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I stumbled across these.. relates to Dulce underground base

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

And you like believing completely crazy stories?

Dulce base existence - ok possible
using human organs in such place - ok possible
people working at it - possible

Alien Battles - Star Wars please?
Aliens Making Sex With Human Females? Get out yo schizophrenic idiot.

So you seem to be a fish that has grabbed the hook, you read something on the internet and it must be true

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Imtor

your alot of talk behind a computer screen... I garuntee your a pansy in person, so stop the talk child.

Explain this smart ass;

ET craft pics

Craft pics 2
edit on 13-7-2012 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

If you cannot identify these are fake photos I pity you. It's OK, I started similar, maybe you will learn to be thinking clearly in 1 year or you may need more time. At least do not make personal attacks towards me who knows what is to be considered possible and what not, I told you, I can be much worse than you, I can make you cry. A kid?... in your dreams.
edit on 13-7-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Imtor

uhhh.. i think you need help guy? your an obvious kid, or have aged without mentally growing up..

you are an obvious disinfo or wannbe debunker-skeptic.. Ive seen ships with my eyes lol, I dont need some wack-job child from unknown Europe land to tell me whats real. Your parents need to take internet time away from you. Stop derailing my thread.. which is your purpose so it gets no atttention ..

Information and data is a good thing, even if its not entirely true, I can filter it on my own. Im just bringing this forgotten event in our recent history to attention, so more people can see what has been going on. You think you have it figured out guy? Then why are you chillin on the computer? I come here for brief information and spreading some light on topics, not to argue with children..

I will not not respond to you anymore..

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I am not your average uneducated redneck, I am not a casual person. I am not a kid. Beware, I am not kidding.
edit on 13-7-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
wow this validates the Dulce Battle even more.. this guy, James Casbolt, is a ex black ops warrior, who personally knows (and is in contact with) Commander Mark Richards (life time in prison) who lead the assault team in Dulce, New Mexico.. he also has stories of ETs ..

James Casbolt is a notorious internet spammer and fantasist who passes himself off as an ex-MI6 agent involved in black ops. He was actually an unemployed man living with his mum in Cornwall, England. He was exposed years ago when he posted photos of DUMBs on his website that turned out to be undergound railway stations in Sweden (I think) and a photo of an evil looking entity he claimed was Lord Marduk, an ancient Annunaki king, which turned out to be a Photoshopped photo of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Link)

Casbolt is a conman who has been exposed on many internet forums. Just Google his name and you will see what I mean.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by micpsi

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
wow this validates the Dulce Battle even more.. this guy, James Casbolt, is a ex black ops warrior, who personally knows (and is in contact with) Commander Mark Richards (life time in prison) who lead the assault team in Dulce, New Mexico.. he also has stories of ETs ..

James Casbolt is a notorious internet spammer and fantasist who passes himself off as an ex-MI6 agent involved in black ops. He was actually an unemployed man living with his mum in Cornwall, England. He was exposed years ago when he posted photos of DUMBs on his website that turned out to be undergound railway stations in Sweden (I think) and a photo of an evil looking entity he claimed was Lord Marduk, an ancient Annunaki king, which turned out to be a Photoshopped photo of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Link)

Casbolt is a conman who has been exposed on many internet forums. Just Google his name and you will see what I mean.

You do understand the battle of truth in society and over the internet right? Anyone who has truth or evidence AGAINST the NwO and the cheaters who operate behind society.. will have immediate disinfo agents make lies and mockery of that individual, so society and its peoples knock that individual off.. CIA and other agencies occupy the internet, as well as have access to any information about people they want, meaning they can modify that info and make the person look like a complete liar and hoaxer...

I googled as you said, and this was what came up first.. James Casbolt

Just because the CIA or other government disinfo agents occupying the internet place the word *HOAX* beside someone or something... it shouldnt be your first reaction to knok em off. If a battle for the truth, these government agents knows what they are doing when ridiculing the truth.. and that is what you will see all around Ats. This site is probably occupied more then ever... debunkers and skeptics knock off EVERYthing without giving any information stories, cases etc.. true and honest skepticism.

When it turns out that the human elites have signed away (via treaty to ETs) the freedom and life of humanity.. what will these internet "debunkers" have to debunk then? Wont be nice sitting in a FEMA camp shackled up eating bread crumbs for life will it? Holocaust wasnt that long ago, and the same names and family lines are still operating at that level. So its bound to happen again, with more punishment to the humans who are looked at as bugs and a slave race to these decietful ETs...

