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Our Lady in Anguera, Brazil, obviously speaks of Petrus Romanus

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posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:41 AM
the following is the latest translated message in English from the site of the seer Pedro Regis. This is not the only message where Our Lady speaks of a righteous man to come in the church and to contribute to the great victory of God, after a big tribulation there. If you want to inform yourselves more about the coming tribulation in the Church especially in Rome, please read the messages given in 2008.
3.671- Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 24, 2012
Dear children, do not be afraid. The projects which I initiated here are from God and in the hearts of men and women of faith, they will always be alive. God is in control of everything. Trust in Him who sees what is hidden and knows you by name. Do not be discouraged by your difficulties. I will always be at your side. After all the tribulation, the Lord will give you the grace of victory. God always wins, even when the eyes of men perceive defeat. After the cross, victory. Be encouraged and live my appeals. The seed which the Lord planted in your hearts will not die if you live as I direct you. Open your hearts meekly and everything will be victory in your lives. God will send a just man, and he will contribute to the definitive victory with the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I pass on to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 11:52 AM
I wonder if that is a reference to The Great Monarch?

The Great Catholic Monarch

In short, he will either be French or have be of French ancestry (lily is the symbol of Royal France, he will have a limp because of a wound or deformity of his left leg. He will be the supporter of the true Church and the Papacy. He will make war on Islam. He will be victorious in battle. His name will be Henri. He will die in Jerusalem. (The King of France and Navarre has as his title King of Jerusalem)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:10 PM
OK, but if it doesn't happen, you're buying us all ice cream!

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:22 PM
I tried going to the as well as a related site,
and the pages won't load.
That in it self makes me wonder why these are being blocked or having a DOS attack.
I'll try later.
I do feel as well, that we are in the end times. Those that follow The Holy Trinity, will have to carry their cross, as Our Lord Jesus Christ did. I don't know about you, but for several decades now, mine keeps getting heaver and heavier. Only by the Grace of G_D have I been able to persevere.
The number of hits, flags and stars will indicate that terror, sex, evil, or scandal, are more popular here than the message about the love of G_D.

edit on 10-7-2012 by Violater1 because: to include G_D's love

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by DaTroof
OK, but if it doesn't happen, you're buying us all ice cream!

WHOOT!! I'll take black walnut on a sugar cone

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by 2012newstart

Fail. Message comes from Semiramis. Miriam wouldn't say the word God, she was hebrew and would have used the word Elohim which means "Strong One" or YHWH. God/Gad is the semitic deity of Fortune, Nebo/Inanna the deity of Destiny spoken of in Isaiah 65.

Isaiah 65:11-12

11 “But as for you who forsake the Lord
and forget my holy mountain,
who spread a table for Fortune
and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny,
12 I will destine you for the sword,
and all of you will fall in the slaughter;
for I called but you did not answer,
I spoke but you did not listen.
You did evil in my sight
and chose what displeases me.”

In both books of the bible "gods" were always little idols of wood, stone or fired clay. This message came from something else and you believe it. For shame.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Hey! You forgot to tell us what kind of ice cream you wanted......

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by stupid girl
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Hey! You forgot to tell us what kind of ice cream you wanted......

Cookies and cream, only thing i care for. It's my kryptonite.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:08 AM
St. Francis of Assisi:

"when the Spirit has increased the number of such persons in various places, then it will send forth a wholly pure and saintly shepherd and leader, conforming to Christ."

Elizabeth Canori Mora:

"I will form a new apostolate and send the Holy Ghost to renew the world....I will provide my Church with a new pastor, who is learned, holy and full of My Spirit. With holy zeal he will reform My flock.”

Sister Bertina Bouquillon:

"A saint raised his arms to heaven, He appeases the wrath of God ascends to the throne of Peter."

