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Why I'm losing hope

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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:19 AM
I found a segment from the Thrive movie on YouTube a couple of days ago, about the suppression of some of the work of Nikola Tesla.

One of the comments attached to it, was this:-

The Laws of Thermodynamics are just another typical example of Jewish atheist oppression. They were never voted on, simply imposed by fiat by Big Molecule. Sadi Carnot was a shill for the reptilian crossdressing conspiracy.

When I tried to ask this individual why they felt such mockery was necessary, I received the following two responses.

Because I'm concerned about the future of humanity being dictated by Big Physics and Big Math. Sadi Carnot has been sighted in various locations attempting to oppress our freedoms and buying out all the aluminum foil so we won't have time to construct protective headgear against the socialist Darwinian extremists.

I was abused by the Satanic monetary system, which is controlled by reptilian shapeshifters in the guise of media leftists, which are collaboration with the far right zionist materialist Bilderberg establishment.

A consistent observation that I've had over the last ten years online, has been that whenever someone tries to suggest any form of solution, for any of society's problems, this is inevitably the result. Someone who claims to be more "rational," or "practical," or "mature," will respond, often with a barrage of pure hate masquerading as reason. You can literally suggest anything deviating from the status quo; it will get the same response.

If something, like free energy, obviously isn't going to work, and is known not to work, then I can understand someone simply making the response that it doesn't work. What I don't understand, however, is the degree of sarcasm, vitriol, mean-spiritedness, and obvious rage that goes into such responses.

I've seen it on this forum, as well. People don't want change. They really don't. They might say that they do, but try and suggest anything to them, and the one thing they will devote creativity to, is coming up with reasons why it won't work.

I'm really becoming more demotivated than I've ever been in my life, the last couple of weeks. It's really systemic, now. Yes, I'm still staying up all night, and sleeping all day, but now it is going further. I honestly don't want to go into the city here any more. I don't want to reinstall FreeBSD for the certification exam I was going to take at one point, or make some of the tutorial videos for Minecraft that I was planning to release to YouTube. I don't want to have any interaction with other human beings at all.


Because it's just going to get shat on by vindictive, relentless, narrow minded, hate filled people who think they're intelligent and mature for doing so, so what is the point?

I know this sounds like it's going purely into my issues, which will cause people to label it a rant; but I've seen the same thing among society at large. I'm finding that the real problem; the real impediment blocking our way forward as a species, isn't big corporations, or government.

It's the people who insist that the way we've always done things, are the way they have to be done, who are the real problem.

It's the people who insist aggressively that the government's account of 9/11 was true, and will use every trick in the book to have you silenced if you disagree with them, when nobody seems to know what their motivation is for doing that.

It's the people who insist that oil is the only form of energy generation that is possible, and whose motivation for said insistence, is not rationality, but hate and anger; and again, nobody can ever explain why these people do what they do, or what their real problem is. They just seem to need to silence others.

That's the real obstacle. It's not government. It's people all over the Internet, including on this forum, who insist that change and doing things in a different way, or a better way, simply is not possible; as though this was the best of all possible worlds, when everyone knows it isn't.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by petrus4

it was Nikola Tesla
Birthday Yesterday

it makes me sad
when I think about
how he was treated

and the way it ended
for him & us

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:27 AM
The only thing you can do is keep chugging along. Don't let it get to you. It's not easy, but it's necessary if you want to realize the change you desire.

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

--Bruce Lee
edit on 11-7-2012 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender
reply to post by petrus4

it was Nikola Tesla
Birthday Yesterday

it makes me sad
when I think about
how he was treated

and the way it ended
for him & us

Some of us remember him.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:38 AM
I agree with most of what you're saying, except for the whole 'losing hope'!

There are sooooooo many intelligent people addressing these issues. I hope my ideas speak for themselves, but I as well advocate for those who are also bringing forth solutions. There's no way that meritocracy will allow for anything that I've worked on, to be done in my name... which I could care less about. That's not going to stop me, and it shouldn't stop you.

Here are a couple examples from my previous posts just this morning!

Originally posted by FractalChaos13242017
Awesome images!!!

Thank you for providing them...

I don't know about the whole 'Illuminati' thing. I'm more interested in the geometry behind the scenes.

I'm planning on creating a design for a city that uses fractals and tiling, among other things... these are perfect for drawing inspiration from!!!

Ok, back to your conspiracies!

