posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Unidentified_Objective
Nobody knows everything.
Most if not all abductions happen exactly as you say:
1) Attention seeking
2) Drugs
3) Mental Illness (waking-state dreams might also be a form of illness)
4) Etc...
But a few might not be. We really can't know why humans would be abducted. I mean, since we're talking about a higher level of civlization, the idea
that we know what they want is unreliable. Look at past societies. Ask somebody 2000 years ago what somebody would want in 2012. They'd be right if
they said food. But what if they thought that humans wouldn't need food anymore? Or air? What if they thought that humans would live in the kingdom of
god instead? And how would they know that humans want computers? And why would we still be learning things from birds 2000 years later? If we showed
somebody 2000 years ago one of our modern jet fighters, they'd think we have nothing to learn from birds. If we showed them modern power plants,
they'd wonder why we still yearn for more?
It's a dumb stupid game to play to say we know what they'd want. It's cocky too. I have confidence in science too, just like you, but we're not gods
and don't know everything. Period.
Reality rarely fits perfectly to what we think. So I'd steer clear of certainties.
I'm not giving the green light to the crazy stories in this world. I think most if not all of them are bunk and not true even though the people
telling them may think they're. Humanity has a lot of issues. We have a lot of fears and paranoia. We love to gossip and make fun of things. And we
exploit to make an extra dollar, even at the expense of truth or the health of another person. I still hold my highest confidence in science. It's
like old reliable. (But intuition is not abandoned, either.)
edit on 13-7-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)