Its impossible to GET 1000% proof and evidence of such "claims" .. if it was easy to expose the NwO and the human elites... humanity wouldnt be stuck in a sh!t hole for soceity!! but WE ARE.. because we are controlled from the TOP, and above the top of that pyramid hovers a dark and hidden entity... humans are at the base of all this. So when CIA or other disinfo agents come and *HOAX* all these peoples who battled their life, and now try and tell the truth to the public to wake them up in SAFETY of their own freedom... is it wise to knock them off?

Information is there, its up to the individual how they take it..

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:47 AM
OP In a couple months or maybe weeks.... after you are not so excited... and you put some thought into these stories you are reading.... you will feel very very very crappy about falling for these stories.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by votan
OP In a couple months or maybe weeks.... after you are not so excited... and you put some thought into these stories you are reading.... you will feel very very very crappy about falling for these stories.

This is exactly how it goes. And the only skeptics I accept are those who have gone through documents and eventually got tired of crap and started doubting. Skeptics who say 'I don't believe' without even going through some materials and have never been into ufology are pseudo and should note even talk.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by votan

thank you for your input Votan .. You "skeptics" or whatever you call yourselves, act as if I'm taking all this information and basing my life around it lol.

I just feel it has SOME truth in it. Why is the commmander in prison for life? why is his father dead? why is the wife travelling the world talking about his "stories".. why have other black ops confirmed this? even Phil Schiender has some depth into Dulce and the ETs running the show.

There are many other peoples (ex laborers-workers, ex black op soldiers, escaped victims etc..) who have came out and told the same stories of seeing ET races working hand-in-hand with our human elite. How do all these peoples stories resonate with eachother, mostly all who dont even know eachother and talk about this stuff at different timelines.. ? Most who talk about it end up dead with suspicious causes, or are in prison.

Again, its not ALL truth, but its good information regardless. If you honestly think that your government in society is telling you truth and the life and society you live is amazing and real... then keep that mind-set.. I for one do feel (which LOADS of evidence validates) that something BEYOND society and government is going on, something sinister and well kept.

My heart (intuition) tells me that Earth is not what it seems on the outside.. there are dark forces at work. And its events like Dulce, Battle of Las Angeles, the root causes of both World Wars (and many many other wars, Iraq) are linked to the highest-most-hidden parts of government in control. Even the presidents and Prime Ministers dont really know whats going on..

Its up to each individual how they perceive reality and how they take information. Has keep your skepticals on, but be open minded at the same time. The worst thing one can do is disregard truth by ignorance...

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

You are assuming I am telling you this without already having gone through what you have just found. All I am saying is that the farfetched stuff that attracted you to the story is not true and when you cut through all the crap you are left with certain things that can be true..... there is an underground base, most likely for secret technology heck maybe even genetic experiments but ETs and human harvesting...that has no real credible basis other than word of mouth.

People who have titles like Dr. General, or whatever are not immune to being liars or people who embellish. If that were the case then all the politicians of the world would be truthful to us about their shenanigans. These people can lie or embellish.

I want to believe completely but other than having faith on what these people claim there is not much backing EVERYTHING they claim. There could be technology way beyond what the normal joe has but does that mean it is alien?? nope. There could be genetic engineering on humans done by humans but that would not really surprise anyone.

Keep looking maybe you will find something I didn't GL

edit on 13-7-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Project Scamalot is more like it. Awful....

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by votan

again... im not saying this is all truth.. I just feel there is some truth lol. Why come here and get your panties in a knot ? If anywhere in the previous posts I said something along the lines of "everything here in these cases are truth, and I belive it all" . .. then please quote me on that.

I understand, ats members know how the world is ran, know everything about everything thanks to mainstream media and science. Stick with that mentality and evolve as a spirit-body individual on the 3D realm. Good luck to you and those alike..


Its a waste of time by now obviously.. lool .. but here is another interview of a British sodlier trained in the same elite soldier tactics as black ops, claiming to fight against the dark forces at work ..


posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
reply to post by votan

again... im not saying this is all truth.. I just feel there is some truth lol. Why come here and get your panties in a knot ? If anywhere in the previous posts I said something along the lines of "everything here in these cases are truth, and I belive it all" . .. then please quote me on that.

I understand, ats members know how the world is ran, know everything about everything thanks to mainstream media and science. Stick with that mentality and evolve as a spirit-body individual on the 3D realm. Good luck to you and those alike..


Its a waste of time by now obviously.. lool .. but here is another interview of a British sodlier trained in the same elite soldier tactics as black ops, claiming to fight against the dark forces at work ..


not sure why the panties in a knot comment was made considering i am encouraging you not crapping on you. All i am saying is the only reason you took note of these stories is because of the over the top story telling. You could have easily found out about hidden bases and advanced technology without having to have found it through stories that include ETs.