Anna Maria Taigi:

"He is the holy pontiff chosen by God to withstand the storm." (he comes before the storm)

Sister Elena Aiello:
"His successor will GUIDE THE BOAT IN THE TEMPEST. But it will not delay the punishment of the wicked." (he comes before the tempest(which is the "storm") and before the divine punishment of the wicked which are the 3-days of darkness)

Rudolph Gekner (1675):
"A new pastor of the universal Church will come from the shore through a celestial prodigy and in simplicity of heart adorned with the doctrines of Jesus Christ."

Brother John Cleft of the Rock:
"“God will raise up a holy Pope over whom the angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will re- construct almost the entire world through his holiness and lead all to the true faith, and everywhere fear of God, virtue, and good morals will be(come) dominant. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold"


This pope arrives before the storm/tempest/punishment, which is the 3-days of darkness. he comes before the moment that it seems that "all is lost." He arrives during a time of violent conflicts in the world. And yet it is apparent from the Anna Maria Taigi prophecy that he is not firmly and solidly established in the Holy See until after those brutal 3-days:
Blessed Abbot Merlin Joachim of Fiore (d.1202):
"The power of this Pontiff's holiness will be so great as to be able to check the fury and impetuosity of threatening waves....Before, however, being FIRMLY AND SOLIDLY established in the Holy See, there will be innumerable wars and violent conflicts during which the sacred throne shall be shaken."

(???)Puntalangt: "A bishop he shall be when crowned and shall ascend, an ordinary(unordinary?) coming from the bottom....He who saves must be condemned, just as Christ his Master was condemned."(???)

Sister of the nativity:
"“I see in particular, two servants of the lord who will distinguish themselves in this glorious struggle and who by the grace of the Holy Ghost, will fill with ardent zeal the hearts of the illustrious assembly”"

Abbe Souffrant the Cure of Maumusson (1828):
-“Toward the end of the usurper's reign, the Pope will die and he will have for his successor a young Pope, and it will be under him that the restoration will take place”
-"Between the cries ‘Everything is lost’ and ‘Everything is saved,’ there will be scarcely any interval…”
-"At the moment one will believe all is lost, all will be won... Heaven will declare in the favour of France; she will return the victory, but this will be attributed to the Lord, and not to men. The thing will be so surprising that the most vulgar will call it a miracle. And the Restoration will take place…”

Sister Aiello:
"A humble chief pastor that guides the new nations: will be unfamiliar to everyone, but he shall be granted many graces and extraordinary gifts by the Holy Spirit" ("Un umile Pastore supremo guiderà i nuovi popoli: sarà a tutti sconosciuto, ma a Lui saranno concesse molte grazie e doni straordinari dallo SPIRITO SANTO)

Marie Julie Jahenny:
"It is I who will give you this pontiff. Pray for him that should see in his eyes a fierce revolution! Until death, his hand holds the cross and does not let go of it."(1878)


What does a saintly, holy Pope do in the midst of God's wrath and in attempt to convert the whole world before the arrival of the antichrist? A: He takes up the cross and gives away everything he has for the glory of God and for the suffering people. His comfort, his energy, his jacket, his pride, his food, his anger, his love, all given away freely or given up, at every turn. Leading the way by example. Living out the words Jesus preached in the Gospels. I think that very often (almost on a daily basis) he would go to places where people are suffering and in need of help. Working tirelessly throughout the day using his hands and his influence to soften the hardships of the people. During the day he gives his sweat, blood, and tears helping those in need.. At night he preaches the words of the Gospel that the people may be awakened, and offers more private sacrifices to God.

edit on 11-7-2012 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:19 AM
part b.

Even as he does this, maybe everywhere he goes, he encounters the rage and anger of unbelievers that come to persecute him.

