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psychiatric ward causing permanent hallucinations?

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 06:14 PM
I got on here for my best friend who is male he claims that he was arrested, restrained, and given a shot. following his leave from a psychiatric ward in ky he was seeing fly's as big as a room and images that would be scary and surprising therefor shocking him before he would go to sleep so he has to open his eyes along with strange sensations on his head. Anybody ever heard of this or any information as this is such a shame.
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by mrclean1
I got on here for my best friend who is male he claims that he was arrested, restrained, and given a shot. following his leave from a psychiatric ward in ky he was seeing fly's as big as a room and images that would be scary and surprising therefor shocking him before he would go to sleep so he has to open his eyes along with strange sensations on his head. Anybody ever heard of this or any information as this is such a shame.

They probably sent your friend home with meds to take. He should contact his Dr. ASAP. He may be having a serious negative reaction to them.


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

He is on 4mgs of perphenazine and 400 mgs of seroquel he's been on seroquel now for 3 years so the only medicine it could be is the perphenazine which is highly unlikely (but it could be its only 4mg but he will be getting off that soon) .. he can't drive because he hallucinates and his psychiatrist doesn't know what it is

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by mrclean1

I'm not a pharmacist so haven't a clue on his meds, and how they may effect him. I did read up on them, he seems to be on appropriate doses for bi-polar, and schizophrenia The best he can do is attempt to talk with other Doctors and tell them his symptoms. He's lucky to have you as a friend to watch out for him. You are a good person.


edit on 12-7-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Thank you des

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by mrclean1

I'm not a pharmacist so haven't a clue on his meds, and how they may effect him. I did read up on them, he seems to be on appropriate doses for bi-polar, and schizophrenia The best he can do is attempt to talk with other Doctors and tell them his symptoms. He's lucky to have you as a friend to watch out for him. You are a good person.


edit on 12-7-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

I am a Pharmacist, but I am NOT giving you medical advice with this post. But I can make general statements for the well being of your friend.

Des is right...he needs to see his Doctor immediately. There could be a number of things going on here, including a reaction to the perphenazine, or, that the original reason for his admission to the psych ward is still at play here. He could be experiencing a "psychic break" from reality and needs to be treated under CLOSE medical supervision.

There does exist a serious side effect of combining both perphenazine and seroquel, though, I am sure the MD at the ward would know this. However, if your friend did NOT tell the MD at the ward he was on seroquel, you could be looking at a serious issue. So that would be the first thing I would ask -- does the MD know about the other drug?

At any rate, regardless, if he is experiencing these hallucinations, he needs to be under STRICT supervision, meaning, he needs to be hospitalized until the symptoms are at least examined and evaluated.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

I am the guy who went in the psychiatric ward. I went in December involuntarily due to my mom I stopped taking my medicine. I am bipolar and have been out for 7 months but I am listening to every word and advice being said which I appreciate very much. I will most likely see another psychiatrist the thing is my mom really likes this one. It is not getting worse but it is like the same, everyday is hard. I have more info and details about what's going on and will go into it if need be I am just seeing if anybody or anybody knows any information or if they think something has happened to them or somebody they know
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: more information

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by mrclean1
reply to post by phantomjack

I am the guy who went in the psychiatric ward. I went in December involuntarily due to my mom I stopped taking my medicine. I am bipolar and have been out for 7 months but I am listening to every word and advice being said which I appreciate very much.

I kinda figured that might be the case. It was brave of you to come here and ask for help. Are you living at home, where there are other people to help you if needed, take you to the hospital if you need a ride?

Are you feeling self destructive at all. There are danger signs to watch for, as I'm sure you know.

ETA: YOU are seeing YOUR Doctor....not your Mother. Your choice of Doctor is yours...unless you are a minor, then I guess your Mom has final say. But, that doesn't change the fact, YOU are the one that needs to tell YOUR Doctor what you are feeling, and experiencing.


edit on 12-7-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by mrclean1

This sort of thing is a side effect of some serious psych meds. It may improve with time and it may not.

He should get his hands on his psych paperwork ASAP and speak to an attorney.
edit on 7/12/2012 by aaaiii because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

You are absolutely right and this next visit I am 99% sure I will be taken off perphenazine and then only be on seroquel which is what I was originally on for the last 2, 2 1/2 years same dosage. And I have a check up with the pediatrician doctor (that I've seen since a young age) on the 16th to see if I can get an mri ordered due to the fact that this is constantly going on
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: info

edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by mrclean1
reply to post by Destinyone

You are absolutely right and this next visit I am 99% sure I will be taken off perphenazine and then only be on seroquel which is what I was originally on for the last 2, 2 1/2 years same dosage.

