posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Dextraphite
I'm not sure. I'm no expert on the lore and unfortunately didn't keep the link to the description I read. I just remember being struck by a
certain similarity on the "intangible" nature of such beings. I'm no expert on shadow beings either. I first saw them along with my dad around the
house when my mom was having her first bout with mental problems. They were about the size of a cat, and fleeting little things. We didn't have a
cat at the time, just a dog, and if the dog ever sensed anything amiss he never gave any sign of it. It was just something my dad and I one day
discussed. I remember the preamble to the discussion going along the lines of "I know this is going to sound strange but have you been seeing blobs
scurrying around the house?" We eliminated all logical possiblities like a rat infestation and then settled upon blessing the house with salt and a
reading from the Bible and that got rid of the blobs for a long time. That was around 1989 or 1990.
I'd seen other strange things since I was a child. I used to see a white light being of some sort that would pass through the house and only I seemed
able to see it. I sensed it from my earliest memory of that house, about age two, to about age 6-8, I'm not really sure when I stopped seeing it.
It used to literally make shivers go down my spine and give me goosebumps even before I would see it. I used to see something that looked like the
ghost of my mom, who was alive and kicking and insisting it was not her. But an actual shadow being? No, I can't say I recall experiencing such a
thing prior to the end of the 80's.
Then I didn't experience them again until I moved into my current house and went through post partum hormonal chaos. The scariest one I ever saw was
a human sized one with bat type wings. I was changing my baby's diaper on a changing pad on the bed and out of the ceiling or through the ceiling
this thing just swooped down over us. I ducked and hunched over the baby then I screamed and ran a few paces nearly out of the room when I realized,
hey stupid, you left your kid in there with a giant bat or something. So I went back in and looked around, hurriedly finished up with the kid and
went with her to tell my husband who dismissed the whole event after checking the room for bats or anything that might have cast a shadow like what I
Around that time my cats were chasing a small one their size that used to run around the second floor. I'd go through the house blessings
periodically, they'd stay away, then eventually come back. I kind of expect now if i start noticing the little ones about, eventually the larger
human sized ones will appear and I will also start to get sleep paralysis dreams and partially awake to a roaring wind sound that some folks here on
ATS say can be a precursor to an OOBE. And I will see shadows actually kind of attached to me, like maybe they are trying to force an OOBE on me. I
just tell them bug off in the name of Jesus or threaten to sic Archangel Michael on them. I've got a warped sense of humor and part of me thinks all
this crap surely must be a figment of my imagination, but hey, the invocations and house blessings seem to work. So...go with what works.
I figure I may never know what the heck these things are...real interdimensional entities of some sort or a product of too much imagination,
indigestion, and Internet memes. I'm a practical person with a kid to raise and elders depending on me, so I can't afford to get too caught up in
this stuff. I just notice it and deal with it. If there seems to be a remedy, I'll apply it. It's kind of like a roach infestation, which I have
also dealt with in the past on my first house. Egads, I think I'd rather deal with shadow beings than ever go through battling roaches again.