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Boris Johnson:huge parts of the Metropolitan Police could be privatised

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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:52 AM
Slowly the privatisation of whats left of the UK public services spreads and its
because of the debit not any ideological right wing thinking honest.

Boris Johnson has suggested huge parts of the Metropolitan Police could be privatised to cut costs.

The Mayor said an “irreducible core” of duties would be protected but claimed private firms could run some Scotland Yard services “without making the thin blue line any thinner”.

The Met is struggling to fill a budget black hole of £250 million. Mr Johnson’s new deputy mayor for policing, Stephen Greenhalgh, is tasked with cutting costs.

Mr Johnson’s comments come after the West Midlands and Surrey forces set out radical plans for private firms to take responsibility for investigating crimes, patrolling neighbourhoods and even detaining suspects. But in a written answer, the Mayor said any private contracts would be more likely to involve back-office jobs.

I have read that when the radio service was privatised the company that took over now
charges the police (or the tax payer) for each SECOND the police use it so even if it's
only back room then it will still cost us a fortune with bad contracts signed by politicians
with a agenda.

“However, I do believe that competitive tendering of contracts beyond this provides a means of cutting costs considerably without making the thin blue line any thinner. It is therefore something that should be explored.”

Patrolling by community support officers, developing cases, responding to incidents, victim and witness support, managing high-risk individuals or intelligence and engagement with the public, as well as managing forensics and the vehicle fleet, finance and human resources could all be up for grabs.

London Evening Standard

How long before we are going to need police insurance to make sure the police
come when we need them.

G4S chief predicts mass police privatisation

Concerns over "creeping privatisation" of Manchester police

edit on 11/7/2012 by skuly because: adding links

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by skuly

This is good and stepping in the right direction! But they should do away with regulation at the same time!

The facts are that if we carry on down the same route we are going we are heading off a damn cliff! Then what? Imagine a total and sudden collapse! Would that be a good thing?

Saying that I am not for privatization without deregulation! Because you are just creating a monopoly, and that never ends well...

I'm sorry to tell you this but the freebies are coming to an end one way or the other! I am anti government personally and I'm very vocal about it! But privatization has to occur! It's just the deregulation we need to look at now! We need the free market!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by skuly

as well as managing forensics

WOW!!! that is so dangerous!
Privatisation means it'll be a mix of different companies.
Now, imagine a company invents a new more accurate method of detection, will they share their invention with the other companies? Nope!

That means I could be investigated by a company with inferior methods and end up in jail, even though I'm innocent.

Privatisation is nothing more than a scam! It's easy money for shareholders.
edit on 11-7-2012 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

And taxing to pay for these services is theft, it's simple as that. In the scenario I would want there would be no such thing as intellectual property rights, so if one company did invent a new forensics method it would leak eventually like everything else does...

We can not keep going down the road we are, it just doesn't work and besides it is immoral and unlawful to steal! Yet it's okay for the government?

I have much more faith in people that we can solve our issues in a peaceful persuasive manner rather than using force for everything! We have what you want now and there are people that are in prison right now wrongfully! So it doesn't make a difference.

We can work things out ourselves, we do not need everything to be centralized.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by mee30
We can not keep going down the road we are, it just doesn't work

It doesnt work because its been rigged to fail. They starve our services of cash and give it away as bailouts etc and then say "see! it doesnt work"

Lets stop the corpo's getting away with tax evasion, stop bailling out the criminal banks, stop spending billions on immoral social engineering.... I could go on and on.

It used to work, the only reason it dont work now is because they dont want it to.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:04 PM
What it really comes down to is the fact that people want stuff for FREE! Thats all it is, the OP alluded to this by saying, soon we;ll need insurance so the police come.. Yes and why the hell not? Do you expect car rescue companies to come get you when you call? Even if you do not have the insurance? What is the difference? It is the entitlement culture! People expect and demand FREE stuff! Although it is NOT free! Someone has to pay!

