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Abductees Are A Fraud

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by wingdflame

Isnt that what aliens do? Defy logical explanation? I thought, as the ancient alien theory goes, they came here, we were like wtf they must be gods (we already had the idea from religion based on stars and constellations)
I think the first part of zeitgeist deconstructs and explains religion perfectly after watching that there was no doubt in my mind. Seriously you dont need god to fall back on when something amazes you.
What if something happened that literally proved you wrong. (this happens all the time the fact your writing this post proves it)
If an alien came down and said, "i was here thousands of years ago, you thought i was god, i am not god there is no god WE know this" it wouldn be enough for you guys
The beauty of science is, its all about proving each other wrong (mainly proving yourself wrong therefore, learning)
How are you going to learn anything if your never wrong?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:45 AM
maybe the aliens didn't create us. Maybe God did. Maybe the term and concept of Alien is just another world for demon or jin. Maybe the aliens abducted the humans for there naffairiious nwo agenda.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by r2d246

Maybe but thats a big jump
I just find it funny how people hate admitting thyyre wrong, like religious people spend all theyre time defending theyre views. Everyday we are learning, surely that should shape our views

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Unidentified_Objective

Nobody knows everything.

Most if not all abductions happen exactly as you say:
1) Attention seeking
2) Drugs
3) Mental Illness (waking-state dreams might also be a form of illness)
4) Etc...

But a few might not be. We really can't know why humans would be abducted. I mean, since we're talking about a higher level of civlization, the idea that we know what they want is unreliable. Look at past societies. Ask somebody 2000 years ago what somebody would want in 2012. They'd be right if they said food. But what if they thought that humans wouldn't need food anymore? Or air? What if they thought that humans would live in the kingdom of god instead? And how would they know that humans want computers? And why would we still be learning things from birds 2000 years later? If we showed somebody 2000 years ago one of our modern jet fighters, they'd think we have nothing to learn from birds. If we showed them modern power plants, they'd wonder why we still yearn for more?

It's a dumb stupid game to play to say we know what they'd want. It's cocky too. I have confidence in science too, just like you, but we're not gods and don't know everything. Period.

Reality rarely fits perfectly to what we think. So I'd steer clear of certainties.

I'm not giving the green light to the crazy stories in this world. I think most if not all of them are bunk and not true even though the people telling them may think they're. Humanity has a lot of issues. We have a lot of fears and paranoia. We love to gossip and make fun of things. And we exploit to make an extra dollar, even at the expense of truth or the health of another person. I still hold my highest confidence in science. It's like old reliable. (But intuition is not abandoned, either.)
edit on 13-7-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Given the lack of physical evidence of any alien abduction occurring, the reasons "why" an abduction would occur is irrelevant.

The stories do make for some good reading, though.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Unidentified_Objective

=D new to the forums and already a winner. Thank you OP.

i share the same views on these nut jobs. however ATS is crawling with these "Abductees" and they will talk your ear off with their pointless storys that probably are an interpretation of being beaten when young, a bad shroom, midlife crisis you name it. ANYTHING but real.

However. i knew of an abduction story from both a Russian AND German source that i cannot seem to find anywhere anymore...

The story goes, a 9 or so year old boy gets abducted and returned with an implant behind his ear (inside the skull). A short time after that the boy starts to hear voices in his head. From specialist to specialist this boys mother went and finally ran out of ideas... a surgeon suggested they cut it out, but the boy refused without a thought. and after sometime the boy stopped complaining about the voices, and the mother settled down a little. ANYWAY... this boy went to his uncles farm for a weekend, and on the Saturday they went out flying in the uncles light plane, the uncles suffered a fatal heart attack and died in the plane. the boy landed the plane and when his mum, paramedics and emergency services arrived they wanted to know how on earth this little boy landed the plane... he answered the voices talked me through it...

story's like that keep me interested.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 08:08 PM
What most people don't understand is that Aliens have SOULS, and they can astral project. They can astral project, come to Earth and bring people soul out of their body to talk to them, or they can physically fly with machines like UFO.

Just because SOME are in spiritual form, does not mean all are, they are just more spiritually aware so they can do this type of stuff.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Wow. just wow. HOLY Jesus... what have YOU been smoking?! your not meant to mix shrooms with acid... WHAT THE HELL are you on about alien souls?! HOLY CRAP I'm yet to see a single bit of evidence that aliens EXIST... And this guy is filling me in on them having souls and people not understanding that! 0o I'm actually dumbfounded.

To the best of my knowledge this thread is about abductees being headcase people with nothing going in there lives... and you hit us with the Aliens have souls bombshell 0o...

YOUR avatar makes so much sense 0o.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Aarcadius
reply to post by arpgme

Wow. just wow. HOLY Jesus... what have YOU been smoking?! your not meant to mix shrooms with acid... WHAT THE HELL are you on about alien souls?! HOLY CRAP I'm yet to see a single bit of evidence that aliens EXIST... And this guy is filling me in on them having souls and people not understanding that! 0o I'm actually dumbfounded.

To the best of my knowledge this thread is about abductees being headcase people with nothing going in there lives... and you hit us with the Aliens have souls bombshell 0o...

YOUR avatar makes so much sense 0o.

Hey man, you and I don't know any more than the next man does.
We're only about 300 years into (modern) technology. Psychology was only invented about 100 years ago. The human eye can only perceive a small fraction of the light spectrum.

See what I'm getting at?

I'm not saying I believe the other poster, but I wouldn't doubt it either.

And if you can't comprehend the facts that ET does exist, then I feel for you. The Universe/(possible) Multiverse is simply too large. The question is "Have they visited?".

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