BTW, if you have no idea what I'm talking about:

Amazing website for inspiration!! People bitch and cry about the prospects of population control, well... I say, lets design our way out of this predicament!
edit on 11-7-2012 by FractalChaos13242017 because: additional statement

Which was in regards to a thread about Illuminati and symbolism found in Australia

I don't agree with just about any currently proposed means of helping address the real implications of our current population growth, infrastructures and consumption rates. Yet, this is a very serious matter, and not to be thought of as just an 'elitist agenda'. Once people understand this, we will be better for it and can allow for this issue to being put to rest.
That's all I really have to contribute for the ATS community, this horse has been beaten long after it was pronounced dead. It's impossible to have a real conversation about this on ATS, the distraction faction loves to interject with fear mongering rhetoric suggesting that 'Someone wants to kill them'... that gets so old!

The very people that you are speaking of, are the ones who have truly lost hope. Hope in themselves, and the power of the people.

Look, there will always be 'elitist'(for the foreseeable future), they have never won, there is no 'winning'... the 'end game' is NEVER the end. If people want to continue to try and put a face on the devil, let them... they will just drive themselves crazy trying to do so.

Just report facts, outline subjectivity, and admit that the answers may not be presently available... but we are amazing animals with the ability to truly innovate our way out of anything. As well, interaction among individuals and communities is what has lead to our intelligence, which I can back up...

I'm no shining star, but I aspire to be... as should you. This is the information age, and we need well informed people to break the mold of the old age as we emerge from the cusp between.(sounds like fantasy, but it's true)

All in all... tell the truth as you know it, for every problem... present a solution, or at least provide inspiration that is conducive towards optimism. It's that simple... well, that... and redirecting incentives. That will come naturally though.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by FractalChaos13242017
I'm no shining star, but I aspire to be... as should you. This is the information age, and we need well informed people to break the mold of the old age as we emerge from the cusp between.(sounds like fantasy, but it's true)

All in all... tell the truth as you know it, for every problem... present a solution, or at least provide inspiration that is conducive towards optimism. It's that simple... well, that... and redirecting incentives. That will come naturally though.

I'm glad there are still good people here. Sometimes I start to wonder. Watching that video about Tesla helped, too. I realised he never gave up, despite the degree to which he was ostracised.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Please don't loose hope. There are people out there who think and feel as you do. I believe the human species has forgotten how to dream and imagine. They fail to see the limitless potential they possess. The good news is everything changes. Yes it could very well change for the worse but maybe it is part of the cycle. Adversity and strife can bring out some good things. Even if things take a turn for the worse they won't stay that way forever. It all comes back round again.

Self imposed isolation is something I struggle with myself. Not all people are total crap. I know at times it is difficult to believe but it is true. It is easy to forget the world is amazing, anything is possible, and that there are good people out there. Sending good thoughts and well wishes your way.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Ladysophiaofsandoz
Self imposed isolation is something I struggle with myself. Not all people are total crap. I know at times it is difficult to believe but it is true. It is easy to forget the world is amazing, anything is possible, and that there are good people out there. Sending good thoughts and well wishes your way.

Thank you, Lady Sophia. Maybe we can use this thread as a means of encouraging each other.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by petrus4

I suggest researching greek gods, and philosophy... it has been an incredible source of inspiration for me.

Ya know, Nike and all that...

Drive that golden chariot into battle:

"Nike Athena: Alternatively [she stands] allegorically for the notion that even winning is completely dependent on thought; for thought contributes to victory, but being thoughtless and impetuous while fighting leads to defeat.

I'm just going to randomly toss this out there, but if there are any good resources for information about Logistics and Supply Chain Management, please PM me! Ok, back to the topic at hand!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 10:56 AM
I might be mistaken, but you sound like a young idealist... nothing wrong with that. But I think some time out in the wilderness might do you good.... maybe out west... say Montana or Wyoming. Maybe go hiking up on the Appalachian Trail and take a couple of lightweight paperbacks for reading.

There are some old axioms that are universal truths... you don't want to believe them when your young. But eventually you find out they are true. One of them is this...

"Ain't nothin' free..."

You are only one person... the rest of the world does not think like you... here is another truth...

"Make your own reality."

Find out what makes you happyy, live the way you want to live, and maybe someone somewhere will find you and be inspired by you to live likewise.

Anytime you have the input of more than one person, there is going to be conflict of one sort or level or another... always. Sure, there are other ways of doing things... but some folks like doing them the old way or the simple way or the complex way or the easiest way.