The government uses this to bribe you every damn election! That is why ron paul would have no hope of being elected, he knows there needs to be an end to all this too! Free health care, free police, free schools... When are you going to get it that it is not free? These things are not rights! They are used to take away your rights but then you complain about that!

I really wish people can start to see this, we need to really really look at it!

As it stands now your children will be paying for your free stuff! How do you feel about that? Can you do that with a clear conscience?

What if I want no part of your system? Do you advocate me being put in prison? Because I disagree with you and do not want the services and do not want to be taxed/stolen from...

Look what happens when we have centralized government! Total and utter corruption! They have become more and more like the mafia! But that's good right? We need them to save us all!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Well after G4S's latest blunder for the Olympics, Borris should think very hard before privatising our public services. especially really serious things like security and upholding the law.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

No, No you are wrong to be honest. History has shown us that it has NEVER worked! The system is not designed to fail as such it is just inherent in the way it works!

Like I said in my previous post the next government has to offer you more free stuff else you will not vote for them, it is just bribery!

Yes they do all sorts of bad things too like bailing out the bankers and wars and a whole host of other things and yes you could cut back on some of these but it will still fall back to the same old scenario because of the reason above, amongst other things.

Anyway the system of steal and spend is immoral and is hardly going to provide you with the best service! They don't have to bloody try because they already have your money! And when things go wrong they just throw more money at it to fix it! Because after all it is not their money!

It had the ILLUSION of working before and I will give a scenario to demonstrate it... Say I get a mortgage for a big house, I get a nice new car on hire purchase. Then say I lose my job or something, Well I will still appear to be rich right? Then to pay off these debts I can just borrow more money! I can borrow money on my house for example... I will still appear to be rich! I can get bank loans and credit cards! I can sit at home all day long and still appear to be doing well! But in reality I am just swamped in debt! And eventually the well will dry up! What then? My whole world will collapse!

We are on that brink! The system will not work and never will... Besides it is immoral anyway.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by skuly

Yeah! Judge Dread! where do i sign up!

If its anything like the movies i cant wait.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by mee30
What it really comes down to is the fact that people want stuff for FREE!
It's not FREE, we pay for it via tax and national insurance. And it DID used to work.

Originally posted by mee30
As it stands now your children will be paying for your free stuff! How do you feel about that? Can you do that with a clear conscience?
Thats the social engineering that I refered to.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

It's not FREE, we pay for it via tax and national insurance. And it DID used to work.

I do no know what your salary is but I would hazard a guess that you get far far more than what you pay for via the theft... Because of the monopoly prices keep going up! It is all part of the system! The system that you want... I already explained why it APPEARED to work in the past...

Thats the social engineering that I refered to.

You could say it is to an extent but the system is set up that way, it's not even by design, I've already explained that too! Tell me, if you wanted to be prime minister how would you get elected? Would you remove services or promise more? Who do you think people will vote for? Less or more?

Also you have missed avoided vast amounts of what I've said, you have ignored my questions...

To be honest you are in denial, you are upset that you will lose the free stuff and you are worried that you will have to pay for the services. That is what it is... And to be honest in THIS system it would be a bad thing because the government will not deregulate, they will cause a monopoly, it needs to be an open free market, then the best ideas will be allowed to flourish and the bad ideas will be allowed to fail...

It is the only way for us to have peace and prosperity.

Let me ask you one question I hope you can just answer this one question for me...

Do you think that I should be allowed to be no part of the system if that is what I wish? Or would you advocate using force against me?

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:49 PM
The day I stop or listen to some corporate based copper is the day I shoot myself in the head.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by skuly

I'm sorry to tell you this but the freebies are coming to an end one way or the other! I am anti government personally and I'm very vocal about it! But privatization has to occur! It's just the deregulation we need to look at now! We need the free market!

Privatisation does not work in this day and age because competition is a myth. The big guys, backed by unlimited resources, eat up the little guys on the block. Once that is allowed to happen, consumers are held hostage by a handful of competitors with the same prices. You keep arguing that policing is a freebie, but yet any tax payer can easily discredit your argument. Therefore, I question your motives for constantly posting such an easily proven lie.

