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Time is going to "bounce" as we currently perceive it.

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posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Thanks for sharing,
will watch after work

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
the people who tricked those guys in the cave are total a-holes.

are you implying there are people manipulating our reality or are you saying that's just how reality is?

There are a lot of ways to look at it, and I'm not personally going to imply I know the true motives of anyone, even myself to be honest.

That said: If a being weren't ready to handle 3D, but could be *taught* about it via 2D projections and eventually eased into it, then the Plato's Cave situation is a painful but very effective means of learning and increasing the consciousness of someone. I personally think that's what we're doing... in a way we hypnotized ourselves and are sorta taking an "evolutionary" shortcut through "time" due to the way viewing the shadow affects our behavior.

For example: For 1 unit of movement in 2D, we'd actually move say 20, then 30, then 80, then 200, 1000, etc units... it'd create a kind of hyper "growth" and "overworked" nature to ourselves, but would allow us to go much farther than we naturally would. Kind of like a soldier on the battlefield who does a painful procedure in order to be able to overcome something and survive.

Or we very well might be trapped. Can't know till we somehow figure out how to stop watching the shadow.

edit on 2012/7/10 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

are you familiar with Terrence McKenna's Timewave Zero?

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
are you familiar with Terrence McKenna's Timewave Zero?


I think the idea from the OP concept is one possible way of providing a mechanical and measurable explanation of the effect seen where we experience "the same amount of change in less and less lengths of time". I tried to allude to it and the relationship for those who could see it, which you did!

Will reply to rest of thread in a little bit. Glad this has been an interesting concept to explore.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:40 AM
I enjoy visiting these type of threads looking for other peeps that are experiencing similar things to me.
I don't think this is the case here, as the OP and first few posts seem a bit technically oriented, and right now I am only really focused on personal experience.
I've a little experience in seeing energy forms and patterns directly, especially my wife

It certainly seems to be extra-3D, or at least, it's like a lay-over.
I'm convinced the multidimensional nature of reality is becoming easier to perceive.
It's a bit like I can tune my perception into different realities, like changing the TV channel.
Sometimes, when I'm really buzzing, I lose current 3D for a while and seem to bi-locate to other places, dimensions, worlds, or just simply some other 3D location. It's happened a handful of times only.
I probably sound like a crazy deluded soul, just hoping to find others that are having similar experiences to share with

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by bottleslingguy

Or a different way to reply is: "Yes and I think the Timewave may be a 2D representation of movement in 3D time-space".

In the same way that you can see the 1D data set line of:

... and visualize the 2D "curve" that it could be a small sample set from.
edit on 2012/7/11 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by RogerT3

Now whether I'm skipping steps, or cutting myself in the process, my quantum jumping to parallels of the "right now" has been a learning curve. I recall vividly pushing my choices on the here and now, and marveling at how often it worked. This, is a fun observation, Magick or Prayer doesn't actually work the way we thought, essentially we will ourselves into a Schrodinger's cat & Occam's razor, to land in a reality which justifies that it works in the most coincidental way possible. The less ripples we produce in the process, which do not intersect with another equal influence on the same object, the greater the chances of success.

Ever try to beat another in the roll of some dice? It's your will vs theirs in points of observation, and ability to manifest along the spiral of whose reality is stronger. We are all on an Etherical game-board, and most dominant will in the situation usually dictates an outcome between 2 or more. If there is no will to fight against in your choice to influence the now, randomness or Synchronicities ensue in high levels of probability, almost miraculously.

But individual outcomes will vary & grateful I am, God lets me do this. Or even have a "shadow" of a grasp of the subject matter.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I agree with the last comment thought is everything , the stronger the will the stronger the reality. I know that if i want something really really bad with all of my " heart" soul and thought , nothing can stop me only myself.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion
You aren't someone else's past or future, we are all one big "now"... that is constantly changing.

How can anything change if there's no past or future? It takes time for things to change.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Talking about dimension I thought it would be interesting stuff.

Here is a cube or hexahedron (3 dimensional solid):

Here is a Tesseract (4 dimensionsal object):

Does not it looking like a cube inside another cube and liked to it?


edit on 11-7-2012 by thruthseek3r because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
Talking about dimension I thought it would be interesting stuff.

Here is a cube or hexahedron (3 dimensional solid):

Does not it looking like a cube inside another cube and liked to it?

Indeed... so just like a sphere is made up of "infinite circles" that all share a common center and boundary, what does an infinite now that share a common center and boundary look like relative to our common "Single Now" which is akin to the Circle relative to a Sphere?
edit on 2012/7/11 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion
You aren't someone else's past or future, we are all one big "now"... that is constantly changing.

How can anything change if there's no past or future? It takes time for things to change.

