exact same area immediately following the sighting.

edit on 7/12/2012 by anathema777 because: Added Information

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:39 PM
I can almost always debunk these videos within 5 seconds.. That's not the case with this one.. Lets just say "I want to believe"

Good find op.. S&F

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:49 PM
Baffles experts??? Like who?? Experts my a***

Its a chinese lantern, it doesnt take an "expert" to work that out.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:55 PM
In my amateur opinion it moved at at least hundred(s) of miles an hour.
Lantern? didn't even cross my mind dude.

Honestly it was one of the more interesting videos I've watched recently.


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by TechVampyre

That baffled the experts ?????? Why is it that way back in the 50s and 60s we have all this great evidence nd now with all the technology we have all we get is crappy lights and Chinese lanterns ??? I think we were visited in the past but they left long ago because we're all a bunch of Dimwits !!

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by anathema777

Existing thread here:

To me, it looks like a plane and the guy who filmed it clearly has no idea about what he's talking about when he says it's "under the clouds".

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by anathema777

Existing thread here:

To me, it looks like a plane and the guy who filmed it clearly has no idea about what he's talking about when he says it's "under the clouds".

I started this thread as there was no video included with the OP in the older thread. I just figured it warranted its own thread for those who have yet to hear about this sighting and for anyone who has/hasn't to see the video of the UFO which IS in the article I linked and available to watch in my OP.

Hope this clears the matter up and thanks for pointing that out for those who may want to add to the original thread


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:25 PM
I like the accent.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by anathema777

Wow. About 2 and a half weeks ago my friend and I were jogging around Redondo at about 3:30-4:00 AM, we stopped to have a smoke down on the beach, under a beautiful clear dark sky. I sat down and looked out over the ocean, and suddenly west on the horizon a bright orange jagged shape appeared. It rapidly seemed to almost morph into the full shape seen in this video, and many others recently. Given the time, and manner it appeared and disappeared the thought of it being a Chinese lantern is just plain #ing stupid. Every video I see of this UFO(s) seems to always be blasted with comments all vehemently asserting that it's a Chinese lantern. We've either got a lot of Chinese lantern experts on our hands, or more likely disinformation agents. If you're skeptical about this one please keep this story in mind, I'm really curious to what these things are, cause they sure as # aren't chinese lanterns.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Looks completely like the type of chinese lanterns I released over the 4th of July. The ones I released were very large (approx 5'x5'). I released them over a large lake in northern Michigan, and away from the city lights, as these guys in video are. The lanterns were amazing! they went extremely high approx 500', and for miles, and the light given off was incredibly visible for miles! It looked IDENTICAL to this video. I wouldn't be surprised if there were reports of ufo's after my launches. I am convinced this is a chinese lantern.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:36 PM
Every time i see a blinking light like this,i think about some altenative current.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:41 PM
I want to say satellite as it's coloration would be consistent with reflected sunlight off the satellite body and solar panels.

If this were a satellite, however, it seems to move too slow.

In such case I'm then prone to feel this is a very distant plane experiencing the same effect consistent with satellites where the plane is in direct sunlight and reflecting that golden morning dawn light where the observers on the ground are still in pre-dawn shadow.

The videographer obviously doesn't know anything as he goes straight from star to UFO in his guessing without any vocal consideration of satellites, or distant airplanes reflecting dawn light.

Please take extra special notice that I have not proposed anything regarding any kind of lanterns.

edit on 12-7-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by SatanicRoyalty

First off welcome to ATS and thanks for sharing your story / sighting here for your first post! May I asked how long you've been perusing the threads here at ATS before deciding to join / post and what finally peeked your attention enough to get you to join? Weeks, Months, Years? I can tell you I was here back when it was just Simon who owned the site and just a few members. My name was 'Dawn of Truth' and it was in 2000! I can say there aren't to many members here that can stand by that claim! Ive always loved this site, even in its infant days and am always interested in new member stories / sightings and how long they lurked before something peeked there interest to the point where they had to join so they could make a substancive post / reply / contribution to ATS.

Welcome, Thank You and Enjoy!

As always, Remember to Keep Your Eyes on The Sky...