I am an agrarian.. a farmer. Even with all the technology of tractors and GPS and being able to pinpoint how much nitrogen goes on which acre... there are those that still like plowing with mules or draft horses and planting by the moon phases. Even with Microwave Ovens and cuilinary gourmet cookware... my best meals are cooked in a cast iron frying pan and I cook some darn good fried chicken, too.

Don't give up hope... If you have a better way... someone will catch on and it will grow, but that comes with time... and even some good financing... and sometimes politicing or butt kissin'...

Loosin' up and live a little...

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Earlier this year, I moved out to the country, started farming raspberries and ginseng... needless to say, everything you have said is true!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Perhaps you or me may lose hope, but do remember we live in a world of 7 billion people growing. We are growing closer literally, as we migrant and expand humanity. Like Sarah Paulin said ' I can see Russia from here ( Alaska)'.

There are many more who have not and will not lose hope, not just for themselves, but for the innocent next generations and more yet to come.

As we MUST share the world, then it is only right and the only way for us to find common grounds to co-exist. And such commanalilties do exists. They are peace, love, truth, justice, equality, shared prosperity, responsible freedom and progress. It transcends beyond our differences, any and every mainstream religion on Earth, which is actually what religion had been preaching all along - civilisation, except corrupted by the greedy and the ignorant.

If you and me are wrong in our beliefs, supporting hatred, hurt and harm to our fellow humans, then it is up to you and me to change our worldview and ourselves, not just for our own sake, but others who share our world. Change begins with you and me.

You and I may be wrong, unable to accept the changes for progress and evolution for mankind, and lose hope - a hope that is only a self centred delusion against the avalanche of changes that are the only constant in life, and for better as mankind gets better educated, and find better ways to overcome obstacles instead of old, unworkable and even dangerous dogmas.

You and I have free will. We can step aside. No one will force us, for political tyranny will be ended soon. And to give up, lose hope, and live life in misery.

If that's what you want, then it's your choice. I'll take a breather, and then join back into the fray to help make that change for evolution. Alone I am nothing and have no power. But when I join with others who shares the common human aims in life, we will be a force and catalyst for progress and evolution, even if we may not benefit from this struggle, but the innocent next generations will.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:27 PM
With your hatred of atheists and claims of atheists controlling science, you are no different than that person is.

You can make all the claims you want to, you can make all the argumentation and maybe be able to fool some of the other people, but you hate atheists just as much as they do, so I really see no difference.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:01 PM

A consistent observation that I've had over the last ten years online, has been that whenever someone tries to suggest any form of solution, for any of society's problems, this is inevitably the result. Someone who claims to be more "rational," or "practical," or "mature," will respond, often with a barrage of pure hate masquerading as reason. You can literally suggest anything deviating from the status quo; it will get the same response

I've seen it on this forum, as well. People don't want change. They really don't. They might say that they do, but try and suggest anything to them, and the one thing they will devote creativity to, is coming up with reasons why it won't work.

Why are others wrong if they don't want the change that you desire? What if the change that YOU desire is not beneficial ? Let me provide an example: many pagan teachings indoctrinate their adherents that man is nothing but a parasite on the back of their "mother", and thereby fully support the elimination of billions of humans. I would never support that "change" - ever. But to them, I'm a fundamentalist Christian who is just in their way because I deem their desires as nothing but cold-blooded murder wrapped up in demonic doctrines. Others insist that morality MUST change as we 'evolve', yet I fully disagree that the availability of a flat-screen tele, mobile phone and surgical lasers has anything to do with "changing" morality. I am not arguing that these are the changes that you desire - just trying to point out the fallacy of your reasoning. Mankind is varied - culturally and morally - and it is the artificial multiculturalism that is forcing many of these clashes that you are seeing. Different groups of people want different things. Face it - not everyone wants the changes that you desire, nor do most value what you may value, nor do most consider your changes beneficial or good......

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:22 PM
Okay, I'm not sure how long you've been in the CT world. I'm about to be 30 in a few months, and have been in it pretty much all throughout my 20's. I struggle with the same as you. Trying to realize the ideal in reality.

Ultimately, there is only one reality, so when people say that it can't be done, they're kind of correct. We're collectively playing our part in the current reality. If it could be done, it would.

This is, however, a defeatist attitude and only partially true. Just because things have only been done one way, doesn't mean it always will be. Pretty sure that's called normalcy bias.

