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Is the truth Liberal?

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posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:44 PM
I often watch both CNN and FoxNews, and they both show equal news and have biased reporters(but Fox has far more than CNN), but even when it's just headlines and I'm watching it, my conservative roommate will say something like, "oh that channel is the most liberal channel I know." No matter what news channel I'm watching(unless it's Fox). CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, Daily Show, every news channel but Fox is "liberal". So my question is: Is Fox News the only "unbiased channel" or is the truth just liberal?

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 04:50 PM
Interesting topic. Truth isn't liberal or conservative, truth just is. It is the perception of the person viewing the truth and adapting it to their own belief system that bias' it. Damn frustrating too, being on the outside, seeing things objectively and watching all this partisan bickering because they refuse the truth, will follow anything that appeals to their version of the truth. Both sides guilty.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:50 PM
NO Fox is right leaning but you will get a different view than ANY other network. Now that being the case, have you ever wondered why they have grown so fast? No.1 on cable?

Maybe they are telling the truth and the 'others' have an agenda?

Anyhow, when it gets down to getting the news, you can get most of it from all the big ones, you just have to look through the crap to get the real story.

Same for interent sites.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 07:56 PM
I for one don't believe truth is liberal, unless we are speaking in the strictest sense of the word with no political canotations. I think Fox is such a success because people swarm around controversy. I'm sure that there are many a democrat that watch Fox as is most evident from the presidential/vp polls. I think that many of Fox's shows, most notably O' Reilly creates a lot of controversy. We see people swarm to controversy everywhere, whether it be a "DEMS manipulated the ON-line polls after VP debate!" thread, O' Reilly, or Iraq. Are there more important problems going on in the world? I believe so, but what's more interesting than challenging those who don't agree with you?

[edit on 7-10-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 08:14 PM
I'm a D and I used to watch Fox news more than any other network.

I dont have cable so I cant watch it now

But Until maybe 2 or 3 years ago I didnt ever pay attention to politics. I started watching the news, Fox News, and I was amazed by politics... I think that and my US Government class in school, helped spark my interest. Interesting though, as much as I watch Fox news... I didnt turn out to be a republican. Maybe I'm not as much as a pushover as i once thought I was

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 01:11 AM
Everyone tends to listen a bit more to what they want to hear.
It is probably instinctual. It keeps one's moral up.

We think in abstract concepts. Reality is not tied to our abstract viewpoints. What we refer to as 'truth' is our subjective interpretations of reality.

Most of what we think and talk about are actually just shared concepts. Money, government, politics, economics, cars, etc.. It is like two computers that can communicate using the same protocols and similar software. What is amazing is how we all respond and react to totally mental things when, tangibly speaking, there is virtually nothing there.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 01:18 AM
Fox News leans to the right?
You have got to be kidding me! The guy who owns it is a registered republican, hiered a republican to clean house, which meant fired everyone that was a democrat/liberal, then hier known republicans like Hannity, Bill(He is a registered republican even though he says different) Brit Hume not only has a show he and his wife are executives of Fox News, and both republicans. Fox News doesn't lean to the right, it IS the right. Hell, the favorite guest? Diva of the Hysterical Right Ann Coulter. All know how I feel about her, if not, read Ann Coulter: Nut Case, if you can, in the mud pit.

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