What these people do is use truth in their story telling to put in you the idea that some of their embellishment could maybe perhaps be true because it is associated with truths... that is usually how you get a lie to gain credibility.. is by associating truths to it.

like I said carry on eventually you will get it... you will continue to find more information on this with the same stories rehashed and little by little it will just seem like a big ball of crock. It will get to the point where all you will get from it.. that has credibility...

-government lies to us.
-government has secret bases
-government experiment on us
-government or people on the know have better technology than the average schmo.
-There are evil people out there.

The ETS and all that crap will be inconclusive with nothing but testimony of people to back it up.

which doesn't add up to a whole lot of nothing considering this information has been around for a long time before you discovered it. had there been more there I think it would have already been proven by now.

Maybe you will find something new GL

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Wow I love those synchronicities!

Good for you that means you are coming into a pattern of clear unobstructed awareness.

I will listen and read what you posted in the OP gladly, I need a good kick in the butt to keep me alert.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Funny my private comment for you after reading your Op was "Absorb only what is useful"... LOL!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Oh wow, going backwards from my last 2 posts I see that the closed minded debunkers are here, I would venture to bet they never even opened the links from the OP or listened to the video?

Fear based paranoia will not help you against reality. Best to simply learn what you can now as it may serve you in the future...

IMHO, you get back what you put out with most Aliens...

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by antar

thank you for your posts

Not everything in the links and interview is 1000% truth.. I have said that the past two pages and people come here and keep telling me to forget the information... -_-

I have known about Dulce for a few years.. I have been into the whole ats conspiracy thing since I was 14 (6 years ago) .. Im well aware of what information is lies, what is half truths, what disinfo agents are about, and I damn well know that debunkers are nothing more then fear-closed off individuals with a smart ass mentality who never make it far in life..

@ Votan - I understand your neautrual encouaragment.. but you keep implying that I take everyhting has 100% truth. I do know how hoaxers work, I also understand the major and popular role CIA and government disinfo agents play over the internet.. make everyone look like a whacko who has anything valid against the elite and NwO.

If the government werent hiding secret operations, why do they have secret operations? If they werent working alongside Extraterrestrials, then Roswell was an absolute accident or a lie? Why is there a sudden BOOM in human technology sometime during WW1 and especially during and after WW2?? There is some sort of hidden intervention. Humans didnt progress from gasoline cars and half azz airplanes to anti gravity technology and stealth technology over night as a skeptic would assume..

I understand the argument for skeptics.. dont belive in ETs because there hasnt a 1000% proof and disclosure that they exist.

Look outside the terms of government for your answers... there are spiritual humans who are in contact with Extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings... humans have the abilities to cross dimensions as well. This is all well known by the elites of this planet. And any ignorance inside the domain of society who knock off the idea of ETs-IDs or space technology are better off living within thier bubbles or relgious ways.

Human advancement is being prevented. Why do you think that is? So a few old bloodlines can sit at banks and rack in imaginary fortune (money) ?? Absolutly NOT. Money was put into the minds of humans to dumb them down and control them, as well as religon. And for hundreds of years to present day it has worked like a charm for the elite humans and ETs they work along with. They have been able to keep secret and hidden from society domain, anything that would ever give them away or expose them is ultimately destroyed, even if murder is a result.

To the previous skeptics and "debunkers".. put Dulce aside. And ask yourself why is there so much secrecy in the world. If you are one who would rather not know and fall into a NwO and live in a FEMA camp like a sheep.. whatever does it for you skeptic... but I am one who understands something is not right, dark forces at play. Have been for hundreds or maybe thousands of years. Finding the truth is a ultimate test for humanity before its too late.
The holocaust was a pinch compared to what these elites can do to humanity now. They have technologically advanced 100's of years in the matter of half a century. WHY SO?

This thread died along time ago and I admit I have brought it a bit off topic from Dulce to the entire scheme of things "without 100% proof" to back it up. But regardless of what we belive or rant about... it doesnt change the fact that 1000's of camps and coffins are waiting to be filled with human sheeple..

~love is an art

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 03:54 AM
Andy Pero is another one I have come across recently that supports these underground bases. . Basically he is another mind controlled victim as part of the delta force under project superman.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

Sorry, completely off topic here, it's about your name, is your name Tindalos derived from the Tindalos Hounds from the Cthuhu Cycle Deities?

edit on 14-7-2012 by DARREN1976 because: snoozel toozel's!!!

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