What I did read in researching, is that your dosage on the seroquel is the one chosen for long term maintenance. I hope you get in for a visit ASAP. The new radical symptoms you are experiencing are not your norm.


posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

I know: and when my heart rate goes up (I think because sometimes my heart rate is going fast) I get a buzzing in my ear and I feel like something is going to kiss or touch my neck. It's very uncomfortable but you are right the symptoms are beyond radical

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by aaaiii

I might look at it tomorrow ive never had side effects with medication I'm very healthy in early 20's did sports in high school went to college and all of a sudden in an instant my entire life got turned upside down its very bizarre and I've googled so many things you don't really hear people with symptoms like mine
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: need be

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by mrclean1

I had just such a reaction to a medication. I had to leave my job and take early retirement. It's taken me four years to shake it and I'm still not done. My doctor admitted three years in that he'd screwed up.

Protect yourself now. Get your records before they disappear.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by mrclean1
reply to post by phantomjack

I have more info and details about what's going on and will go into it if need be I am just seeing if anybody or anybody knows any information or if they think something has happened to them or somebody they know
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: more information

I'm the same as other persons ... Not really qualified to give advice at all but-

I have a friend who is on seroquel, lithium and diazepam and this person has had some experiences where they see things or suddenly become very paranoid about things. They have some fairly dramatic mental imagery. I've had a similar experience myself with seroquel medication where I've thought, felt, or 'seen' things I know aren't real. It's kind of like seeing but not really? I can't explain it.

I suppose I think medication should be a stop-gap and not a solution in a lot of cases. I'd strongly recommend visiting another psychiatrist though. I switched doctors years ago, and I don't take very many pills at all now and I'm a much more productive person.

For me it was especially bad when I couldn't sleep.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:08 PM
I have found that pharmacists can give spot on advice if you are having an interaction. If there is a serous side effect of combining both perphenazine and seroquel check with the pharmacist and they will tell you if you should stop taking it immediately. If it is causing radical hallucinations, I think that could be quite serious and might be life threatening. I would not wait until your next appointment if you are having problems. Call your doctor as soon as you can. Don't feel bad about taking his/her time. As my doctor said to me when I apologized for calling: "That's what we are here for and that is why we make the big bucks." My doctor never charges for phone advice. Being bi-polar is tough enough, don't live is misery/despair until your next appointment.

Wish you the best. U2U me if you have any questions. I've had Bipolar I since 1978. Had some pretty shabby times.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by aaaiii

I do have the records and will post tomorrow, just curious what meds were you on and what do you mean admitted 3 years?

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by mrclean1

Three years into my recovery my doctor admitted he messed up, gave me a bad med.

U2U for the other.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Pinke

Originally posted by mrclean1
reply to post by phantomjack

I have more info and details about what's going on and will go into it if need be I am just seeing if anybody or anybody knows any information or if they think something has happened to them or somebody they know
edit on 12-7-2012 by mrclean1 because: more information

I'm the same as other persons ... Not really qualified to give advice at all but-

I have a friend who is on seroquel, lithium and diazepam and this person has had some experiences where they see things or suddenly become very paranoid about things. They have some fairly dramatic mental imagery. I've had a similar experience myself with seroquel medication where I've thought, felt, or 'seen' things I know aren't real. It's kind of like seeing but not really? I can't explain it.

I suppose I think medication should be a stop-gap and not a solution in a lot of cases. I'd strongly recommend visiting another psychiatrist though. I switched doctors years ago, and I don't take very many pills at all now and I'm a much more productive person.

For me it was especially bad when I couldn't sleep.

"It's kind of like seeing but not really" that's a very good way to put it. It is impossible to drive (backing up seeing wrecks seeing images of things not there) and its a constant variation as to what I see

I'd like to know more about what they seen or even just you.. I probably could get off the medicine but honestly I think the medicine increases my tolerance some.. and some noted side effects of seroquel from people I know are like seeing something out of the corner of their eye like shadows. This is much different then that I think I'm stating the obvious right now, appreciate it though pink

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by aaaiii

Oh ok understand

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