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Food Prices about to sky rocket, be prepared.

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posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by pasiphae

You should see what they are selling for hay around here. Looks like bales of last years straw instead of fescue. It's $5.50 a bale too. Thank God I've got plenty of green pasture for my goats...but I do need hay too.

I fear for all our futures.


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:06 PM

We've had an only slightly warmer than normal summer so far, but my squash has been DYING in the sunlight. They are planted on the same strip they've always been, and I've never had this problem.
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Emphasis mine.

Maybe that's the problem? Aren't you supposed to switch up the crop and not keep using the same spots for same items year in and year out because they leech the nutrients from the soil?

Too much, too little water?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:08 PM
Yah, bunch of bullcrap...

As long as big ag sees money to roll in there will be no
food shortages..

Stop with the alex jones montrage.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by tw0330

This may be an area we all need to check out.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by tw0330

This may be an area we all need to check out.

Radiation hits you as any lethal level YOUR DEAD

that site will not do a damn thing to help you and your ilk

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
We have chickens here at the house but they are free range and were able to dig down in the dirt in the shady woods and they just laid there - it was scary to watch. We'd hose them down and normally they don't like water but they didn't care. We left out the corn and made sure they had a lot of cool water.

But we know someone with a commercial chicken house and he was losing 40 chickens a day and he was very upset.

Ummm... how many does this "commercial" farmer lose on a normal day? I was under the impression commercial farmers stack chickens so much on top of each other, so filled of antibiotics and steroids that they lose many a day but the bottom line says it's worth it.

This is an eye-opening movie for anyone who hasn't seen it:Food, INC

If they weren't stacked on top of each other or had a cooled barn, say fans, maybe AC!?

Or is that too good for the chickens?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by mrballistic
Yah, bunch of bullcrap...

As long as big ag sees money to roll in there will be no
food shortages..

Stop with the alex jones montrage.

You live in a city...don't you....


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by mrballistic

What are you mad about?? Radiation levels the Government does not want us to know about? This may be connected to the issue at hand.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by mrballistic
Yah, bunch of bullcrap...

As long as big ag sees money to roll in there will be no
food shortages..

Stop with the alex jones montrage.

You live in a city...don't you....


actually where i will i never have to worry about
food shootage..

Its all a lie there will be no food shortage

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by mrballistic

You are really full of it. Come tell that to all the farmers up in my area. You think Monsanto has cornered the market on rain.....

It takes water to grow massive amounts of crops to feed massive amounts of people.....


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
So now think about what you will do if your power goes out for a week, a month, three months.
Your freezer runs on electricity and wont stay cold forever.. Back up plans?
I hope so

Small Honda Generator big enough to run the freezers for an hour or two each day to keep them cold.
Enough gas stored to run it for approximately 8 months.

It was all part of the preps which was started 20 years ago.

I have been preaching for many years for people to prepare. I honestly fear it is too late now.

For those who prep: I wish you the best of luck in the coming months / years
For those who didn't: I am sorry that your lives are fixing to get very rough.

I truly feel bad for you all but I tried my best to help anyone who would listen.
edit on 10-7-2012 by mwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:31 PM
Well then america has needed a food shortage for a long
time get rid of all the idiots sucking off the government
the weak

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by mrballistic
Well then america has needed a food shortage for a long
time get rid of all the idiots sucking off the government
the weak

Why do I get the are one of those people....


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by tw0330

Originally posted by MentorsRiddle
Could this have anything to do with the jet stream suddenly changing?


Yes, chances are it does

Back in 2010 there were numerous threads predicting strange jet stream changes in the future due to all the oil that sank to the bottom of the gulf thanks to all the corexit. The corexit somehow messed up the gulf stream which in turn messed up the jet stream.

A little back testing seems to show these threads had merit, and that we are probably screwed.

ATS thread: Jet Stream problems! This Is My 3rd Thread On This Subject! More Corroborative Evidence!

A paper on the possible affects link

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:15 PM
More info on the causes...
Last years vid on the coming shortage:
Food Shortage "It's Time To Store Food And Water"

However, oil prices may not be the issue at the moment, comparative to video numbers,see here.
edit on 10-7-2012 by dreamingawake because: correction

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by tw0330
Just to help others understand the scope of the situation, could each person who has noticed crop problems in their areas, or knows of farmers who are concerned in an areas post the state and area of the state that is effected.

In my case, All of central Indiana more so in the eastern part of the state, but all of the state is being effected

Well, I went to the beach a week and a half ago and again a couple days ago.
we went through North Carolina from Raleigh (mid state) to Emerald Isle (south east of state)..
The Corn was short (not ready at all) and was light brown to brown around the bases up to half way up.
All the corn I saw all the way to the beach looked like that. My grandpa used to grow corn and it always looked much better than this.

This would have been along highway 70..

I didn't think much of it because NC has it's droughts and heat, but seeing this thread and the info within makes me worried.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
Thanks for this OP

We've had an only slightly warmer than normal summer so far, but my squash has been DYING in the sunlight. They are planted on the same strip they've always been, and I've never had this problem.