Prophecy of Monaco Basilio of Kronstadt (St Petersburg, 1700):
"The bishop of Rome that bathes the earth with his blood, Heaven will entrust the task of bringing the church back to its origins. This will be the time to abandon the buildings for a return to humility, in the peace of the catacombs, to revive the church of the martyrs of the faith. The Salvation will come from a few, but holy. If love does not blossom (at that time), a second empire will fall, and Rome with it." ("al vescovo di Roma che bagnerà la terra con il suo sangue, il cielo affiderà il compito di riportare la chiesa alle origini. Sarà questo il momento di abbandonare i palazzi per ritornare nell'umiltà, nella pace delle catacombe, di rivivere la chiesa dei martiri della fede. La salvezza verrà da pochi, ma santi. Se non germoglierà l'amore, cadrà un secondo impero e con lui Roma")
-"When the bishop of Rome will take two names(when he becomes Pope??) an empire will be about to collapse: one of blasphemy. But it would be folly to exult with joy, because it is not the end but the beginning of sorrows." ("Quando il vescovo di Roma assumerà due nomi un impero sarà prossimo a crollare: quello della bestemmia. Ma sarebbe follia esultare di gioia, perché non sarà la fine ma l'inizio dei dolori")

Sister Elena Aiello: "Oh!, what grief to see the representative of Christ on earth hated, persecuted, outraged! He, who is the Spiritual Father of the people, the defender of the Faith and of GREATLY HATED. He, who personifies Christ on earth, DOING GOOD FOR ALL, becomes thus OUTRAGED WITH IMPUNITY!"

Marie Julie Jahanny:"This dear and worthy representative will have entered in a new alliance to sustain my holy Church to the strong of the storm. Pains, tortures, the contempt. He will receive it all...One will tell him: disown your faith, give us this liberty. But his faith will be firm and constant. It is I that will have given you this Pontiff."

Jahenny: "Never, never been so strong a storm against any other pontiff. He is already a martyr before undergoing martyrdom, he suffers before the hour has come."(1878)

Jahenny: "Until death, his hand holds the cross and does not let go of it."

Jahenny: "Pray for the Supreme Pontiff. Despite the rage of unbelievers, nevertheless, he will triumph. They will never have his life." January 9, 1874

La Salette: "The pope will be persecuted from all sides, they will shoot at him, they will want to put him to death, but no one will be able to do it, the Vicar of God will triumph again this time." (But at the end, he will freely give his life in sacrifice.)(after the time of peace, when antichrist begins)

In a vision of Mary speaking to this Pope (Jahenny): "‘My beloved Son, martyrdom of the Holy Church, prisoner of the Sacred Heart, rest yourself on Me so that I ease your pains...Dry your tears. For a long time you carry the Cross, but soon I will return you all your delighted rights, and your liberty…The Good Mother wipes the old man's tears with his coat ; under him She passes a branch of Lily then, with five gold leaves, while telling him: ‘(he) has your strength and your consolation.'”

Jahenny: "On high expectations of (taking) his life and, while not (yet) a martyr at the hands of barbarians, God will make (of) him a brilliant miracle...Never, never been so strong storm against any other pontiff. He is already a martyr before undergoing martyrdom, he suffered before the time has come. But he gives his person and the blood in his veins to all his torturers and for those who make attempt terribly on his life. How many exiles to suffer! " September 29, 1878

(Jahenny seems to have a small connection to the Neues Europa article with this prophecy: "The sea pours its foaming waves on Earth." Compared to Neus Europa: "and the waters of the oceans will be turned to steam, hurling their foam towards the sky")
edit on 11-7-2012 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:07 AM
Thank you for your replies! I don't think the cross enlarges with the messages, rather we get the help of Our Lady, as She recently said will help us out of the Trib.

At the time I saved the old messages, but I believe there is some site in Scribd or another place online that posted them too. Pedro Regis' site indeed has difficulties, but his new site goes well now.

Our Lady in Anguera warns not only the Church in Rome, but everyone. She has quite amazing messages of planetary changes coming our way, such as change of axis (polar shift), crustal displacement, and much more.

Here are parts of messages from January 2008 regarding Rome and the Church. They continue throughout 2008. How is possible the Church leaders not to pay attention to the dire warnings from Heaven! Perhaps some do however.


