posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 09:32 PM
So, I am building some model rockets with my son. I had built some as a kid, mainly when I was a Civil Air Patrol Cadet (earned the Cadet Model
Rocketry badge, which was cool, looked kind of like the USAF Missile Badge, and worn in the same place). Built a few more when i worked at US Space
Anyways, just so happens science channel is showing episodes of the "Large Dangerous Rocket Ships" competition, and showing some of the various
rockets. Some of the highlites included a civilian rocket that has made it to space. Several that race to 10,000+ feet, a full size Patriot Missile
model that went to 7000 feet, some equipped with digital cameras' to film the launch, several that could go 1000 mph+ a 1/10 Saturn V model that is
probably 5 stories high, get the idea.
And then I had a funny thought. You have Iran and North Korea who, as national projects are still having trouble with even short and medium range
missiles....and yet we have people building the above in their garages. I know there is a differnece, with Iran and N.Korea trying to guide and
deliver a warhead over 1000s of miles. But still, just kind of a funny thought.