So putting this all together, neither is ultimately correct. As is, this is reality, and we've collectively chosen not to think outside of socially/politically accepted realities. At the same time, if people did "wake up" to what may be, then we could have a wondrous world in no time flat.

This is ultimately human nature at play. The majority are "sensors" from an MBTI standpoint. Roughly 80%..only ~20% show up as intuitive. We each play our part. If you have too many idealistic dreamers, then the day to day tasks and a stable foundation of society can't be had. Too many realistic day to day people, and innovation is stifled.

For the most part, nature provides what is needed. How else could it be
Imbalance the equation for too long, and a major break will occur. Perhaps that's what's about to happen (relatively soon). If so, so what?? It would obviously be needed.

I think the best you can do is pick and choose your battles wisely. Neither I, nor you can change the world alone. A man alone is incapable of genius. Genius is more about the ability of the collective to accept and realize the exceptional feats of the individual. So all we can do is gather what we believe is ideal, and apply as can be.

Human nature is as such, that we see ourselves either making or breaking in, when things are about to be utterly lost in oblivion. Why would anyone expect it to be different this time around? Actually, the difference I see is but the same with all collapses of civilization. Too many problems, too little time to solve them. Perhaps we won't be able to innovate our way out of this cycle, but it's okay. We will make it overall. Some will survive pretty much no matter what. They will be the most fit, and the cycle repeats. What of it? If this isn't the case...if we all die, goes on elsewhere!

Basically, the problem is spiritual more than anything. You are losing "hope" or "faith" in the species. It means, at a deeper level, you are losing hope with your ability to cope with this stage of a great cycle. So be it. I have faith that you will come out of this in time, upon deep reflection, and choose to focus on what you can tackle within your abilities. Remember, it's not on anyone's shoulders to solve all the problems in the world. We got 7billion plus minds doing their own thing, helping and screwing up as they see fit, consciously or not.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
With your hatred of atheists and claims of atheists controlling science, you are no different than that person is.

You can make all the claims you want to, you can make all the argumentation and maybe be able to fool some of the other people, but you hate atheists just as much as they do, so I really see no difference.

I understand, ESC. You think I'm morally degenerate and basically a worthless human being, and you've decided that you have a moral responsibility to try and shut me down whenever I say anything. I've noticed that that is the pattern. Any thread that I make, you show up, just to make sure that I remember that I'm worthless.

Let's say hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that you're right, and I am complete scum. Do you really think that this vendetta of yours makes you all that morally superior?

As another point; be aware that your behaviour is beginning to border on stalking. I remind you that that is a reportable offense.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Okay, I'm not sure how long you've been in the CT world. I'm about to be 30 in a few months, and have been in it pretty much all throughout my 20's. I struggle with the same as you. Trying to realize the ideal in reality.

I don't necessarily want Utopia. A world, however, that isn't quite so completely designed, built, and ruled by the psychopaths, of the psychopaths, and for the psychopaths, might be nice. I've realised that the only real difference between Barrack Obama and Charles Manson, is that Obama has better social skills, and a different circle of friends.

This is ultimately human nature at play. The majority are "sensors" from an MBTI standpoint. Roughly 80%..only ~20% show up as intuitive. We each play our part. If you have too many idealistic dreamers, then the day to day tasks and a stable foundation of society can't be had. Too many realistic day to day people, and innovation is stifled.

The latter is what we've got right now. The suits have inherited the Earth. Besides which, if there's one thing that the suits have taught me, it's that "realism," isn't.

I think the best you can do is pick and choose your battles wisely. Neither I, nor you can change the world alone. A man alone is incapable of genius. Genius is more about the ability of the collective to accept and realize the exceptional feats of the individual. So all we can do is gather what we believe is ideal, and apply as can be.

I'm actually starting to think that the push towards collectivism is a big part of the problem, to be honest. I think a big part of this, is the idea that a lot of us have developed, is that individuality automatically and inherently means not caring about the environment or anyone else, and just being an asshole in general terms. Gordon Gecko was one (negative) template for individuality, but he was far from the only one, and I'm getting a little tired of the repetitive, Marxist idea that not following the herd means being like Gecko by default.

"If not this:-"

"Then this:-"

It's far too binary.

Basically, the problem is spiritual more than anything. You are losing "hope" or "faith" in the species. It means, at a deeper level, you are losing hope with your ability to cope with this stage of a great cycle. So be it. I have faith that you will come out of this in time, upon deep reflection, and choose to focus on what you can tackle within your abilities.

I was pretty much thinking this very thing earlier tonight.

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