The leaves on all my pumpkin plants, summer squash, cucumbers starter turning up, as if they were trying to shade themselves from the sun. It's hard to explain, but it looked unnatural. I brought a friend over who is an expert gardener, and he didn't think the sun was the problem. Within a week of his visit I started getting yellowing and obvious sunburn.

I have since bought a roll of screen material, the stuff they use in screen doors, and suspended it in a line above my squash. I used some bamboo poles I got for like $2 each for supports. It doesn't look that pretty, but it has made a huge difference and I can tell my plants are much happier. This might not be a good solution for huge gardens/farms, but if you have a smaller garden this has worked wonders for me.

My small garden tanked this year too! no matter what i did, most my plants didn't make it. I've got some stuff stored but not enough and not a variety. I just don't make enough $$ to get what I need on hand, but I'll make it I guess. I added screens as well but, while my plants aren't dying, they aren't really growing either.
It's a really weird growing season that's for sure!!

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:57 PM
What the hell?

So, you need rain for crops in a certain state, and you think it's time to warn us all about your speculation on the price of food?

Well, damn, if we paid attention to every "almost a threat, not yet" alarmist message anyone else put forth.

Sounds like a simple-minded scared person who is freaking out and "has to let everyone know."

We have enough reasons to be stockpiling food, so I believe the message is important, but it bothers me when a single person has a bad time or "prophesizes" doom for everyone "if something doesn't happen."

IF we do not all evacuate the US, one day Yellowstone will blow and kill millions of people. That's also true, it's just a matter of time. Hey, why don't you leave the US, just in case...

I thought this was a seriously valid source. It's just a scared guy with a "what if" scenario. I can't help your animals and crops, but geez, you are speculating on a nation scale that all prices will sky rocket based on a condition that you cannot predict (the weather). Gee thanks, I'll be sure to fully freak out so we can all panic before it's too late.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by daynight42

Have you even read the whole thread. There are people who are *farmers* reporting in from multiple places that things are not looking good, or growing in a normal way. Take your crappy putdown attitude and educate yourself.

I say that with all the kindness I could muster....


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by tw0330
I am not a farmer, but do have a large farming family. also my Father in Law raises cattle, goats, chickens, and pigs as a kind of hobby.

Anyways, This past weekend I was helping him with keeping the animals as cool as possible is the heat. every few hours we had to go out and refill/cool down the water buckets of the animals as well as water down the hogs so they didn't over heat. This was a constant thing all weekend, yet he doesn't have a lot of animals.

I own a small dairy (bovine and caprine) operation in Missouri and the lack of rainfall here will hit everything soon enough.

Hay isn't growing and since I'm all certified organic I can't pull a fast one with some fertilizers to help maintain the little ground water from dew. Like my non-organic neighbors. My normal profit margin is 7-10%. Right now I am afraid I might have to take a loss for the first time since year one. Took a loss in year one made a lot of mistakes.

I know that hay prices are already taking off and will only get worse the if I wait to bid on an order...perhaps I can sell it if I have to later but I went ahead and paid for half of what I think I'll need for the winter. This may be a hard winter if I have to pay for all my instead of being able to put up enough of my own.

All these costs have to result in higher prices I'll charge the tank operators who then raise prices to the product makers etc. who will pass it on to you at the grocery store.

I have two lakes and well water so I can pump all I need/want for misting the ladies. With misting and fanning though my electric bills are triple usual.

The crop farmers around me are already calling in their insurance markers for some plots as burnt and unproductive. My wife's pumpkins (a fire and forget type crop) are burnt out and probably unrecoverable at this point. Our personal 2 acre garden is doing fine but we have it misted and shaded... We'll have plenty to can.

I think food prices will be higher than usually this winter too. Stock up now if you can what other investment can you make that will yield 35%-50% profit in 6 months.

As for the ladies of course while clearly hot they plod on and make milk for all the heat bless their big dumb asses the production hasn't missed a beat. They spend most of the day in the barn though with the misters - this is entirely their choice though as they free range and come in for milking pretty much on their own with a few needing motivation. Calving season went well and after I got rid of all the bulls I still have 10 replacements’ I will keep to rotate in next year on the bovine side.

Caprines are much more adaptable and if I thought I could switch to an all caprine operation I would but the market demand in the US for goats milk (which is a wonderful treat if you've never tried it - please do) so I don't see that happening. They are browsers and love the brush around the farm they don't eat a lot of grass.

So as an albeit small dairyman's prospective there will be a 25% increase in end unit prices of all dairy products (milk, butter and cheese) at the stores by mid September once everyone has to pay for their hay bids.

Might go higher if the winter is long or harsh as people will bid low on numbers.

Which is why I went ahead and bought hay not sure if I'll even need it. I usually am self contained I grow what I need - I think I might not be able to do that this year. Anyway, even if I do I can sell off the hay I bought now at this price to another person later who under estimated his need and make a little profit for myself to offset some of my loss.

edit on 11/7/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

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