Time is the measurement, or perception, of change. However regardless of any memory or record you may have of a past "configuration".... that configuration doesn't exist. At least not in the same way the configuration you are experiencing NOW exists.

The day you first walked doesn't "exist" anymore. All that exists is a collection of data that can be interpreted to be a confident memory of what the day you first walked was like (maybe, I don't know your family, heh). However that is not the actual day.

Similarly... even if you are certain that something is going to happen "tomorrow"... it won't actually HAPPEN until it is NOW. Until then it is still only a projection... a wish... a prediction... a prophecy... a possibility. Lot's of P's... hmmm.

Anyway... that's why the past and future don't actually exist, as they are both only projections from *now* based on information held *now*.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by matthewgraybeal
Now whether I'm skipping steps, or cutting myself in the process, my quantum jumping to parallels of the "right now" has been a learning curve. I recall vividly pushing my choices on the here and now, and marveling at how often it worked. This, is a fun observation, Magick or Prayer doesn't actually work the way we thought, essentially we will ourselves into a Schrodinger's cat & Occam's razor, to land in a reality which justifies that it works in the most coincidental way possible. The less ripples we produce in the process, which do not intersect with another equal influence on the same object, the greater the chances of success.

Ever try to beat another in the roll of some dice? It's your will vs theirs in points of observation, and ability to manifest along the spiral of whose reality is stronger. We are all on an Etherical game-board, and most dominant will in the situation usually dictates an outcome between 2 or more. If there is no will to fight against in your choice to influence the now, randomness or Synchronicities ensue in high levels of probability, almost miraculously.

But individual outcomes will vary & grateful I am, God lets me do this. Or even have a "shadow" of a grasp of the subject matter.

Originally posted by masputoquetu
I agree with the last comment thought is everything , the stronger the will the stronger the reality. I know that if i want something really really bad with all of my " heart" soul and thought , nothing can stop me only myself.

I've tried to get some in my social circle to contemplate the possibility that reality truly is made up of the total sum of our beliefs... literally.

So for example we all believe without a doubt that we can't defy gravity with our bodies. If the way the universe works is it is simply a feedback mechanism with absolutely no judgement or consideration for "truth" or "deception"... only "belief"... then we wouldn't be able to verify the opposite unless enough of us change our beliefs OR an isolated pocket of people secluded from common beliefs could protect their own beliefs and achieve effects others can't. Until then so long as the will of the majority says "no anti-gravity"... the universe does not provide the means for anti-gravity to those contained within that belief "well".

It would explain why some paranormal things seem common in groups of believers, but when in the presence of someone with a firm enough belief in their own belief that it is impossible... it's like an iron rod being hit by an already delicate ceramic. If the believers have even a *twinge* of doubt... which is almost certainly going to be true... the absolute conviction of the skeptic will win.

This would create an interesting dynamic and fight over beliefs and what minds are focusing on. What people consider possible and how and what they don't. It used to be stupid to think of talking to someone on the other side of the planet... now it's not even interesting to most people. It's always been possible... we're locked currently into only one way of believing it can be done.

Dunno, it's a difficult thing to express because it requires flipping everything around.
edit on 2012/7/11 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by RogerT3
I enjoy visiting these type of threads looking for other peeps that are experiencing similar things to me.
I don't think this is the case here, as the OP and first few posts seem a bit technically oriented, and right now I am only really focused on personal experience.
I've a little experience in seeing energy forms and patterns directly, especially my wife

It certainly seems to be extra-3D, or at least, it's like a lay-over.
I'm convinced the multidimensional nature of reality is becoming easier to perceive.
It's a bit like I can tune my perception into different realities, like changing the TV channel.
Sometimes, when I'm really buzzing, I lose current 3D for a while and seem to bi-locate to other places, dimensions, worlds, or just simply some other 3D location. It's happened a handful of times only.
I probably sound like a crazy deluded soul, just hoping to find others that are having similar experiences to share with

I don't think you're deluded.

At the end of the day all vision and hearing is are interpretations of waves of patterns reconstructed into a coherent image. So this means our minds are capable of taking ANY pattern and visualizing or auditorializing it. So consider the common way many people can tell if someone is angry. Well now consider if someone's mind were to have come up with a way to recognize such a facial pattern and "tint" that person's head red.

The benefit of this would be much more obvious understanding of what's going on around you and easier to interpret social situations. Almost like a super power. But all you are really doing is visualizing something differently than others do. You would never be able to show them... at best they might be able to learn how to do it themselves the same way people eventually learn how to "see" various optical illusions.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Starcrossd
Excellent thread! Thank you Ergo!
You explain it very well and your thread has helped me grasp some elusive straws I've been trying to snatch. Thank you.
I dreamed about torus shapes the other day- guess my subconcious has been puzzling through stuff-lol.