"Small and great cities will no longer exist. Those who are against Christ will march with their army and come to a great city. The throne of Peter will tremble.

when the snake from the east heads for Rome, the moment of agony for the church has come. It will fell great pillars of the church with its tail.

Because of the faults of bad pastors, the church will live moments of great affliction; it will be weakened because of great scandals and heresies.

a war will explode on Rome and there will be few survivors. He who is against Christ will bring suffering and sorrow to all Europe. The throne of Peter will be empty. Tears of pain and weeping of lamentations will be seen in the Church.

when the throne falls and it is no longer possible for the king to remain, there will be a great contempt for dogmas, and few will remain firm in the faith.

the church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. Many consecrated persons will live the anguish of one condemned. The blood of many consecrated persons will flow in the streets and plazas like water from the rain. The church will suffer great attacks.

because of him who needs a miracle, there will be great sufferings for the church. He who is against Christ will gain an ally and together they will cause grave conflicts in the church of My Jesus.

the church is heading towards Calvary. Now is the time of the great trials for the church. Within the church are those who will open the doors so assassins and slaughterers may enter.

The day will come when His Church will be betrayed by one of those chosen to defend it. The enemy will have great strength because of the support of many consecrated persons. Behold the time of the great spiritual battle for the church. Know that despite the damage the opposition will cause, the church will never be overcome. The church will remain alive and strong in the hearts of the faithful. Pray. Fear not. This must happen, but in the end The Lord will be victorious.

The day will come when there will be no treasure for the church. It will be poor and weakened. Pray much. I am your Mom and I suffer for that which is coming to you. Because of the black relic of the long bearded men, there will be great suffering for My poor children. Humanity will tremble before the sorrowful events that must come. "
edit on 11-7-2012 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:42 AM
here you can read the very early messages of Our Lady to Pedro Regis
1987-1996. Notice that the apocalyptic sentences started appearing in the period after 2004-2005 and continue until today. Usually they are given in Bold in the original site.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:45 AM
29 July, 2006. Message 2713. (apocalyptic part)
Great sufferings for My poor children will come from water and fire. There willbe gaps in the magnetic field of the earth, and this will cause disequilibrium the life of humans and animals

3 May, 2007. Message 2832.
Humanity will carry a heavy cross. The earth will incline when the greatobject comesnearer. Time will be lost.

People will be confused by what The Lord will permit.

17 March, 2007. Message 2812
Humanity will be transformed and mankind will live happily. Everythingwill be different. Your joy will be grandiose. God will send His angels to direct you,and you will always go in towards the All-powerful. There will be no death nor sorrow.Humanity will be at peace. Jesus will reign and everybody will be happy.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:32 AM
It just starts happening before our eyes. Read today on
"The source of the display was not an explosion on the sun, but rather a fluctuation in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). On July 9th, the IMF near Earth tipped south, opening a crack in our planet's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in and ignited the lights. "

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:06 AM
I believe certain circles in the Vatican have a pretty full picture of what is really going on. Including of extraterrestrials who are in contact with them.
It is a shame we the God's people are left in dark, something worse ...(here I will skip it)
Enough of that secrecy, sirs (monsignors). We are the church, too! We need help, now! If it is from above (ET), good. If it is from earth source, good. To speculate with the 2000 old and Changed texts of the Gospel for own political and other profit is not the best way to go in 21st century. Or...the punishment will befall rather soon, in 2012.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Sister Bertina Bouquillon:

"A saint raised his arms to heaven, He appeases the wrath of God ascends to the throne of Peter."

I got news for Simon Peter, he wasn't the first Pope, Constantine was. Neither was Peter buried in Rome, his ossuary and bones were discovered wth his name carved into it (Simon bar Jonah) and Yeshua's name in his family tomb outside Bethany on the Mt. of Olives.