The single worse thing that a 'free society' could do is to place public policing in to the hands of private companies. If you've ever experienced a private bouncer at a nightclub, you would understand that a private police officer no longer works for the "public" but rather a private corporation. Private corporations set targets because they are profit driven entities. If you cannot see the huge red flag, I'm truly sorry.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by mee30

reply to post by mee30

No, it's VoidHawk who has this right.
What you are saying is the basis of Friedman economics.
(As in Milton Friedman)
That's what created this mess, the mess before this one
the mess before that one so on and so on etc....
It's proven again and again.

Watch the movie The Shock Doctrine .
After viewing it, the clouds of deceit will be cleared.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Privatisation does not work in this day and age because competition is a myth. The big guys, backed by unlimited resources, eat up the little guys on the block. Once that is allowed to happen, consumers are held hostage by a handful of competitors with the same prices. You keep arguing that policing is a freebie, but yet any tax payer can easily discredit your argument. Therefore, I question your motives for constantly posting such an easily proven lie.

In this system competition is a myth because the lobbyists use government to further their agenda! They have the government make legislation that prohibits you form being what you want to be, or starting your own business... This is why I say it wouldn't work without deregulation too... I may as well add the removal of government also.

In a free market scenario there will ALWAYS be someone willing to do things cheaper! Just look at the black market... I'm not saying the black market is good or perfect but you have to remember that the people within it are working under fear of arrest!

How much does it cost for a call out? Do you really think someone working at mcdonalds earns enough to cover that? My point is MOST people do not earn enough to pay for all the services they receive. My motives are that I want to be FREE, I want my children to grow up in a free society. I do not want them to be debt slaves! What on earth do you think my motives could be?

The single worse thing that a 'free society' could do is to place public policing in to the hands of private companies. If you've ever experienced a private bouncer at a nightclub, you would understand that a private police officer no longer works for the "public" but rather a private corporation. Private corporations set targets because they are profit driven entities. If you cannot see the huge red flag, I'm truly sorry.

Are you implying that we are in a free society now? Are you kidding me? In a free society there would be no other choice than to have policing in private hands because there would be no state! I've met some pretty good bouncers actually. Say a nightclub beat up all the clients, how long would that company last? lol...

Also have you seen how coppers act? my friend you are cherry picking here BIG time... Would you like me to show you a few videos of how the police act? Would you even watch them? I doubt it...

Look at the end of the day I just want a fair and just society, we do not have that now and we never will the whole time we are giving one group of people the monopoly on the use of force.
edit on 11-7-2012 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by sealing

No, it's VoidHawk who has this right. What you are saying is the basis of Friedman economics. (As in Milton Friedman) That's what created this mess, the mess before this one the mess before that one so on and so on etc.... It's proven again and again. Watch the movie The Shock Doctrine . After viewing it, the clouds of deceit will be cleared.

I'll watch the movie you have suggested, on one condition... You watch something that I suggest that is of equal length... Do we have a deal? I can guarantee you I have not been deceived...

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:00 PM

that link perfectly reflects how it would be like.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:12 PM
When in a police state,join the police.
That's what I'm doing. To change it from the inside of course.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Szarekh

Yep, that's going to work out grand! lol... Tell me if you wanted to stop a gang of pick pockets would you join them in the hope of being able to convince them to change their ways?

How about a nazi gang or motorcycle gang? What about a pedophile ring?

Now look your intentions are honorable, and I do not think you are the first one to try it. But it is impossible! If you go against the grain you will be kicked out! It's that simple.

Good luck to you though...

Oh one more thing, how do you feel about kicking peoples doors in because they are consuming particular substances? How do you feel about kidnapping them locking them up and then stealing their possessions?

What would you do if you got real friendly with some coppers, I mean like brothers, only to find out they are on the take? Would you grass up your brothers?

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:55 PM
Do we have to get a permit to protest this?

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