Okay After stumbling across
this site I have concluded that our Canadian "Allies" are not so
friendly after all! It turns out that they believe that they are the chosen ones the ones who were chosen to take over the world!!!!! Im going to
posting some pieces from the website here, But if you want to look at it more closely click on the link above! But Be warned! Its pretty scary....
Another Thing Im an American And Im absoutely not going to be able to look at Maple Syrup the same way I use to ever again.....Im still in shock from
what i've stumbled upon today.....
Here are some of their plans!
God Save us.....
- The systematic destruction and sublimation of all opposing the Canadian reign -- and the polite, yet horrifically brutal, control of our future
territories of conquest.
- Infiltrating the USA and through a cleverly designed plan, destroying it, and using its resources for our own purposes.
- Demonstrating to the world that Canada is the final and ultimate power.
- Decontaminating the world of American influence
- Reorganizing a New World Society of Canucks to suit our kindly, peace-loving, and diabolical aims.
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Canada as it is today.....Who would of ever known our Canadian "Allies were so blood driven.
But then! They start invading surronding Countries! Oh God I hope the Brits can save us !
"After all, we fought the Yanks in 1812 and kicked them the hell out of our country -- but not with blanks."
-- Farley Mowat (1921-)
MY GOD THEIR ...THEIR JUST TO STRONG! Jesus Christ The NEW WORLD ORDER has been BESTOWED UPON US!!!!!!!!!! What Ever Happen to the UN!!?!?
The AfterMath......They Destroy what our forefathers have worked so hard to create!!!!!! Does bastards!!
Under Canadian World Domination we find states to be illogical and prefer provinces. The following zones have been renamed to suit Canuck aims.
- ZONE I: Laporte Memorial Park (territory) "LMP"
- ZONE II: Land Du Beaver (territory) "LDB"
- ZONE III: Molson (province)
- ZONE IV: Acadia (province)
- ZONE V: Kraftland (province)
- ZONE VI: Degrassi Jr. Wasteland (province) "DJW
- HORTON BAY: This is our man-made reservoir -- we have flooded several former American states to make this majestic watery area. There was no
purpose, just cruelty
- ZONE VIII: Littlest-Hobo-Land (province)
- ZONE IX: Bombardier (province)
- ZONE X: The Hip (province)
- ZONE XI: The Trudeau Compound -- this is our man-made penal colony.
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Some have suggested that the United States of America be flooded with nuclear radiation and used for soil experimentation instead of wasting time with
colonization attempts. The pro-nuke regiment of Canadian World Domination has made a good case, read their
reasoned arguments.
cwd.ptbcanadian.com..." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
(Warning -- The Entire Plan Cannot Be Revealed at this time!)
WHY CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????
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