Just one more lie in 1700 years worth of roman catholic lies.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by 2012newstart
I believe certain circles in the Vatican have a pretty full picture of what is really going on. Including of extraterrestrials who are in contact with them.
It is a shame we the God's people are left in dark, something worse ...(here I will skip it)
Enough of that secrecy, sirs (monsignors). We are the church, too! We need help, now! If it is from above (ET), good. If it is from earth source, good. To speculate with the 2000 old and Changed texts of the Gospel for own political and other profit is not the best way to go in 21st century. Or...the punishment will befall rather soon, in 2012.

You mean the fallen angels the Pope consorts with? Oh sure, they are definately in contact with them. The Gospels were not changed. The bible matches the Dead Sea Scrolls, the only thing changed was they removed YHWH (HaShem) and replaced his tetragrammaton name with the all caps LORD and replaced Lord with Adonai (Master). That and Yeshua's name is not Jesus, there were no english speaking people back then. The grecians might have called him Ieshuo or Iesuos.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Phantomfire707

(Jahenny seems to have a small connection to the Neues Europa article with this prophecy: "The sea pours its foaming waves on Earth." Compared to Neus Europa: "and the waters of the oceans will be turned to steam, hurling their foam towards the sky")

If you google the prophecy in English it displays zero results.

You need to google it in Italian to find matches: "Il mare riverserà le sue onde spumose sulla Terra."

If you type only "riverserà le" at you get "shower down".

Jahenny: "the sea pours/showers down it's foaming waves on earth".


I'm not positive that "onde" should be translated precisely as "waves."

onda / ˈonda/
wave (anche fis.);
essere in balia delle -e to be at the mercy of the waves;
~ luminosa, sonora light, sound wave;
essere sulla stessa lunghezza d’~ di qcn. to be on the same wavelength as sb.
rad. telev. andare in ~ [film, pubblicità] to go on the air, to be broadcast;
essere in ~ to be on the air;
mandare in ~ to broadcast, to air [programma]
(di capelli) wave, ripple;
farsi le -e to have one’s hair waved, to ripple one’s hair
fig. (di rabbia, sdegno) surge, rush
edit on 13-7-2012 by Phantomfire707 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 02:17 PM
Neues Europa text of Fatima 3 is endorsed by cardinal Ottaviani and posted in Osservatore Romano by mgr Balducci in the interregnum JPI - JPII. It should be taken at utmost significance. However it is just a part of the secret unknown. The year in the prophecy is passed - it should have occured prior to 2000, but we are still not in the era of peace. Every next month could be the last one.

Russia seems to be converted to a big deal, if allowed 2 mln worshipers to venerate the Holy Belt of the Mother of God brought by Greek monks from Mts Athos monastery Vatopedi. he leaders were among the first worshipers.

Still, what would be the material tool for Russia to establish the era of peace, once converted? I have nothing better in mind than the use of peaceful extraterrestrial technology. By now we know for certain that USA, UK, France, and a couple others, most likely Brazil, India and China, Japan are contacted by different Et races. So is Russia.

Seems the Russian ET are Orion - Betelgeuse humanoids, who promise help in transition period, especially to Russia. They gave the free energy device a small cube. You can read here more:

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by 2012newstart

Fail. Message comes from Semiramis. Miriam wouldn't say the word God, she was hebrew and would have used the word Elohim which means "Strong One" or YHWH. God/Gad is the semitic deity of Fortune, Nebo/Inanna the deity of Destiny spoken of in Isaiah 65.

When did the English word "God" get created? 1610. King James was having money/power problems and created the new English word to try and climb out of the hole he was in. This is the 402nd Anniversary of the new English word, God. King James wanted everyone to pray to Gad, the old semitic deity of Fortune. When you pronounce the Hebrew word "Gad" it sounds like the new English word "God"....hence where it came from.

Worked for ole King James...and all Christians today. If there is a YHWH, he's going to be REALLY REALLY mad...and may explain why some think only 144,000 will be saved....the 144,000 who've been praying to YHWH.
edit on 15-7-2012 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

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