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Getting Back To The Good

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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:20 AM
I recently took a break from all things electronic and found myself getting back to all that is good in life. I must say that I don't do it often enough by far, but when I do I always have the best time I've had in a while.

This most recent break my husband and I took our two year old grandbaby up into the national forest, a spot we love where we also took our children from the time they were babies. Heck, they go there themselves now that they are adults. We had the most fun ever!

In our day to day lives we are clouded by the insistent beeping of our electronic devices and bombarded by ever worsening bad news of politics, war, crime and natural disasters. Sometimes we get so caught up in all of it that we forget the simplest most wonderful pleasures that life can bring.

As we all painted each other with mud from the creek all thoughts of sorrow in the world magically disappeared. Holding my grandbaby's hand as we chased a floating leaf down the creek made me forget all about the current political climate and looming mid-eastern wars. Sending a Barbie doll down the waterfall made all thoughts of electronic devices and news programs completely fade away. While dangling our toes in the water watching the minnows gather around them I had not one thought of any impending doomsday scenarios. As we made a pile of multi-colored rocks we collected from the stream I had no thought of "Obamacare" or "zombie outbreaks". I didn't care about any of the things that come along to fog my brain every day.

I guess the point is that sometimes we all get too caught up in the drama of every day living and it's fog of electronic haze. I think that if we don't step back and put all of it completely from our minds every once in a while all we are doing is causing ourselves unnecessary suffering. Little children don't think about all of that stuff and look at how well they sleep at night. I'm sleeping better now too, dreaming of mud painting and sending Barbie down the waterfall.

Just give it a go- it doesn't hurt to be a little kid again every once in a while!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:24 AM
I smiled as I read this.

True words. Living in nature is what its all about for me. I am blessed to live where I do, and not in a concrete jungle.

I hope you can experience this wholesome experience again soon.


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Again is never soon enough my friend! Looking forward to the day we go and just never come back!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:41 AM

Little children don't think about all of that stuff and look at how well they sleep at night. I'm sleeping better now too, dreaming of mud painting and sending Barbie down the waterfall.

Just give it a go- it doesn't hurt to be a little kid again every once in a while!

That whole post was good, but that was what summed it up for me.

Thank you for that. I'm sure you're going to be making a lot of peoples' day with that.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Thanks! I just hope that maybe some who read this will take the cue and go out and be kids for the day themselves! Imagine how much better it would be if everybody did!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:55 PM
Living amongst the stress creating situations of daily life with their negative influence does make a person ornery. I wouldn't know so much compared to those who deal with worse but nature has its healing benefits. It is good to just enjoy the beauties of nature instead of defending ourselves against the bad for too long. Almost like restoring your positivity and getting a new perspective. It makes me wish I could travel more and see the amazing wonders nature has. Seeing a business full of stress daily in this summer time doesn't help restore that determination to live on.

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