Glad it meant something to you! And yeah... it's uncanny the way we bring information to ourselves when we most need it.
This knocked out quite a few puzzles for me as well.

Originally posted by Kluute
Thanks for sharing,
will watch after work


Originally posted by Tadeusz
Drugs only distort the consciousness. A sober mind opens the door to the universe.

Drop the "only" and concede that many insights to truth (especially in mathematics) have been achieved through close observations of distortions... and I will agree with you.
edit on 2012/7/11 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Firethefed
I'm thinking about when for example: ... your spinning in a chair.. you pull your arms and legs in and
you spinn faster... your movment of mass towards center changes your rotation rate..

but think of it as a spiral.... a larger object has a larger slower spiral.... the more the mass of that
object moves to center... the faster and tighter the spiral gets... or does the speed change?

I think you're onto something there... especially in terms of how we perhaps should be trying to visualize what is happening to the 4D shape when a 3D body tightens up and starts spinning faster.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Trashleigh
Another thing that's been stated in the book The Law of One.
(Summary: Ra states that the planet is currently undergoing a transition from third density to fourth density, and because of the negative orientation of many on this planet, the transition is not going smoothly and the planet expresses this difficulty.)

So many things in this book are congruent with things that end up happening or being true. It's really a gift that more people should read.

The Law of One and Tao Te Ching were probably the two most potent things I've read that really got my journey into hyperspeed (while simultaneously being the most disruptive things to my journey ever, haha).

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion
reply to post by bottleslingguy

Or a different way to reply is: "Yes and I think the Timewave may be a 2D representation of movement in 3D time-space".

In the same way that you can see the 1D data set line of:

... and visualize the 2D "curve" that it could be a small sample set from.
edit on 2012/7/11 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

you said "2d representation of movement in 3d time-space" so fast forward the video to 7:45.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion
You aren't someone else's past or future, we are all one big "now"... that is constantly changing.

How can anything change if there's no past or future? It takes time for things to change.

Time is the measurement, or perception, of change. However regardless of any memory or record you may have of a past "configuration".... that configuration doesn't exist. At least not in the same way the configuration you are experiencing NOW exists.

The day you first walked doesn't "exist" anymore. All that exists is a collection of data that can be interpreted to be a confident memory of what the day you first walked was like (maybe, I don't know your family, heh). However that is not the actual day.

Similarly... even if you are certain that something is going to happen "tomorrow"... it won't actually HAPPEN until it is NOW. Until then it is still only a projection... a wish... a prediction... a prophecy... a possibility. Lot's of P's... hmmm.

Anyway... that's why the past and future don't actually exist, as they are both only projections from *now* based on information held *now*.

Fox and you are both correct, but for a second, imagine our cosom...with it's countless galaxies, is itself a paradoxicly infinit, yet conscious being of higher dimensions...who, much like us, has the ability to effect the quantum with willpower, and...who remembers everything within it's being...
Every tree that has fallen, or not fallen, or partially fallen, or struck with lightning...etc. in every dimension of the cosom that exists within the infinitum.

We are the consciousness foci offspring of this being...existing within this being...destined to be like this being...already are...and once were...and were not...

...patterns even so within the eye of the storm...

we ride the event horizon...surfing the waves of probability and destiny at the same time...

Wave Riders

Pulsing, vibrating, ebbing and flowing...
Spiraling, circling, interacting and growing...
Wave riders all, no matter the knowing...

Tactile, audio, visuals we're seeing...
Tasting the waves and smells they are bringing...
Wave riders shooting the curls they are dreaming...

In concert, in time, in rythm and rhym...
To the peak and the troph with patterns sublime...
Wave riders we're surfing, morphing with time...

From nothing to all, both outside and in...
creating the endless spiral and spin...
riding the waves yet to be...yet again...

It's all about the variety, friend...
Worlds without end...
Worlds without end...

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by ErgoTheConfusion

Well since our Universe has at least 10 or 11 dimensional states...and Human Perception is not 2D possible nor is it 3D possible as these are not enough Dimensional States for even an ATOM to exist in....this spring optical effect has very little to do with any reality. Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

That's exactly the point. Our current perception of time isn't based on reality.

That's why it carries the Plato's Cave aspect (the projection/shadow isn't "real"). And why the title says "as we currently perceive it". Also, the 2D is only an analogy in the same way that 2D creatures are used in Flatland to demonstrate the transition to 3D.

The 2D in the example is our 3D, and the 3D in the example is our 4D. We have to use the thought experiment to be able to project upwards.

Otherwise we wind up being like the Sphere in Flatland who when asked "Well if we can go from 2D to 3D, then surely we can go from 3D to 4D?" And the Sphere calls it ridiculous, as an obvious nudge to those who *still* don't get the point of the Flatland story.
edit on 2012/7/12 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

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