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by anathema777

I've been following various threads on UFOs, the NWO, and secret societies on here for a few months now, I had to reply to this thread to combat what I perceive to be blatant disinformation planting in the claims of these sightings being "chinese lanterns". I've been following several threads about identical sightings on several sites and I see it on all of them. I know what I saw, and in the situation I saw it it would make no sense for it to be a Chinese lantern. I was a member of GLP for about a year, but was recently banned for drawing attention to the fact that you can't access it with the Tor browser. GLP for the most part seems to be dominated about 90% by disinformation agents.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

I want to say satellite as it's coloration would be consistent with reflected sunlight off the satellite body and solar panels.

If this were a satellite, however, it seems to move too slow.

In such case I'm then prone to feel this is a very distant plane experiencing the same effect consistent with satellites where the plane is in direct sunlight and reflecting that golden morning dawn light where the observers on the ground are still in pre-dawn shadow.

The videographer obviously doesn't know anything as he goes straight from star to UFO in his guessing without any vocal consideration of satellites, or distant airplanes reflecting dawn light.

While In leaning towards agreeing with your whole assessment I feel the need to point out and disagree with one aspect of your reply. Don't you think its just a little unfair to say the videographer doesn't know anything because he goes from Star to UFO? The reason I say this is if you think about it the average amateur videographer / citizen in a situation like this after determining its not a star and especially if they are believers in the UFO phenomenon might just be victims of simply getting caught up in the moment? I feel thats the case here. Meaning this is just a snap shot of a moment in their life where they could have just ad easily have went from star to saying something utterly genius... Im guessing that after they came to the initial conclusion that its UFO and showed it to some like minded friends that just further helped push the matter further into the UFO side of the argument. I think it just as easily could have gone the other way had they initially said its most likely a plane with a glare from the rising / setting sun etc, etc... Just saying.


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I don't understand why everybody always jumps to "chinese lantern".

I've been alive for 31 years (so far, knock on wood
) and I've never seen a chinese lantern (I live in Australia), nor have I ever made one, lit one, used one in celebrations, or anything along those lines.

I can understand people using them in celebrations like the US independence day or whatever, but they're certainly nowhere near as common as they'd have to be to be constantly mistaken for UFO's...

...or am I completely wrong on this?

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by SatanicRoyalty

Thats very interesting SR! Thanks again for sharing. I myself cannot stand when someone shouts Chinese Lantern without explaining / basing on facts at least.. for that matter I cant stand someone shouting UFO / ET under the same circumstances. As long as someone's statement / reply / sighting is relayed to us with an open mind, based on facts not pure speculation (unless notified ahead of time that its pure speculation), and not completely biased one way or the other then I will always support there conclusion 100% even if there wrong because after all just because I support a conclusion doesn't mean I agree with their findings, you know? I tend to find that I learn so much more by keeping this sort of approach / attitude. Chime in and let me know which of you agree with me on this frame of mind and those who don't (and why or why not).


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:14 PM

(yet another quad copter)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Awen24

Your more or less 99% correct. So many claims are immediately shot down as being 'Chinese Lanterns' that the earth would have to be literally surrounded by Chinese Lanterns in our orbit, atmosphere, sky and floating around our backyards. Heck so many claims of UFOs always being Chinese Lanterns that t if true then one would HAVE to come to the conclusion that if there are Aliens here that they too must be bringing Chinese Lanterns from their planet to ours and releasing them in our skies, then sitting back and having a good laugh.

Seriously though the reason I say your 99% correct is obviously because there must be some cases where Chinese Lanterns are the culprit. As for the so called debunkers that always jump straight to "Its a Chinese Lantern" without using science, fact, common sense, or even attempting to explain to us in a reasonable manner why said UFO is a Chinese Lantern I say it must be attributed to pure laziness, lack of knowledge in the phenomena, ignorance or a combination of all three.


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Awen24

We see a lot of Chinese lanterns in the UK and many of the youtube clips are clearly these. This clip is different though, I think that the motion's wrong for a Chinese lantern. What we have so far is unidentified, it's flying and it's an object.

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